Sunday, December 16, 2018

Still 68


 I have one more day before the calendar flips over and I am one year older! This is my last year in the "60s", so I'd better make the most of it.

I had my second eye surgery on Thursday, and all went well, other than being bored out of my mind, which isn't very hard to do!

With some trepidation, we left Bella in the house. We closed all the doors that we could, and we were hoping that the house would still be standing when we got home.  It was. She did find an old box of 4A Christmas cards, and there were several on the ground with bite marks. Apparently, they didn't taste too good, otherwise, I'm sure she would have actually eaten the cards. 

During my recovery, I'm supposed to lay (lie, or be in a horizontal position) down with my eyes open, and when sitting up, eyes closed. Okay, that last one is nearly impossible to do, unless you're sleeping. I'm one with the resting in the chair. My eye is very sensitive to light, so I'm walking around the house with the chunky/clunking pair of sunglasses I was given when I left the hospital.

My second post-op appointment is on Tuesday. I'm hoping that the cornea transplant is in the right position. It wasn't for my first surgery, and the doctor had to go in with a needle (eye numb, but very cool) into my eye and adjusted it's "attitude". 

I currently have so much on my plate, that I'm frankly overwhelmed with what to do next. There are presents to be boxed up and wrapped (and I hate wrapping), Christmas cards to be sent out to family and friends. I'm really behind on that last job. While I find something to blog about almost every day, when I have to put pen to paper, I suffer from a "brain cramp"! Do you write about the progress the "girls" have made? Or the boys' successes in their careers? I could write about Benjamin, since he's a subject that I never get tired of seeing, talking or writing about! Or, perhaps I should write about my new high protein diet, in which I'm making real progress.

Perhaps tomorrow, Jeff and I can go out in the afternoon or early evening, to have steak - yummy! Oh, and dessert as well.  I may be on a diet of sorts, but the occasional bite of something sweet is still a craving of mine! I find I'm not particularly hungry most of the day, I just want to chew on something - perhaps a stick from the yard would suffice!

It rained yesterday, actually it poured yesterday. Our backyard is now a river, and apparently not to Daisy's liking. It has rained again today, and based on how gloomy it is outside, might rain again.

I wish I could stay longer, but I definitely do need to put my rear in gear - even if it's only in reverse!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for all your all of your wishes. I hope that you'll have a wonderful holiday and best wishes to you in 2019.


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