Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Snooping Around!


When I say "snooping", I'm not talking about getting into Christmas presents, though that's tempting! And, I by no means, care about my neighbors to snoop on their comings and goings. I'm from California, where tall cement walls make for a lot of privacy.  In Maryland, fences are generally four feet high, and everybody can look into your backyard. And, because our neighborhood has homes built fairly close to another, you can't help but notice when the neighbor's car moves!

Jeff and I enjoy the television show "The Last Frontier". We like the show, but also understand that, like most or all reality shows, the scenes we see are a little on the "rigged" side. You only see what the producers want you to see. 

And, because it's so easy to find out about somebody on the internet (where was Google when I was in high school and used an encyclopedia for research?), I wanted to know more about the Kilcher family. The family is a long way from being poor. The family's wealth is $2.4 MILLION, and they own 22 homes. Not too bad.

One of our favorite family member is Jane who married into the family. Her net work is $500,000, but combined with her husband, they have an income of $2 MILLION. We are allowed into the Kilcher lifestyle once a week and the show is entertaining.

In checking, Alaska has the largest number of tv series per capita, than any other state. And, I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps it's because the people in the lower 48 are fascinated with Alaska, and few will ever go there. Statistically, in years past, there have been around 2 MILLION tourists, and that number is growing.

Many, many years ago, on his way to visit Japan, he and his friend stopped in Alaska, before leaving to go to Japan.  Jeff has fond memories of that trip, and for many years kept his walking stick that he used to hike up to Mount Fuji. Jeff was at that time, obviously younger and in better shape than he is today. But, to be fair, I was once younger and also in better shape! As some of you already know, growing old is not for sissies!

Stacey and Benjamin are coming on Friday. Stacey and I will head off to the "salon" to receive necessary pampering! Pedicures are awesome, and I think should be done on a more regular basis. Since Benjamin will be here for the weekend, I need to make sure that his unwrapped presents are tucked away! Because I remember when I was a child, my parents allowed us kids, to poke around at the presents under the tree. I kept up that tradition, so the boys shook all their presents. And, it was no surprise when the boys began to pile up their presents! Jeff and I allowed all of this, and have many fond memories. As an adult, I shake and smell (perfume inside) each present. I still get a lot of enjoyment from opening presents. It's possible that we adults, never really get old enough to not enjoy Christmas.



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