Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Close The Blinds Saturday!


Weather forecast for today: hot.  So glad that the a/c units are working well.  The dogs do go outside, and I can tell because when they come inside, their coats are warm.  And, like their humans, are spending as much time indoors as possible.

When Jeff and I are watching television, we have two very thin fleece blankets that we usually put on our laps.  I know, I know - if the house wasn't so cold, we wouldn't need "blankies".  Apparently, the word blankie is not in the dictionary.  Oh well. I love making up new words, and for the most part, Jeff doesn't have any trouble understanding the words that I use.

Jeff's car is still at the dealer.  We hope that when we get the car back next week, that the intermittent problem that we're having with the top is fixed.

And, of course my car is at the body shop, but should be ready sometime next week. Driving the car home from the body shop, will be akin to getting back on the horse. I've stopped taking the extra pill that made me a bit loopy, which is a good thing.

I've been trying to walk with my rollator around the circle several times a day.  After I get dressed, I'll go outside and see if I should be "exercising" (by most people's standards, walking around in a circle a few times isn't really exercising). But, it's progress for me.

Our house faces west, so all the blinds and curtains are closed.  I know we need to try and keep out the heat, but with everything closed up, I begin to feel a bit claustrophobic.  

As I type on, you can tell, as well as I can, that I really don't have much to say today.  So, on that note, I'll hope you all have a good day.


Friday, June 29, 2018

The Loss of an "old" Friend


There's no need for a sympathy card, because the old friend in question is a bathrobe.  

Since I was a teenager, and that was way loooooooong ago, I have had a love affair with all things chenille.  We currently have a chenille bedspread, and up until the last few days, I had a chenille bathrobe. Actually, I still have that bathrobe, but it, like it's owner, is beginning to show signs of wear.  My body is, more or less, fixable, the bathrobe not so much.

I don't know when I originally purchased the robe, but I know for certain that I've had it since 2013. While I was hospitalized, my robe ended up in the laundry, don't ask me why.  Jeff went to extraordinary lengths to run by bathroom down.  He was successful.  Besides being chenille, it has snaps on the front, which I prefer over buttons or a zipper.

Once my new robe arrives, and I decided on a different color, I will take my old robe, and put it on the sofa for the dogs.

If you know me well, then you also know that I put some level of love on inanimate things.  My favorite perfume, lipstick, and body powder, just to name a few.  I guess you could say that my theory is - if it ain't broke, don't fix it! 

Unfortunately time marches on and manufacturers don't have the same devotion to their products as I do.  My perfume, Chloe, now considered old Chloe, since they no longer make that particular fragrance, has meant that I buy all bottles of old Chloe on Ebay.  I have a line of them in our spare room.  Some of the bottles have no tops, others only have a smidge left in the bottle.  Doesn't matter, if the price is right, I buy everything I can. What will happen to me when I can no longer find old Chloe?  I know I should be thinking about a replacement fragrance, but it seems like everything I've ever tried in a store, seems heavy and just not right for me.

My Mother had a devotion to Daniel Green slip on slippers.  She wouldn't consider wearing anything else.  The best we could do as a gift for her, when it came to slippers, was to buy the same style, just a different color! And, that my friends, was boring, at least to me, and way too predictable. 

So there you have it.  Letting go of something that I love, is difficult, but I will adjust.




Thursday, June 28, 2018

Shoes and Walking


Just by the subject of today's blog, I can already "see" my male follower's eyes roll back into their heads.  And, that's okay.  I'd write a more manly blog, if I knew anything about tools, cars, etc.  But, since I don't, the men will just have to bear with me.

There was a time, long ago, when I actually wore shoes.  That being said, I always wore shoes, but at that time, I wore going to work shoes, and going out to an event shoes.

When we lived in California, where the temperatures range from hot summer to warm winter.  Most people there can and do sometimes wear shorts and sandals year round.  Here, on the east coast, we actually do have real winters, and wearing sandals isn't an option, unless you're having a pedicure!

I used to wear straw flip flops with a velvet strap on the sides and between my big toe.  These types of "sandals: don't have a long life.  Generally, the piece of fabric between your toes, comes out and then, because they are so cheap, end up in the trash.  When we moved to Maryland, I couldn't remember what the name of that flip flop was. I had to make a substitution.  I could find flip flops of course, and own several pairs, but what I wanted was straw flip flops.  Enter Amazon, and I found the flip flops I wanted - hurrah.  I also found socks for wearing with the flip flops.  I ordered a pair of these.  I notice that in the summer time, even when it's warm/hot outside, and the a/c is keeping us cool inside, my toes invariably get cold.  Hence, the wearing of socks almost year round.

I doubt that the flip flops I bought are any better than the throw away kind I wore in California.  And, I'm okay with that.  So far this summer, I have stuck to my Birkenstock slides.  I think the reason I haven't worn any other kind of shoe, is my inability to always remain upright!  

So there you have it.  My shoe choice for summer. 

PImage result for picture of straw sandals



Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Sun's Gone Away Again!


Jeff hates it when I "organize".  I move things around in the pantry, and then he can't put his finger on the item he's looking for.  I, on the other hand, believe that all brown rice boxes should be with others of it's ilk (notice the use of the fancy word).

I did, in fact, tidy up the pantry.  Where there was chaos before, now that I have moved things around, the pantry is now organized chaos!  

I know that Jeff would like everything to remain where they are, right this very second.  However, this doesn't work for me.  I'm always striving, and not always successful, in finding the perfect spot for things.

The table beside my recliner, was full of stuff.  Books and magazines I wanted to read, my coffee cup, magnifying glass, notebook, pen, and other bits and pieces.  Since going to the book warehouse last week, I needed to find homes for all the books I bought.  I wondered what to do, and then I spied the small bookcase filled to the gills with DVDs. Thanks to premium television channels, we seldom, if ever, watch any of those movies.  I found a sturdy box, and filled it with DVDs, being careful to leave "our friend" Shrek DVDs alone.  Every time Benjamin comes to visit, he always asks me what I want to watch.  As part of our routine, I tell anything but Shrek, and of course, we always watch Shrek!  It's just what MomMom does!

Where was I?  Oh, now I remember, boxing up movies.  Once I had filled the box, there was room on the shelves for books. I also tidied up my table, and put things I need to use in a basket near my chair. The box of movies is heavy, but I'm pretty sure that I can get into the "formal" dining room.  That room, while it does have a very impressive table and buffet, once owned by Jeff's grand-parents, is no longer used as a dining room table. In that room, in one corner, but spilling over just a "tad" is part of Benjamin's toys, Jeff's aviation bag, as well as an assortment of other things, that are seldom needed.  So, the best way to describe that room is basically hodge-podge. My fear is, that if something is taken out of the room, then it doesn't always find it's way back!

And, when I run out of things to move around downstairs, I have two rooms upstairs, that seem to be (actually they are) dumping grounds for clothes, paperwork, and you name it.  But, you know the old saying, okay maybe it's not an old saying, out of sight, out of mind.

I'd love to stay and chat, but duty calls.



Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It's Just Tuesday


The most exciting thing about Tuesdays is that is garbage pick-up day.  Please don't swoon over knowing this, because I know you're feeling overwhelmed with what I am sharing!!

Because it's "relatively" cool, I will take my rollator and do a few loops around the circle.  I have weeds growing near the mailbox, and I would really like to pull them out.  But, getting down to the weeds level, is not a good idea for me.  At least the weeds are green.  Next time Jeff grabs up the Round Up, I'll have him put a few sprays on the weeds.

Yesterday, I made carrot and pineapple salad.  This has long been a favorite of mine for many years.  I remember the first time I made it oh back in 1968, for a family dinner.  I forgot to put in carrots!  At least my relatives were kind while they ate orange jello and pineapple.  I assure you that I never made that mistake again.

Just browsed through my "Southern Living" magazine.  Oh, so many beautiful 4th of July recipes inside.  I'll have to remember to take this issue with me to Scott's house on the 4th.  By then it will be too late to make one of this fabulous desserts, but there's always next year.

Also yesterday, I de-stemmed ( guess that's not really a word) grapes.  Once the grapes are all on their own then I rinse them off.  After that, into the fridge they go - a perfectly healthy go to snack.

Jeff is hard at work, because I can hear him talking on the telephone. We put two dog beds in his office, and the dogs stay upstairs with him most of the day.

Later this week, the temperatures will be high.  A good time to stay inside.  Our house is kept completely cool, but I put a towel in my recliner so that I don't "stick" to the leather.  In my car, I have a small sheepskin rug (I guess you could call it that) on the passenger seat.  

Stay cool where you are, and I'll do the same.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Outdoors on Sunday


Yesterday, Jeff, myself and the girls went out to Andrew's house to visit, have dinner and mow the "back 40"!  I know Jeff doesn't mind mowing, it's an enclosed, and I think even has air conditioning. (But, I could be wrong about the a/c).

Jeff wanted to get something out of my car, but when we arrived at the body shop, my car, along with other expensive or somewhat expensive cars, was in a locked area.

Before heading out to the country, we stopped at Costco, while Jeff went in and bought some we needed.  He also bought a large package of sparklers for the 4th.  They'll be a big hit with the children.

Once we arrived, the girls were all over them-selves to get out of the car.  Daisy is a bit easier to control, but Bella wants out of the car NOW!  Once the girls were safely in the backyard, then we could put the cold food we had bought at Costco in their freezer, and for me to get out and bring my "things" (Kindle, water, a book and a magnifying glass) inside.  You can see that I don't travel light.  Andrew and Stacey's friends came out for dinner.  While talking to Jen, she told me that she loves reading, and then I suggested that I could bring out books that I have read, and have Stacey give them to her.  And, vice-versa.  Once I've read a book, there's no need for me to keep it around, since I never read a book twice. I told Jen that after she has read one of my books, she is free to pass them on, donate or whatever.

We sat on the deck for dinner.  And, I have to tell you that I wish we could put a deck on our house too.  Problem is, that our house has more frontage and really a very small backyard.  So, any deck, or enclosed porch that we'd be able to have would have to be long and skinny!  But, I'd definitely like to be able to sit in a screened in something or other, drink my coffee and read a book.  What I wish, and what will actually happen are two completely different things.

After dinner, we headed to Frederick for Jeff's weekly shopping.  Jeff left the top down, and while we never have to worry about Daisy jumping around, I do hang onto Bella's leash.  Jeff stopped at McDonald's on the way home, for ice cream cones.  The cones are cheap and the ice cream is good.  Since Bella was half in the front seat, she was treated with a few licks, which she really liked - duh!  I would have shared with Daisy, but once she's curled up in the backseat, she doesn't ever move.

Time to close, and I hope you have a great day.



Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Again


Today is a very hot day.  You know the kind, where a/c in the house and car are definitely a must.  Most of the time, Jeff drives with the top down.  His exception is, when it's super hot, and Bella's in the backseat.  

I suspect that Jeff will go out to Andrew's house and do some mowing.  We've had so much rain, that the grass and weeds are jumping out of the ground.  He'll take Bella, because she likes to run and run and Andrew has a very large backyard.

Yesterday, Scott and Wendy came by for a quick visit.  I think, and I could be wrong (and I am a lot of the time), that they dropped Wendy's car off with our mechanic for maintenance. We've been going to Bill for at least 30 years.  And, if he tells you that you need something, then you NEED that something!

I sent Wendy our tried and true recipe for making ice cream.  But, when I wrote down the directions, I said add 4 cups.  What, I didn't write down was what ingredient made up those 4 cups.  I've fixed that now.

My mother always suffered from both real and not so real aliments.  As an adult, I didn't want to become her.  I didn't want to have some condition or other that I whined about.  But, in July, I am seeing several doctors for real issues. Having to go to several doctors, makes me sad.  I know the acorn doesn't fall very far from the tree.  And, I do not want to repeat history, but at the moment, I am.  My goal for this summer is to get a second opinion about my hip, have surgery on my right eye, and some needed dental work.  Ugh.  Not my idea of how to spend my days.  

Jeff is getting ready to leave, so I'm closing up, so that I can ride along.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Old Television Shows


It's summer time and most of our regularly watched shows have already or are in the process of wrapping up their season. And, that leaves me really browsing the TV Guide for shows that both Jeff and I will like.  There all kinds of cooking shows for me to watch, but Jeff doesn't care for them (shocker I know). Come to think of it, that's probably true for most of the men out there.

There is a channel "Ovation", which is an independent and digital media company.  I don't believe, and I could be wrong, that they don't have new shows to watch.  They have shows such as "Boston Legal", with a great cast: William Shatner, Candice Bergen and James Spader just to name a few.

When Boston Legal and/or The Practice were on regular television channels, Jeff and I enjoyed watching those shows immensely.  The recent episodes of Boston Legal were all watched by us when they originally aired.  But with age, there is sometimes a degree of forgetfulness.  Or, in my case, pretty much always forgetfulness.  Anyway, when there's nothing else much to watch, Jeff and I can either watch Swamp People (alligator hunters), the news (depressing) or be uplifted by the nuances brought to us by David Kelly.  For the moment, we're on the Boston Legal team.


Friday, June 22, 2018

So Many Books, So Little Time!


During my breakfast this morning, and I must confess for some after, I did some reading.  They should have a t-shirt that says "So Many Books, So Little Time".  Oh wait, they do have that kind of shirt - I just don't happen to own one.

The books remaining in the box that I filled earlier in the week, are all unfortunately not large print books.  But, each of the books seemed interesting enough for me to buy them anyway. Before I buy a book, electronic or otherwise, I have to read the first page or two.  If, during that minimal amount of time, the book's story doesn't grab me, I put it back.

The challenge this morning was, which book to take out of the box to read.  The books I picked out, are all, for the most part, what you would call ladies fiction.  You know the type, heroine, hero, and finally a happy ending.  For years I was all about reading crime books, filled with blood and gore.  That phase, thank goodness, is gone.

I can read books with a smaller font.  I just have to use a magnifying glass.  And, I have more than a few magnifying glasses.  So, I picked out a Nicholas Spark book to read this morning. The problem is, that once I get into a book, then everything that needs or should be done, literally flies out the window!  This is the same problem that I had as a teenager - just let me read just ONE more page - not!!

My body is sore today, but my brain is racing overtime, because I can't believe what happened to my car yesterday.  I know, it's just a car and Jeff tells me that what's done is done.  And, I know he's right, but I have a beautiful car, and now she's damaged.  I don't believe that once the car is fixed, that I'll just be able to get, and drive somewhere.  But, before I crashed my car, I went out and enjoyed my few outings.

We're having another gloomy Gus kind of day.  It looks like it might rain later, which causes both our grass as well as our WEEDS to grow!  Jeff has been using Round-Up around the fence line, but may have to do a second round.

Happy Friday everybody.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Shopping and My Car


Okay, let's start with the good stuff.  Yesterday, Stacey and I ventured to a book warehouse.  She, was there to get mostly education books for the upcoming school year.  And, I'm aware that this school year has just ended! Stacey and I took my rollator, so that I could walk as far as I was able, and then could plop by hinney on the seat.  Perfecto.

I, on the other hand, cruised the aisles looking for books for me, and also future gifts for Benjamin and Elly.  I'm a good "girl scout" and don't wait until the first of December and then think, oops Christmas is just around the corner.

One aisle had damaged books for sale. The price $2.00.  Bought Benjamin a book about building completed things from his Legos.  The original cost of the book was $30.00, so in my mind, that was a steal.  The binding on the top of the book has a bit of wear, but I'm sure Benjamin will never notice.

Then there was a "build a box" aisle.  The box was $24.00, and the theory was simple: just keep putting books in the box until it was full.  Because I had found books on that aisle, I split the cost of the box with Stacey.

While there were no large print books, I have found that if I use a regular book, and my very large magnifying glass, I seem to get along just fine. Sadly, from Jeff's point of view, I found a lot of books!  There are many things that I can no longer do or do well, like walking for instance.  Reading if my go to activity.  I can be somebody who is beautiful, I can go to a marvelous small town, or venture to other countries. By the way, when I'm reading, I'm always beautiful!

All of that was goodness.  Here's the bad.  I went to the dentist today and drove myself there.  After my appointment, I got into my car, seat belts on and started the car.  For reasons that I can't explain, when I put the car in reverse, it was like a demon had taken over.  I actually believe that the car actually "leaped" when I put the car in reverse, and that makes me sound like a nut.  It's possible that I was and am confused.  Perhaps I only think I had my foot on the brake the whole time. But, I do know that I did, at some point, apply the brakes, but the car just kept going. My car didn't stop until it hit the building. My right side mirror is/was hanging off the car, and my running board was hanging down, pretty much off the car.  The dentist, who saw me and the car going in reverse, and not stopping, came out along with his staff, to help me. Hysteria?  Oh, you bet, time to take a Xanax.  I just kept telling everybody that I did have my foot on the brake.  Why it wouldn't stop, I have no idea.  At least I didn't hit somebody and the damage to the building was minor. Good news, and believe me I need some, there was no damage to my body, except for jangled nerves.  I was so very scared in the moment, and even now, several hours later, can't seem to relax.

My car has been taken off to the body shop.  I used this body shop previously, when I damaged the right side of the car.  However, this incident today make me wonder if I should still be driving.  I'm a little young to be turning my driver's license in, but I know that when my car is finished, I'll be very hesitant to drive it home. It may be time to start using Metro Access to take me to my appointments.

I have apologized many times to Jeff about the car and my inability to stop. I now am afraid that I won't be able to get back "on the horse" again.

Basically, all the fun I had yesterday with Stacey has been pushed further back in my memory, because of my mishap today.  


Wednesday, June 20, 2018



During the course of our marriage, Jeff and I have owned several dogs.  Some dogs really stand out in our memory.  The original Daisy, a yellow lab was smart, very smart.  You could open the front door, in all kinds of weather, and tell her to "take it", and she would retrieve the newspaper!  Pretty handy when it was raining or snowing.

We owned Maggie, also a yellow lab, but not as smart as Daisy.  Our first Westie, Abby and our second Westie, Sam.  Sam was a rescue dog, and about 7 years old when we rescued him.  For some period of time, Sam was meaner than a junkyard dog.  The urge to turn him back in was, pondered more than once.  And, then he became an older dog and mellowed, and was a fine pet to the very end.

New Daisy, is a terrier mix, and during the first two years of living with her, we were tempted to turn in the towel.  But, we persevered.  We put up with jumping the fence when she was a puppy, or crawling under the gate and escaping.  The jumping into the neighbor's yard didn't make them particularly happy!  She and Bella dug holes, stripped trees of bark, chewed on the soft material of the air conditioner conduits, and one or both dogs chewed on pillows, and sofas.

But, here's the reason we keep Daisy.  We love her a great deal.  She isn't a perfect pet.  While she can and sometimes does use the doggy door.  And, then sometimes she doesn't.  Her best quality, hands down, is how lovey she is.  When I sit in my chair, Daisy hops up and snuggles in my lap. And, if I didn't need to move, she would stay on my lap, until I needed to move.  We have never owned a dog that consistently gets in a lap, and burrows in.  Jeff and I both love her for that one quality, and intend to keep her - "warts" (bad behavior) and all.

I think everyone should have a "Daisy" in their life, at one time or another.



Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hot, Hot and Hot


For the moment, it absolutely feels like summer.  High humidity and high temperatures.  So very glad that our a/c units are both working properly.  I don't think fans would do much good at the moment.  Even the girls only go outside when they need to.

Tomorrow, Stacey is coming to take me out for a "play date".  There is a wholesale book warehouse that we're going to go to, so she can buy books for the school year.  I'll poke around and see what novels they might have.

After that, the afternoon is wide open.  Lunch? Shopping mall? Playing the slot machines?  Who knows what we'll do.

Yesterday, after we dropped Jeff's car again for service to the top of his car, we went to WalMart to get, among other things, dog food.  Since we feed the girls a particular brand and type of canned food, which is not always stocked. So now he calls the ordering lady (and, yes Jeff I know that's not her title) and orders four cases at a time. Having cases to scan at the cash register is much easier and less time consuming, then scanning individual cans!

While I was in one of those stupid riding carts, actively trying not to run into a display and knock things over, I saw a teenager riding in a cart, and just going around in circles. Okay, pretty sure this young woman wasn't handicapped, unless "mentally out to lunch" is a thing.  Everywhere you go, there are a limited amount of handicapped parking places as well as those riding carts. If I am honest with myself, I need to use both.  And, knowing that I'm not able to walk even short distances, is maddening. As Jeff and I both say, growing old is not for the faint of heart!

The good news is that when we leave the house, we no longer need to "Bella prove" the house, with the exception of anything paper: plates, cups, napkins, etc. And, when we do take Bella out, and we do as often as we can, she now understands and knows how to get in the car.  Yeah.  While she is initially a pacer, she is also being able to relax, and lay down in the backseat.  Very proud of her.  Since Daisy doesn't have a service dog vest, she has to stay home most of the time.

I suspect that wherever you live, summer time temperatures have arrived.  Stay cool.



Monday, June 18, 2018

Post Father's Day


Yesterday, we spent our afternoon at Andrew's house.  Because their realtor was showing their house, between our two cars, loaded up 5 dogs to go to a dog park.  The dog park, interestingly enough, didn't have a water source for the dogs.  Jeff, went off to a local store to buy water and bowls.

It was so hot, that the dogs, once wrangled out of the cars, was quite an experience.  Luckily, nobody else came into the large dog area.  Just as we were leaving, a woman went into the small dog area, and there was leash correction as well as oral commands.  

It was very nice to have Scott and Wendy join us for dinner.  There was burgers, sausage, quiche (which was really good) and corn, and my dessert.  
Other than the dessert, and the "pleasure" of my company, I pretty much stayed out of the kitchen.  Actually, in fact I didn't pretty much stay away, I just stayed away.  

It was wonderful for both Jeff and I to have both boys together.  Um, pretty sure boys no longer describes them.  They are now men, but I guess in my book, they'll always be boys.

In the evening when things cooled off, we went out and sat on Andrew's deck.  Sadly, we haven't got much of a backyard, we opted for a larger front yard.  How I would enjoy my early morning coffee, sitting outside in a screened in something.  Screened in because I hate bugs that fly!

On our way home, Jeff stopped at WalMart to get some food essentials.  I have all the ingredients to make a berry yogurty (made up word) pie.  It's so refreshing on a hot day.

When we got home, I went straight upstairs, for a shower and then off to bed.  Slept like a log, as did the girls!

Today, we're going to have my head examined (always fun), and then to take Jeff's car back to the dealer, because the top isn't working again.  It is really hot outside, so having the top up is probably a pretty good idea, but that should be our option.

Stay cool.


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day


One of my followers has asked for the pistachio dessert, so I'm listing it below.  Trust me, this is a favorite with all the Bassett Men!

Pistachio Dessert


1 c flour
1/3 c butter
2 teas. sugar
¼ c chopped nuts

Mix and put in 8x11 pan and cook at 375 for 15-18 minutes. Cool. While baking, soften 8 oz. package of cream cheese.  Beat in 2/3 c powdered sugar and fold in ½ of a 9 oz. carton of cool whip. Spread this over the cooled crust.


Mix: 2 (small) packages of instant pistachio pudding with 3 c milk.  Spread this over the cream cheese layer. Top with remaining cool whip.  Sprinkle with chopped nuts
Today, Jeff and I are going to be double blessed, because Scott and Wendy are going to join us at Andrew's house for dinner.  And, yes I made the pistachio dessert. 

Yesterday, I received three CD's from Hopkins, that I'm going to give to the doctor in July.  Because I'm me, and heaven help me if there's another out there like me, I took one of the CD's and found an open slot (not where it should go) and stuck it in.  This was bad, very bad, and will now involve Jeff having to take my computer tower apart to retrieve that CD.  By the things that I do, and trying to be helpful to Jeff, I just make things worse!  I am, my own worst enemy, and really wish that I had a better grasp on things.

I didn't buy Jeff anything for Father's Day, because as he likes to tell on Mother's Day, that we are not each other's parent.  Makes sense.  But, if everybody felt that way, then Hallmark and other card makers, would not be happy.  Best time to buy these kinds of cards is either today or tomorrow.  You could store these cards away for use next year.  Or, you could put the cards away and forget you even have them!

Before going out to Andrew's house, I have fully loaded my Kindle with books, a lot of books. I'll also take along one of my VERY LARGE word find books.

It's going to be hot today, but I could and probably will, sit out on the deck at least for a few minutes.

When we're at Andrew's house, there is a laundry list of things that need doing.  Jeff, I think, enjoys tackling a project. I, will enjoy spending time with Benjamin, Andrew, Scott, Wendy and Stacey, in no particular order! Oh, last but not least, Jeff.

I'm looking forward to having time to talk "girl talk" with Stacey and Wendy, which will be very enjoyable.  We're taking the dogs, and they can run around, until they become (a) tired, or (b) too hot, or a combination of both!

Yesterday, Jeff needed the OX (our big truck), and so today it's sitting in the driveway.  I have to say, it looks good out there.  The Ox moves around between all of us, depending on who needs to haul or take something to the dump.

Happy Father's Day to all of you men out there.



Saturday, June 16, 2018



It's the day before Father's Day, so there is likely a mad scramble at the store to buy socks and/or ties.  Those two items are and always has been, a "go to" gift for Dad. Sons might buy some kind of tool, but most women would be lost in the tool department. 

Andrew, has invited Jeff and I for dinner tomorrow night.  Jeff and I hadn't made plans for tomorrow. Normally, Sunday nights are pizza nights.  I'm making my pistachio dessert.  I suppose I could make potato salad as well.

Jeff is out and about today.  He's taking the truck to go somewhere to buy batteries for the golf cart.  After that, he's driving up to the hangar to, I guess, put the new batteries in.  And, then I think, he's driving back down to take the truck back to Scott's house, and pick up his car.  I may have left out a step(s), but you get the idea.

I'll try and do 4 laps around the circle today.  Yesterday, I did 3.  Not exactly setting a world record, but I have to start somewhere.  I would venture off the street, but we live at the top of the hill, and I'm pretty sure walking back to the house might be too much for me.  Baby steps.

Because I'm easily confused about what's going on in the house, I've made myself a little list of things I don't need to worry about.  The list is pretty short right now, but I'm taping the list to my office door, so that I don't bug Jeff incessantly.  Replacing one side of our fence - done.  More work to be done in the backyard - done.  These things are not actually done yet, but I know that (a) I don't need to fret about them; and (b) I'll stop asking Jeff the same questions over and over again.  It's tough not being able to remember things that are told to me.  

Signing off now.  I tell myself that I must be showered and dressed before noon.  And, I've got 30 minutes to get that done.




Friday, June 15, 2018



Apologies for not blogging yesterday.  I do have an excuse though, I truly wasn't feeling well at all.  While I absolute hate going to the dentist, I had to cancel my appointment at the last minute.  I know, some people will do almost anything to avoid a dentist! (Insert relieved face here).

Feeling better in the afternoon, I took my rollator out and did two laps around the circle.  Certainly not setting any kind of world record, it's a huge moment for me.  Today, perhaps I can do three laps!  The nice part about the rollator is, that when I do get tired, I merely put on the brakes, and sit my hinny (however you spell it) and sit.

The lawn man came, and Jeff told him what we/he wanted done now.  Apparently, we have poison ivy near the fence, so an application of Round Up is needed. Neither of us want to become affected.  Years ago, when loading firewood, we managed to pick up a rash from poison oak.  Mind you, there was no sign of the plant, but it was just enough that the logs had been in contact!  Boy, did we suffer through all of that.

This morning, I was rewarded by seeing a male cardinal on the porch swing.  The males are so colorful, and the females are drab colored.  I suspect the reason is, that once the female is sitting on eggs, the better she blends into the tree, is the best thing for her and the eggs.

In the coming days/weeks (I don't know when), the yard people will be back out working in the backyard.  And, then at some point, part of our fence will be replaced with a new fence.  When the fence is coming up and down, we still have the orange net in the backyard, that we used to keep the girls from treading on the new grass.  We will be able to reuse that net, to keep the girls contained (hopefully) from escaping from the yard.  When they do manage to escape, they always come home, but knowing that their out running through the streets, makes me very anxious.  Come to think of it, there are a lot of things that make me anxious.  😟

It's not particularly warm outside today, but hot weather is on it's way.  I think we have actually been pretty lucky in the weather department.  We've had enough rain to allow our new boxwoods and the new grass to grow.  This is a good thing.

Signing off for now.  Have a good weekend.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Wonderful Day


Yesterday morning, I met Wendy at the nail salon, where I go occasionally for pampering.  There are, other things, but a routine pedicure is a particularly lovely way to spend some time.

Since I really can't reach my toes, I always opt for a very light pink polish, that isn't noticeable when it starts to wear off.  Practical, but boring.

Wendy went for a bright color, but frankly can't remember, which isn't too surprising, what color she picked for her toes.

I decided as long as we were there, we should have manicures as well.  Again, ever practical, I went with a darker pink, but still pink.

We sat at the drying table, and spent time drying and talking.  We decided to "do lunch", so I drove us over to a favorite restaurant.  We both had taco bowls, and chips of course.  I ordered, because I'm a sucker for tres leches, a piece to go.  Did I need it, nope, did I want it?  Yup.  Again, there was no lull in conversation, and neither of us were struggling to find things to talk about.  The easy comfort of being with Wendy, and Stacey as well, is not what I enjoyed with my mother-in-law.  Luckily, for me, she lived in California, so she only visited us a few times.

I drove Wendy back to her car and came home.  Bella had been left on her own, and I had, as usual, left two pair of shoes near my chair.  They were untouched.  I believe that we can now trust Bella a bit more - as long as there's no paper products available!

Today, the landscape salesman, or whatever his title is, is coming out to look at the backyard.  The yard is green, but you can see that there are many weeds intertwined with the grass.  But, I guess, green is green.  Now, what we're going to do with the area that wasn't fenced off, I have no idea.

Our neighbor has approached Jeff about replacing our piece of a mutual fence.  It still amazes me, that when I look around, everything at the house is now 32 years old. The fence is showing signs of age, as we all are, and replacing that portion, makes sense.  When Daisy was young, she was able to jump the fence into our neighbor's yard.  Daisy is now older and heavier, so jumping over a fence is probably not possible for her now.  And, that's a good thing.  We're from California, where everybody has a fence, and most of them are six feet tall.

Ada comes today, and while I don't actually clean the house, I do some tidying.  I know I'm not alone in doing this.  It's a woman thing, and men simply don't understand.  And, in the big picture, they don't have to.

I'm off to get myself ready, as well as the house!



Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dinner and Stuff


Sunday night, Jeff and I, with the girls, went to Scott's house for dinner.  We had ribs, coleslaw, beans and macaroni salad.  Jeff made the macaroni salad, and it was as always, delicious.

Since our girls, and their girls have met before, there was a bit less posturing, on both sides.  Unfortunately, just steps in the house, and Daisy peed on the floor.  She is an anxious dog, and when she's not comfortable, she loses control of her bladder.

We had good conversations while we ate, and then like in "olden" times, Wendy and I went to the den.  Jeff and Scott stayed at the table, talking "man" stuff.  Both groups were happy, at least I think they were.

This morning, I am meeting Wendy at a nail salon so we can get pedicures.  While I love the way my feet and look after a pedicure, my getting one is now also a necessity.  (Do you think Jeff will buy that?  I haven't been able to reach my toes, or at least reach them enough to polish etc.  What I like about this particular salon, is that there is no "up" selling of additional procedures.  If, I wanted my nails polished, I would have asked for that when I booked the appointment. Who knows, maybe we'll do "lunch" after! 
At 5:00 this morning, while awake, I thought of something I can do today that won't require much standing on my part.  I'm going to empty out the two junk drawers (I can hear you ladies screaming from here, and see what's been lurking at the back.  I'll make piles: keep, toss, or in the case of old glasses, perhaps donate those at the eyeglass store.  Of course, I could always keep the frames and just, in the case of my glasses, get rid of the lenses.

Gotta run - power my nose - and most importantly, get the house Bella proof!




Sunday, June 10, 2018

One Space or Two Spaces?


There was an interesting article in the paper about a newsman who used two spaces after a period.  Apparently, those of us who use two spaces, are pretty much dinosaurs, and stuck in the mud (our past).

I started typing in junior high on a manual typewriter.  The kind of typewriter that required you to have very strong pinkies in order to hit the certain keys, such as the "a" and "p" keys, for example.  Overtime, I managed to easily put all my fingers on the typewriter, and once started, never looked back.

I was trained, that there are always two spaces between sentences.  In younger generations, the two space rule wasn't exactly practiced.  And, with the advent of cell phones, the fewer words and spaces the better and/or easier.

Once electric typewriters became the norm, it was time to teach the "old" dogs new tricks.  Believe me, there was definitely a learning curve.  Instead of reaching up with your left hand to return paper, it was now done with a flick of a finger.  Very cool indeed.

I have in a closet upstairs, an old IBM Selectric typewriter.  The typewriter that is so heavy you could use it for a door stop!  Today, it's considered an antique, but still I haven't tossed it out.  

When computers and printers came along, which required for me, a truly large learning curve.  What I found in my 40 plus years of banging on keys, is that sometimes you don't want to use a computer, you want/need a typewriter.

When I left my career behind, the typewriter was still in place for filling out forms, perhaps a large mailing label or forms for shipping some documents and/or packages.  Could these things be done on the computer?  Of course they can, but for me, and I can be stubborn at times (Jeff would agree with this), it was just easier and faster to put the FedEx form into the typewriter - at least for me.

Today, when I go to a new doctor, there are on-line forms, that you can use.  Adobe (I think that's right, but I could be wrong), allows you to complete that form online.  I find trying to do the forms online, to be so frustrating, that it's easier for me to print out the forms and use a pen (remember those?)!!

I sometimes find that when we're watching television, my hands automatically start pressing imaginary keys.  Since I also knew shorthand, I also find that in my mind, I'm writing out certain words.  By now, I guess I'm pretty well stuck in a rut, and I want to believe, or hope, that I won't have to learn a lot of new stuff.  This is probably hopeful wishing on my part, but as a mother and wife of "geeks", I know that anyone of the boys and/or Jeff will teach me what I need to know.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Shredding, Shredding, Shredding


It's Saturday, but you already know that. Jeff got up with the girls, because once they deem it breakfast time, you literally can't stay in bed.  On the plus side of this, once their feed, are quite content to return to sleeping!  This allows Jeff to also sleep in his recliner, until I come down and a bit of turmoil begins.

Years ago, and I don't exactly remember when, Jeff and I, and our oldest son, went into a mobile battery business, supported by a contract with AAA.  Jeff and I toiled endless hours, doing payroll, tracking down deadbeat customers who paid with bad credit cards, among other things. The business ended in 2013, because our son didn't want to be in business with us any longer.

Most customers did pay with credit cards, and those receipts only required filing, and marking sales to the driver. There were some cash calls, but the cash never appeared, simply because our son thought he should take any cash received.

Okay, that's the background.  I know I sound bitter, and that's because I was at the time. Over the course of years, we filled up two filing cabinets with our copy of customer receipts.  Those receipts are more than a mere home shredder can handle.  But, we cannot just toss them in the trash because of the credit card numbers, names and addresses.

Today, Jeff is going out to Andrew's house, armed with three boxes of "fire" material.  These three boxes are only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but you have to start somewhere. Andrew has a fire pit, and once the fire gets going, those papers will be gobbled up and turned to ash.  Unfortunately, this job will have to be repeated numerous times, until the cabinets are empty.

The documents filed in cabinets in the basement, have been tucked away, but not forgotten by Jeff and I.  Inertia came into play with those papers.  It was sort of like why bother.  The papers aren't in any one's way, so we let the receipts sit.

When a business goes out of business, it's not just a matter of "shutting the door".  Nope, you have to file taxes for that particular year, keep payroll records for a minimum of four years, and up to a maximum of seven years. Using the seven year maximum, it will now be okay for us to burn those documents also.   

There is generally no joy in shuttering a business permanently. Before the company was closed, Jeff and I tolled for endless hours on behalf of the company, doing you guessed it, paper work.

By burning all of these documents, it will be cathartic for Jeff and I.  The bad taste in our mouths, for the way our son dumped us in 2013, has gone away, for the most part.  Negative memories, however, are not as easily forgotten.


  Image result for picture of documents being burned

Friday, June 8, 2018

Nothing Much On My Mind


It's Friday (duh), and for the moment, it's not raining.  This alone is cause for celebration.

Speaking of celebration, our local hockey team, The Capitals, won the Stanley Cub last night.  I don't follow sports, much less hockey, but I can tell from the paper and the news on television, that this is indeed a big deal. 

We're picking up Jeff's car from the dealer today.  The problem with the top of his car, opening and closing, will be fixed.  This is the perfect time of the year to drive around with the top down.  In fact, it would be a crime not to do so!

We took Bella with us to Hopkins yesterday (apparently we don't ever go anywhere else), and she was, as always excellent.  Bella's ability to ride in the car and actually lay down is really improving.  

A little disappointed that I can't have the second eye surgery for a couple of months.  I thought I could do the other eye in let's say 30 days or so.  Nope, I've got to wait. Even though I have to wait, I know the end result will be amazing. I gave Daisy a bone just before we left yesterday.  When we got home, she hadn't even chewed on it, but got really serious about defending her bone, the minute Bella showed up.

It's wonderful that I'm able to drive again. I don't think I'm ready to tackle the interstate, but perhaps in time.  Being able to make doctor's appointments, when I want, means that Jeff doesn't have to take time away from working.  This is a really good thing.

I may take my car out of the garage, and hose her down.  She's a bit dirty at the moment, and I hate driving around in a dirty car.  I know that this is a personal problem.

No plans for the weekend.  It's likely that Jeff will go out to Andrew's house to do some mowing.  He'll likely take Bella, who really enjoys stretching her legs. 

Closing now, I've things that need doing.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Driving Again


It's been three weeks since my first eye surgery.  Jeff and I are going back to see the doctor for my last check-up.  We'll then schedule surgery for my right eye.  I couldn't be happier with the results on my left eye.  I haven't worn my glasses since the surgery - yahoo.  

Yesterday, Jeff's car needed to go the dealer.  The top on his car won't go down.  This is definitely a bummer, since we're clearly at the peak of driving with the top down.  Downfall of riding with the top down - messy hair.  Jeff who has no hair on his head, doesn't have this particular problem.  The obvious solution to my problem, is a comb.

The significance of taking his car in for service, was that I was driving for the first time since my eye surgery.  I do, when driving, wear my sunglasses.  And, my only problem driving yesterday, was that there was a lot of fools in front of me, who weren't going fast enough for my liking.  My car, has a big engine, and for all the years we have owned this car, CUZILU (my license plate) wants to get out there and run.  Neither Jeff or myself have ever gotten a ticket, but that may just be dumb luck on our part.  We should have that kind of luck when playing the lottery!

While we were gone, and it was fort a short time, we left the girls the run of the house.  The only thing that was disturbed by Bella, was she took her service dog vest to the basement.  And, she took both micro-beaded pillows from our chairs.  She didn't destroy them.  This is a very good thing, because who wants to vacuum up hundreds of little beads.  For sure, I don't want to.

Today, we'll "Bella" the house.  A gate at the bottom of the stairs and my office and bathroom door will be closed.  Oh, and those pillows?  They'll be out of reach.  Now, that we have left Bella alone in the house, we feel we can do this, just need to avoid "triggers"!

Gotta run.  I need to be dressed and ready to go when Jeff comes downstairs to take me to the doctor.

Good news: it's sunny outside.  Yipee.



Wednesday, June 6, 2018



We live in a world of needing and/or wanting designer things.  The word designer can mean many things: clothes, shoes, purses, furnishings, etc.  Pretty much anything you can think of has one or two elements: (a) the cheaper stuff; and, (b) the more expensive but the "real" thing.

I'm not much of a designer kind of lady.  Would I be if I had scads of money?  Um, probably yes.  But, since I no longer work, and for the most part, all of my shopping now entails mostly at WalMart.

I do own, and have owned Coach purses.  They are, at the least those that I own, are sturdy and well made.  The problem with the purses that I own, is they are very heavy, even when empty, and currently seldom use them.  I now opt for cheaper purses, and am currently using a red one with a whole lot of pockets.  I have a red Coach bag, but it sits on the top shelf of my closet.

I don't own any, nor do I want any, of those red soled shoes that are so fashionable, and look so uncomfortable.  Years ago, I gave away all of my heels, and truthfully there weren't that many left.  Any of my "dressier" shoes are low to the ground, sturdy and easy on my feet.  When I was a teenager, I owned heels and, if I say so myself, looked pretty damn good in them.  But that was then, and this is now.  I'm pretty sure given how long it's been since I owned any heels, that I would bobble and weave as much now, as I did trying on my first pair!

Designer Kate Spade died yesterday.  So, if you own any of her things, they are obviously worth more today, than they were yesterday.  And, if you want to buy a Kate Spade purse for example, expect to pay more.  

I went to Ebay and searched for her purses, and they are all lovely.  I can't tell if the prices have increased or not, since I've never owned any, but I suspect they will eventually.  You know, as well as I do, that anything unattainable, is worth more.  Simply, supply and demand.

For me personally, while I find her purses to be very pretty, I guess at this stage in the game, I'd rather have multiple "cheap" purses, than the real thing.

These little designer limited edition, wicker straw animal bags, are being sold on Ebay for $299.00 to $479.00!  To me that seems like a lot of money for such a little bag.
 NWT Kate Spade Limited Edition Wicker Straw Animal Handbag Bag Purse



Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What's That Outside?


There is something strange outside, something we haven't seen in quite awhile.  Oh, yes now I remember, it's the sun!  🌞 I had to get an emoji just to remind myself!

Stacey and Benjamin came by yesterday for a short visit.  I always look forward to their company, particularly now when it's pretty difficult for me to get around.  And, all my friends are still working.

Watching the Bachelorette (spelling maybe wrong) show.  One woman, and a large number of good looking men.  What could go wrong?  For one thing, there's a whole lot of testosterone in one room.  Each man tries to out macho the others, and be what they believe the woman wants.  This is straight up cheesy television, but I seem to enjoy these types of shows very much.  My theory is, if you're going to put yourself out there on national television, then it's my "duty" (kidding) to watch you!

Last night, Jeff made spaghetti and garlic bread.  The spaghetti we make ask cream of mushroom soup, and spicy Rotels (tomatoes and chilies).  It is a break from traditional spaghetti served in a restaurant, but super delicious. And, there is a lot of leftovers.

Going this afternoon, to get a shot in my hip, which may or may not help with the pain I'm currently living with.  Fingers crossed.

The top on Jeff's car needs repair.  Thank heavens for the warranty.  He'll have to take it to the dealer, and drive home with probably a "C" car, which is better than nothing.  At the time we bought the car, we knew that with some many components to putting the top up and down, it would be wise to guarantee free (or almost free) repairs.  A good decision.

I hope the sun is shining in your world.



Monday, June 4, 2018

Teaching An Old "Dog" New Tricks


I've been behind the times as far as "Windows" go.  I've been using a 2007 (and Jeff will correct me if I'm wrong) version.  With that version, I was able to move around easily.

Now, I have Windows 2010, and it's a whole new ballgame.  Everything I try to do, takes me time, and sometimes a lot of time.  I become aggravated easily, which is not an asset I assure you, and want and do throw up my hands and cry "Uncle".

Jeff, in all things relating to my life, takes over and shows me how to do things, like view an individual contact, add things to the calendar, etc.  I wish I was a quick learner, but I'm not, and I'm sorry to say, never have been.  

Like a cobbler's wife, who has the cobbler around, to fix her shoes, I'm the wife and mother of "geeks".  My computer always works and works very well.  I think of myself as really blessed.

I had several "to do's) on my list this morning, and I've gotten them all done.  Hurray for me!  Next task, which I can do from my chair, is to pull grapes off their stems, rinse them and then put them in a zippy bag and pop them in the refrigerator.  They make a very good snack. I'm limited to what I can do, because of a gimpy hip, so anything I can do sitting down really helps.

The morning weather looked gloomy, but the sun is out now.  I think we might get rain today, and boy do we not need anymore for a while.  

Duty calls - time to work on the grapes.

Have a good day.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go Away


Today, is a turn on my "SAD" light.  It's raining outside for the umpteenth time.  Web footed critters are loving all this rain.  We humans, are not!  It's very hard, at least for me, to remain upbeat, when it's so darn gosh bleak outside.

Scott came last night, to pick up some computer stuff that he had ordered.  Jeff had cooked steak, so Scott had dinner with us.  Before he left, I asked him if he wanted some yogerty (made up word) pie.  He stayed and had two pieces.  It's always nice to see him, even when his visits are short.

As per my usual routine, and nobody could call it a rut (insert large smiley face here), I have programmed this week's television.  As summer draws ever so near, our favorite shows will go on hiatus.  This means, of course, that Jeff and I might have to actually to talk to one another.  Horrors.

I bought myself a really cute unicorn t-shirt.  The shirt has arrived, and it's cute, but it's a good four inches too long.  I don't like shirts that come down and "hug" my bottom.  Nobody, wants to see that I can assure you.  Not even especially myself!

Tomorrow, I get to do battle with the company that supplies Jeff and I with CPAP accessories.  They have now sent 3 water chambers that don't go with either of our machines. When I called, they told me to just keep them.  I'll get a supervisor tomorrow, because I don't want them billing Medicare for useless parts.  Wish me luck.

Lucky for me that Jeff has taken over the cooking.  With the use of a chair, I can load and reload the dishwasher.  And, that's basically how useful I am these days.  Or, as I like to think of it, I'm a "flea on a dog's back"!!  My ability to stand upright is measured in seconds, not minutes.

Next week, two hopefully good things are going to happen for me.  First, I'm getting a shot with numbing medicine and cortisone (or something like that) in my hip.  I've done this before, and it's a bit on the painful side.  Second, I am going for my last post-op check-up for my left eye.  If everything is okay, then I can schedule surgery on my right eye. After the right eye has healed, then I have a regular eye exam to see if I still need glasses.  Currently, I'm running around without them.  Just think, if my new glasses don't have coke bottle prisms, then it's possible I could get new frames.  New frames is important to women, not men.  That Venus and Mars thing.  Maybe, I would be daring, and try on purple frames!!  That would be clearly out of my comfort zone.

Happy Sunday everybody.


Saturday, June 2, 2018



Apologies for yesterday.  I try not not to miss a day, but every now and then I do.  I don't like to whine and carry on, but that's what I'm doing today.

I have somehow injured my left hip, in a big way.  I am waiting for a second opinion from another orthopedic surgeon, to see if he agrees with the diagnosis of a new hip.  Gosh, on some level, I hope he does!

Lazy Saturday at the homestead.  I've been recording the old television show "Boston Legal".  Jeff and I enjoyed the series when it was first aired.  And now we're enjoying it all over again, ah the beauty of an old brain!

It's not raining here at the moment, and I think for the month of May, we had way too much rain.  Roads have collapsed, flooding has occurred, and two, I believe, people have lost their lives.  Plus side, of course, is that our lawn is really, really green.  Some of the green is actual grass, while other parts are just nasty weeds.  Since I really can't do yard work, I'll leave the weeds alone, unless they are sprouting dandelions.  I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere. If you let one dandelion in, then you're basically saying it's a free for all in or on the lawn.  

I go back next week for my last post-op appointment on my left eye.  Then, we'll schedule surgery on the right eye.  And, then, if everything goes the way it should, I'll actually be able to see again.  Oh, I'll still need glasses I'm sure, but not the "coke bottle" kind.  Who knows, if my prescription for glasses, isn't as complicated as it is today, perhaps I can afford to get new frames more often, even purple ones!  (Just checking on Jeff's blood pressure), since he doesn't like the color purple.  Which is a shame, because I do, and always have.

Speaking of rain, the sky is now turning gray, so I guess a downpour is headed our way.  That certainly rules out a road trip to anywhere with the top down.  Bummer.  Um, I waited five minutes, and sure enough, it's starting to rain.

For now, I'm going to grab my walker, and "walk" myself back to the den.  Talk about feeling useless.

Enjoy what's left of your day.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...