Friday, November 23, 2018

Stuffed and Stuffing


Well, by now everyone has consumed their wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Some "progressive" dinners, have the women cook and the men clean. Um, that didn't happen yesterday. Shocker.

The flowers that I had ordered for Stacey's table, looked wonderful. I know that flowers die, but I doubt that there is a woman anywhere in the world, who doesn't like receiving them.

As usual, and, yesterday as well, every Thanksgiving dinner I've ever been too, has tables groaning under the weight of 'ol Tom and all the side dishes. Yesterday, was no exception. From the turkey to dessert, every dish was so good, that I had a hard time trying to eat as little as possible (trying to weigh less you remember?). When it came to pecan pie, I did have some of that, and every bite was so good. 

When it was time to go home, the kitchen buzzed with activity while containers were found, and dishes separated for each family. I knew that Jeff would want more gravy, which he made, than let's say potatoes (which I really love). My favorite carrot and pineapple dish was largely untouched. This is, okay by me. I love that dish, maybe because my Grandmother made it for every holiday. The dish has low calories, because it is made up of jello, pineapple and carrots. A good tasty thing to "nibble" on!

I gave Benjamin and Elly advent calendars: one is a bracelet on for Elly and a chocolate a day for Benjamin. His parents can thank me later!

For Wendy and Stacey, I have them each a package of "12 days of socks", which is/was a super cute gift. I also gave the ladies a glass angel for their rear window mirrors. Taped to each package was an appropriate Christmas ornament. Stacey: chicken; Wendy: squirrel; Elly a "fluffy" pink angel and Benjamin received a Minecraft figure. I think my little Thanksgiving gifts were well received.

We hung around for several hours after dinner was done. It wasn't late when we got home, but for some reason or another, both of us were tired. And, the dogs were as well.

Today, like every other Black Friday, I carefully go through all the ads, and there are scads of them, looking to see if there was anything I needed or wanted to buy. Nope - nothing. I always give Jeff the ads that have tools for sale, so that he can look things over as possible gifts for the boys.

I slept well, but was up really early. When I do this, I can get my coffee and bagel cooked, and I'm out of the way when Jeff comes down for breakfast for him and the girls. The girls will stay up there with him, because they know I'm not going to feed them.

Feeling sluggish today, for no particular reason. I've managed to watch, for the most part, two Hallmark movies. For lunch, we both had "tovers" (leftovers as most people call them) and likely when we get hungry for dinner, will probably either do more leftovers or the chicken soup that Jeff made today.

Since I'm still feeling sluggish, I think I'll step out on the front porch for a few minutes. The cold temperature should (I hope) wake me up. It's too early in the evening, to be yawning and napping!

Sometimes on Black Friday, Jeff and I will go to a store for a browse. We don't buy anything most of the time, and if we do end up buying something, we really have to need that item, before standing around in a very long line. In the past, I've seen people actually hugging a "soon to be sold" big ticket item - televisions and the like!  And, if said person is lucky enough to score and buy a large item, they then have to get that television, etc., inside their car.  Owning a truck comes in handy at a time like this. While trucks, for the most part, aren't considered sexy, it's a great feeling when you can just toss (gently) whatever you buy in the bed of the truck!

I realize that my blog is really over due, but I just can't get my heart started today.

Happy Shopping!



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