Friday, November 16, 2018

A New Day and New Weather!


Yesterday, was a mean day weather-wise. It's not that it snowed all that much, but after the snow, it started to rain, and rain, etc. The mere act of getting out of the car to go inside for my therapy appointment, got me all wet. With a few exceptions, like a shower, for instance, I don't like being wet. It's not like I'm made of sugar and will dissolve, although if I did, it would certainly jump start my weight loss! Just saying.

Today, the sky is crystal clear and blue. To be sure, it's still a bit on the cold side, but that certainly doesn't take away the beauty of the day.

I've made my Christmas list, and have checked it at least twice. My problem continues to be, that as soon as I think I'm done, I will unfortunately find something else for somebody. My yearly goal is to have all or the majority of presents bought. Wrapping I couldn't give two hoots about. A lot of boxes can be sealed with package tape! Not pretty for sure, but really effective.

Yesterday, while Jeff and I were out for an hour for my therapy appointment, and left Bella in the house. To be more on the safe side, I closed the basement door, so that if she took and/or ruined something, she wouldn't be able to drag said item outside. When we got home, fingers crossed, the only thing that was out of place, was one of my slippers. That slipper was just in front of the basement door and unharmed. We were both so proud of Bella. Now, I don't think that we're ready to leave Bella in the house for an extended period of time, but little by little, we can leave her in the house for more than an hour. This is progress people!

Today, I have an appointment with a bariatric (sp) nurse at Hopkins. I don't know or actually believe, that at my age, and with all the other things wrong with me, that I will be a likely candidate for surgery. Of course, I won't know if I don't try. Like my other surgery, you do lose weight, and then you start eating normal food and slowly the weight you lost, has found you again. Everybody, can look at the scales, and not panic with a one or two pound increase. Unfortunately, those few pounds soon creep up to 5 pounds, and on and on, until you have gained back all that weight and then some! And, that's where I am today.

In case you were wondering, and likely you weren't, but there are only 39 days until Christmas. Based on the number of boxes I'm stepping over, and the packages yet to arrive, I'm pretty sure my shopping is finished.

I've made an Excel spreadsheet (you're thinking of course she did), and under each person's name I put in what I ordered and whether it has arrived or not. Tell me I suffer from OCD, and you'd be right. Unlike other shoppers, I don't feel the need to rush around at the last minute, searching for just the right gifts. This may take away some of the joy (I don't even think that's the right word) and/or panic scouring the stores and websites during the next few weeks.


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