Thursday, November 15, 2018

First Snow


Well, let's begin with while it's snowing, it's not a shovel the driveway kind of snow. Of course, anybody out driving will unfortunately experience the dreaded salt and sand that is applied to the major highways. Those two things are pretty hard on the underside of a car. Oh, and it also makes your car look not so good. I feel sorry for people who own black cars, because the sand and salt they drive in, really shows up.  No worries here. Jeff and I both own white cars, which means our cars look "nicer" longer! 

We didn't have a lot of snow last year, so the girls aren't really familiar with all the odd white stuff sprinkling on their heads. While the snow isn't actually sticking very much on the roads, walking on the driveway or sidewalk could be a fall and/or stumble for me. I hate that feeling when you're falling, and all you can think of to say is "shit", here we go again.  

When Ada came yesterday, I told her not to bother with my office, which is piled up with boxes, gifts, and you name it. I'm basically the southern most Santa Claus. Or, is it spelled "Clause"? I wasn't sure so I checked with all the powers that be on the internet, and apparently Claus is the correct spelling. 

My actual "shopping" is about over. Well, I use the word "actual" loosely, because just when I think I'm done, or should be done, a new gift idea springs into my head. Good for recipients, not so good for the credit card! My theory, and heaven knows I need one, is that I buy numerous Christmas presents, and the rest of the year pretty much none. One way to look at the cost of the gifts is to take the total (which isn't all that small) and divide that number by 8 (the number of our family). When you do that, the cost per person, isn't all that much, or at least I think so. Jeff may feel differently about that. But as far as recipients so, he's included in the family count.

A quick look at the calendar shows me that Thanksgiving is next week. Where did November go? I think Jeff and I are bringing pecan pie, potatoes for those of who like them - like me for instance. Stuffing - not so much. I'm also going to bring a dish of corn and chilies that we had when we went out for our anniversary dinner. It was yummy for the tummy. I'm also planning on bringing another family favorite, which really doesn't have a name. It is made up of strawberries, nut and sour cream, but I feel, nope I know, that there are other ingredients, that I just can't remember. This remembering thing is no longer one of my best qualities. In fact, I would say that my short term memory, for lack of a better word "short". This involves me asking Jeff the same question over and over again, because I don't remember his answer. Frustrating for both of us, I can assure you. The doctor pretty much agrees with me, that it's unlikely at this point, for my short term memory to improve. So, it is, what it is. If it's broke, and you can't fix it, it stays broken!

Laundry today, and will start my shopping list for the items needed for Thanksgiving. Some people make pies for that special meal. We, on the other hand, already know that Costco makes a wonderful pecan pie, worthy of taking to a family dinner. Or come to think of it, any dinner!

I have a spreadsheet showing what I bought, and who it is for. I do this, simply because I don't want to give one person, let's say 5 gifts, and somebody else, 10. It's just what I do, and have done so all of my adult years.

If it's snowing where you are, I hope it's just enough to enjoy, but not so much that the physical work of shoveling is not involved.



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