Sunday, March 31, 2019

Day Off


Happy almost April. Scott and Wendy are coming by for breakfast, so this will be short, as in, I've got nothing much to say.

I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with a fun new topic!



Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spring Cleaning


Do you get the "itches", when spring rolls around? I know I do. Trees are budding and daffodils are making their appearance. Of course, you have to take the good with the bad, weeds everywhere, and plants need to be trimmed. 

The grass in the front yard is very green, heaven knows it should based on how much water we have received lately.

My ability to work in the yard is now minimal, but I still can direct someone to do this kind of work for me. You reach a certain age, and while your mind maybe okay with doing some of the outside chores, but the body isn't. That's why you/we call in a company to mow, etc.

Yesterday, as if I don't have anything to do, I decided to clean up the pantry. It is no joke that our pantry is full, hence we never, or almost never, run out of certain necessary (at least we think so) food items.

I put a chair close to the pantry, so that I could sit down when I needed to, I started re-organizing said pantry. Basically, I wanted to put of the same foods, in the general area. For instance, mayonnaise comes to mind. Once I was satisfied with my work in the pantry, I went into the garage. We have a shelf near the backdoor, and I pulled out of their respective boxes, my high protein waters. There's no need to keep the little boxes, they are just clutter.

Once that chore was done, and I was satisfied with my progress, I pulled out the two very large containers of winter things, like salt for instance. There was quite a mess behind these containers, so I got out my trusty broom, and did some sweeping. I believe that Jeff can take the snow shovel back to the basement now. Winter is over, and the days are getting warmer, hence the decision to sit on the porch swing. Or, I could take my rollator outside, and "park" it in the driveway, soaking up the sunshine. Oh, and do some laps around the circle with the rollator. I would walk with Bella, who is very good on a leash, but I have a huge fear of falling again, so that doesn't seem like a good option for me.

Scott and Wendy are coming over tomorrow morning for breakfast. Nobody puts out a better breakfast spread than Jeff. 

I have another box of old(er) paperwork to go through. Since we don't want our name and/or address on anything, there is definitely more papers that need shredding, or putting in Andrew's fire pit. After all of the years, carefully putting each and every paid bill in corresponding folders in the filing cabinet Now I know or believe that I don't have to do that. If we miss a bill, which never happens, the utility company, for example, will be more than happy to send us another.

I had paid bills going back as far as 2009. Why did I keep them all these years? Lazy I guess could aptly describe my reluctance to delve into paper, a lot of paper.

It's a beautiful day outside. After a bit, I'm going to take my rollator and do a few laps around the circle. I could, I suppose walk down the hill, but pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get back up, without assistance.

If it's sunny where you are, and I hope it is, go outside and soak up some of that Vitamin D, which is really good for the body.


Friday, March 29, 2019

Getting Old(er)


In a matter of less than two weeks, Jeff will turn 70! I can't actually wrap my head around him being this age. When you start your married life, at the ripe old age of 25, turning 70 is the farthest thing on your mind.

In all of these years, we were busy raising a family, as well as many years later, raising Benjamin for a few years.

Our first house was small, with a flat roof. Obviously, back in this area, I don't think anybody has a flat roof. In the kitchen, we had an actual copper oven. You could polish this sucker, and the moment somebody touched it, their fingerprints appeared.

We moved to Maryland in 1986, and never looked back. I visited my parents a few years before my Dad passed away, and couldn't wait to get home. 

All of our parents have since passed away, and I only have a sister and a brother left as family. There is distance between the three of us, so I can't actually remember when we were altogether.

Jeff bought a plane after Benjamin was born, and what fun we have had flying here and there. Las Vegas, California, New Orleans, the Bahamas (twice), Illinois, and New Orleans. We may have flown to other places, but my memory, which we all know isn't too good, isn't giving up additional places!

Over the years, we have experienced highs and lows, as well as everything in between. Somehow the thought of both of us turning 70 this year, seems like a far away number, when we initially got married.

As far as I'm concerned, "in sickness and in health", Jeff got, unfortunately, the short end of the straw. He has had some medical issues in the past, but now, unfortunately, he has to deal with a spouse who has a very limited short term memory. And, yet both of us are in a "canoe" with the oars rowing in the same direction.



Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lottery wining


And, if case you're wondering, Jeff and I haven't won the lottery. About the most we ever got back, was the cost of the ticket! Bummer.

But, for arguments sake, that we had won MEGA MILLIONS. And, now once the initial excitement, as well as falling to the floor in disbelief, what do you do next?

Everybody who would get that kind of a prize, probably has a list of things (kept alone in your brain), of what you would do with the money. Take it all at once?  Or, receive annual payments? Making this kind of decision would be a no brainer for me. I can't speak for Jeff, of course.

History: The first big winning was in 1614 in Germany. The first U.S. lottery was won in Puerto Rico in 1934. Clearly, lotteries have been around a long time.

What would I do if I had just won BILLIONS, or even a shabby MILLIONS, I think the first thing I would do is not to get over excited, and blow a lot of the money in the first thirty days.

For me, and I can't speak for Jeff, would be to put some/all, in a bank for safe keeping. Obviously, putting some funds in investments, for the future.

Then, I (not speaking for Jeff), I would sell this house, and buy a large house (which I really don't need), that has an enclosed deck. I want the deck so that I can sit in the morning enjoying both my breakfast and the views. I want a large kitchen, even though my cooking at this point is minimal. I want the house to be on some kind of acreage, so that I would no longer be close enough to a neighbor, to hear them when they're outside, on their deck! Or, that they're bothered with the girls, start vocalizing in the backyard. Of course, I would pay somebody to take care of the yard and help cleaning in the inside. Doesn't that all sound good to you? I know it certainly does for me.

It might be time to retire the "Blue Ox" (our truck), which is used by both boys,and buy a newer model.

Next, because by this time we have sold our house, and in doing so, Jeff and I would have to take a good look about all of the basement "treasures"!!

Take a long vacation to the Outer Banks, with the boys' et al. Obviously, we could afford a rental house basically on the water. Years ago, we would rent a very large house, but a few streets away from the water. Um, perhaps we could buy a summer home.  

Go to Hawaii, Maui to be exact. The family could and/or would go along with us. There are other counties I would like to visit. Oh, and take a cruise. Destination? Who cares. If the world was perfect, would take the QEII ship from England to New York!!

Guess you can see from all of the above, that I have put a lot of thought into spending a lot of money. Of course, if you don't buy a ticket, you won't win! That goes without saying.

So, take a few moments to think about what part of your life, could/would change.


 Image result for picture of winning lottery ticket

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

There's Gold Somewhere


If you know me, and I suspect most of you do, then you also know how much I enjoy reality shows (although scripted I'm sure).

Jeff and I both enjoy the shows where the goal is to find gold. So we watch: Gold Rush, Gold Rush Water, Curse of Oak Island, as well as Lost Treasures of World War II.

While we sit in our chair each evening, we are both silently and/or vocally hoping that these gold rush teams (I guess you could call it that), are successful. Particularly, on the show Oak Island, where endless amounts of money and time have been spent in looking for a fortune of gold. We both want the team to find gold, not just a coin here and there, but large pockets of gold. To be fair, they have found pieces of pottery buried deep into a hole, as well as a few coins here and there. But, the treasure they speak continually evades them. The team has been looking for gold and/or other treasures for 6 years. Apparently, lack of money doesn't seem to be a problem. So, week after week, Jeff and I are glued to our chair, rooting the team on to find treasure - hopefully, a significant treasure.

The shows "Gold Rush" and "Gold Rush Water" have to come to their season end, because winter is setting in more and more each day. Pretty hard to mine for gold, when your machines are coated in ice!

This time of the year, we're going to watch "Bering Sea Gold". Of all the people who dive down in the water looking for gold, none of them are as successful as "Mr. Gold". Sean (Mr. Gold) receives $200,000 per season, with an annual salary of $450,000. It is estimated that his net worth is 5 million

We don't feel bad for some of these miners, who are literally raking in the gold. True, they do have to put up with cameras, but that doesn't seem to interfere with their work.

As a new season of Bering Sea Gold, will soon be upon us, Jeff and I will silently be rooting for our favorite miner, which is pretty much "Mr. Gold".

Have to close for no, though I did tell Jeff that I wouldn't be tolerant, if he threw caution to the wind and went gold mining!!

 Image result for picture of gold

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Looking Beautiful


Yesterday, Stacey and I went to the "salon" for a spring clean-up - toes primarily. When your feet have been stuck in real shoes all winter, I always feel the need to spruce up my tootsies for the warmer months ahead. Once you're wearing sandals, etc., your feet are "out there". And having nasty looking (my view only) toes, is so not happening.

As a birthday and thank you present for all she does for me, I treated Stacey to a "luxury" pedicure. It was wonderful. Scented water, mud masque, etc., it was definitely a luxury. I can't afford to have this pedicure every time, but it was a great day, for both of us. Stacey, opted for bright red nails with Mickey Mouse polish on top. Since she's going to Disneyland next month, the little Mickeys will be right at home.

Me? Since I can't really reach my feet, I only get clear polish. When it wears off, I as well as anybody else will not notice.

For all the time when Stacey gives up her very busy life, to take me to here or there, I feel I owe her more than just a thank you. Hence, the girls' day of beauty.

Flowers are showing themselves, and trees are waking up also. Spring is a beautiful time here. Whereas, when we lived in California, the color of choice to describe the landscape, would be various shades of brown. Here, it's various shades of green! Love it. It won't be long before the sound of lawn mowers will fill the air. Almost all of the people on this street, have a commercial company come in to mow. For years, I pushed a Toro mower around the yard, and enjoyed the sense of accomplishment, until I didn't. It takes no time at all for the commercial company mowers to move around the yard. There is some sprucing that needs to be one - pick up fallen branches and things like that.

It's a beautiful, but colder day outside. We're taking Jeff's car this afternoon for a doctor's appointment, but will likely keep the top up. I hate having to take his car with the top up, I feel it defeats the purpose of owning a convertible!

PImage result for picture of first signs of spring

Monday, March 25, 2019

Girls' Day Out!


If nothing else good happens today, my time with Stacey at the nail salon, will be wonderful. I mean, who can resist polished toes and nails? Oh, that's right men. Although, I've seen men in the salon having a pedicure, so you see, it's not just for women.

It's close to sandal time, which means that your feet are on display. Clearly, chipped nail polish on any of your nails is unacceptable. And, you do want to put your "best foot forward". Some ladies go for very crazy colors - like neon green, I'm just not that adventuresome. 

Yesterday, during Jeff's weekly shop, he went to the food area at Costco to pick up our Sunday night pizza. He put Bella on a down/stay position and she never moved. People going past her, the smell of food in the air, nothing phased her. She is a beautiful, well-mannered dog. Jeff and I couldn't be prouder of her. If, we hadn't rescued her, there would have been a chance of her never having a permanent home.

Short today, have to get myself dressed and ready to go when Benjamin and Stacey arrive.


 Image result for picture of beautiful toes

Sunday, March 24, 2019

A Beautiful Day!


After a few days of rain (lots), and our backyard is more a swamp than a yard, we have a beautiful day today. This is definitely top down weather!

Jeff and Bella are headed out today. Their going to the airport to do something. I'm pretty sure that Jeff told me what he was going to do, but as usual, my brain fog doesn't remember.

After the airport, he's headed to do the weekly "shop" - i.e., Costco and WalMart. I have a list for him with a lot of "do not buy anymore "x" or "y" foods. We have plenty.

Looking out my kitchen window. I can see that the one of the neighbor's trees has started to bloom. I need to check out our Dogwood tree. When it starts to bloom, it has the prettiest flowers. After moving into our house, we had a neighbor who was convinced that there was a "fungus" killing off Dogwood trees. Her suggestion, which we didn't take, was to cut the tree down, because it would surely die. All I can say is that, 32 years later, that tree is in good health. Shows that you should take all advice with a grain of salt, or cube of sugar if you prefer. And, truth be told, I would go with sugar every time! Which is probably part of the reason that it's very easy to gain weight, but losing weight is another matter altogether. Happy to say though, that my high protein diet (which might not be the healthiest), is working. I can now fit in some of my smaller sized clothes. Yipee. Glad that when I weighed more, I didn't just donate the clothes that didn't fit at the time.


Image result for picture of spring



Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Human Connection


At what point in history (I guess you could call it that), did people became so absorbed in reading and writing on their cellphones. Could anything sent to anyone, so important right now, that having a face-to-face conversation is not doable.

There was a time, and some of you may not remember this, when a trip to the store, didn't result in multiple phones ringing, and hearing (at least to me), a one-sided conversation. 

I may be old school, but since I seldom even use our house phone, it just doesn't occur to me to make a call while I'm out and about. 

In restaurants, for example, you can see couples eating dinner, while checking out their individual phones. Really?  It's true that if you've been married as long as Jeff and I have, there is a tendency for us talking about something new.
For people around us, I know that we may look pathetic, but we're okay and comfortable in our long (by today's standards) marriage. 

If we were attending a concert, etc., Jeff would mute his phone, so as to not annoy or irrate the people around us. Most of Jeff's calls, other than business ones, are from one of the boys. While the boys are no longer boys (duh), asking Dad for helpful information on how to do stuff, is good for all three of them.

So, when I'm in a grocery store, I don't want to be near the person, who is explaining to someone (probably a spouse), that there are no "x" or "y" products.And, in these cases, what would the person on the other side of the conversation like for substituion. Jeff always carries his cellphone with him, until it's time for bed, so I know that I can call him, and tell/remind him of something. Believe me, I try hard to follow this rule. 

People, are so much into themselves, that they walk down the sidewalk, talking on the phone, and forget where they are. This business of bumping into people, and then apologizing, somehow comes off as insecure.  

Check out lines in stores, are no exceptions for "chatting". Trust me, I really don't want to hear you talk. As somewhat a bit of a recluse, I generally like the sound of nothing. 

When I was in Chicago for treatment, I had a written conversation (yes, on paper) with someone that I had known from one of the multiple places I stayed while in "rehab". After this man received his first letter from me, he wrote back and said that my letter was the first that he had received.

If a cashior asks how you are, you are supposted to always say something along the lines of "fne" or some other generic response. Let's face it, the cashier is not really interested in the details of your life. An exception is made, if you have been in that cashier's line many times before. My mother had difficulty with giving a generic answer. 

So, if just me be possible that if everyone put their cellphones down for just a few minutes, and actually looked at a person, might just be the tonic you need to continue to do so.

Here's what I know for sure. Bella is a beautiful, honey-colored dog with black wiskers. Since she is being trained to be of assistance to me, we get a lot of people who either: (a) want to pet her (not happening); and, or tell us how beautiful she is.

Bella is well behaved when out in public and wearing her service dog vest. She definitely knows the difference between working and playing. I bought a new patch for her vest that says she is a psychiatric service dog. When people look (no actually stare) at me, I appear fine, health-wise. What they don't know and probably will never understand, their are demons that roll around in my head. If I am in an agigated state, then one of the things Bella does for me, is "paw" me, or lay across my feet. By doing either of those things, it takes from a 10 for agigation, back down to a more normal state of mind.

Beautiful, but on the cool side and windy. Definitely, not a top down kind of day.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Another Day, Same Weather


Editor's Correction to yesterday's blog. We were having a gloomy day, not a glppmy day. Although come to think of it, maybe it was a glppmy kind of day. If so, we're in for another day of the same kind of weather. 

Just finished watching Project Runway while I had breakfast. Since I can't sew, and believe me I've tried, what these designers come up with is mind blowing.

Knowing that all of the designers, well design clothes, it was shocking to see what they came up for a team challenge. I have nothing against black clothing per se, (did I spell that right?), but own as few pieces of black clothing as possible. And, of course, each designer's garment was as tight as they possibly could.

I'm not a fashion icon - please don't laugh at this. You all know that this is true. Since I no longer work, outside of the house, I only have one or two "going to town" pieces of clothing. These items are worn seldom, and are stain free!! Hence, the words "going to town", means fancier dinners and parties et al.

Jeff is heading out this morning to his favorite place. If you thought airplane hanger, you'd be right. This morning, one of the burnt out light bulbs is being changed. Not very exciting I know, but at least he gets to pull the plane in and out of the hanger. While he's out there, Bella will be free to run around, but making sure that she doesn't get in the way of a plane coming or going. But, she does get to stretch her legs.

Have enjoyed watching the show "Curse of Oak Island". History tells us that there is buried gold and possibly highly famous items of the past. I was curious because the two brothers, Rick and Marty, have been out at Oak Island for several years, and have been spending money right and left. I did some checking and Rick is worth a measly $2 million, while Marty, is worth $50 million That's a lot of money, however, you look at it.

Jeff and I have watched all the seasons and find ourselves quietly rooting for the two brothers to find something of substance. Gold coins would be a nice touch. Through time and money, the brothers have dug up massive amounts of earth, and had divers go down tunnels, looking for something, or anything. When the results come up from being in the ground, there are pieces of wood, as well as some fragments of odd things to find in this tunnel. I'm using the word tunnel because I can't think of it as anything else. Describing it as a hole, rather than a tunnel, would also be accurate. So episode by episode, Jeff and I feel like we're almost there on the island.

Stacey's birthday is tomorrow. Of course, I had my dates mixed up, so I sent her a card a month early. We do have a present to give us, minus a card. If possible, and don't interfere with their plans, we'd like to go back to their house - minus Daisy. Daisy is a very nervous dog, and that maybe because she doesn't see well out one eye. Daisy never jumps into my lap from the right side of my chair, always the left. She will jump straight, using both eyes, I assume, to get into Jeff's chair.

That's all the news fit to print. More tomorrow.



Thursday, March 21, 2019

Today: Rainy, Glppmy with a Hint of Depression


Today, just as the weatherman predicted, it is dark, raining and gloomy outside. This is not good news from somebody who needs sunshine to help my mood.

I'm currently sitting in front of my "SAD" light, hoping (fingers crossed) that I'll get enough fake sunshine, for me. It's difficult, at best, for "regular people", to feel upbeat on days such as this.

After reading the paper, and I do now every day, I feel so sorry for the people in the states that are dealing with water - a lot of water. If you knew that the ship (house) is going down, what things would absolutely have to be saved. Oh, for sure important papers, that would be hard to replace, as well as memory stuff like that. Some people wouldn't try to save pictures, but given enough time to move along, I'd really try to load up as much stuff as possible in the car. The girls would, of course, be part of the load in the car. 

We are supposed to get a lot of rain today, and while our backyard, becomes a Mother Nature swimming pool, we live at the top of a hill, and we've never had to battle with water seeping into the basement. Of course, is you/we did suffer with excess water, it's amazing how much stuff in the basement, for instance, isn't relevant. Not worth saving, at least in my opinion. Jeff would feel differently about this I'm sure. My treasures are inside the house, and in the big scheme of things, while it would be heartbreaking, but, my glass pieces, and there's a lot of them, are in reality, just things.  And, since most of my glass pieces came from Ebay, I could start collecting new glass pieces. Hope it never comes that. 

I still have my felt baby shoes (and, you're saying, of course you do), also Benjamin's first pair of Crocs, and they are so small. Once my hope chest is so full that the top won't close, I have two options: one purge the things inside (and that ain't gonna happen) or buy myself another kind of chest to store new things. Pretty sure you all know which of those options I would do.

The picture below closely resembles glass birds on a glass tree - beautiful 

 Tree with 9 Birds | Hand made using the “massello” technique. Crystal base with green glass lines and crystal "leaf" details. Maestro: Arnaldo Zanella


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I'm Busy On Wednesday


My blog will be a bit on the short side today. Why? Because Jeff and I have appointments today, so no sitting around for me this morning. Oh, I did manage to sneak in American Idol while I indulged in my breakfast.

I applaud all the young people, who put their dreams out there, and remaining hopeful for that "golden ticket". 

Personally, I can't sing. And no, this is not my imagination. One year at Christmas, I sang some Christmasee (new word) song, and our tree fell to the ground. While I knew that it wasn't my singing that felled that true, it remained a bit of a family joke thereafter.

I think we'll put the top down this morning when I go to have my "head shrunk". The car has neck warmers (delightful) as well as the now standard equipment - heated seats. 

More tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Shopping Then and Shopping Now


Some of you may remember when shopping meant going to an "actual" store, and now we don't go often or at all.

In large department stores, it was better to avoid the cosmetics area, because undoubtedly, some lady would come at you much like a Kamikaze warrior. Target? You. Since, it's been long established that I only wear one perfume (long live Chloe!), I really don't want to leave a store "stinking" for lack of a better word, with an overpowering spritz of perfume.

Back-to-school shopping with the boys was the stuff of nightmares. Trying on new jeans, which are very stiff, is a lot like trying to cram your foot into a shoe that's just a "tad" too small. By the time we carried our bags out to the car, none of us were talking. 

But over time, with the advent of on-line shopping, a lot of retailers have folded up their tents and left the malls. Who can blame them? It's just so much easier to sit in your chair, and with a couple of clicks, all of the world's products are available to you. No hassle with parking, crowds, or unbearable hot stores. 

Looking for history about on-line shopping, I discovered that the first on-line shopping was "invented" in 1979 by Michael Aldrich. I have no idea who he is/was, but he started it all.

Ebay and Amazon both introduced themselves to the public in 1995. And, they have both become household names. One of the differences is how much both sites made in 2017. Amazon reported in 2017, sales of $177.87 BILLION, and 306 items per SECOND were sold. Whereas, Ebay sales for the same year was a measly $36.28 BILLION. Neither of these numbers are "chump change". What they do show is how eager we are to avoid getting dressed (when you shop on-line, you could be in pajamas, or for that matter wear nothing at all (ick) drive to the mall, park and wind your way through various stores. To be sure, if you go to a department store, you get to feel as well as try on things before you buy. If you shop on-line, which is my preference, since I don't get around very well, is to hope that whatever piece of clothing or shoe, for example, fit and look exactly as advertised. 

But, buyer beware when it comes to Amazon. You could have a prime membership, order any number of things from them. Trouble is, if your purchase and return ratio is out of balance, they'll ban your account. And, apparently it doesn't matter how much you SPEND with them, it's how many things you have RETURNED. I don't know how Amazon makes this decision, and I also don't know if you can check your account, and see some kind of ratio between buying and returning, to avoid the ban on your account.

One man spent $30,000 a year, but he was banned for returning too many items. So, buyer beware. 


Monday, March 18, 2019

All Things Royal


I, along with a whole lot of other people, find the British family very interesting. Particularly, now with the addition of Megan. Megan was an actress in Hollywood, made her own money, a lot of it to be exact, and is worth $5,000,00. Comparing Megan's worth to Harry, his worth is $40,000.00. In most marriages, the man normally brings home "the bacon", and in this relationship is no different.

My Dad served in the military in England, during the run-up of Queen Elizabeth's coronation. At that time, we lived in Liverpool - long live the Beatles, who also came from Liverpool.

Queen Elizabeth's coronation date was June 2, 1953. At that time, I was 4 years old and not interested in much of anything, let alone the royal occasion in June. I don't remember much, but I do remember that the streets were lined with tables. Each boy received a "gold" coach, and each girl, including yours truly, were given little mugs with fairy tale characters on the outside. I don't know if my brother still has his coach, but I definitely have the cup. The cup is fragile, and has been broken and glued together several times. And, this won't come as a surprise to any of you, but I hang onto my memories. I have short term memory issues, but can remember things that happened in the past, as a child or teenager.

My Dad also bought me a musical carousel. To answer the obvious question - do I still have it? You bet I do. The carousel has a striped top with small fringe hanging from the top. It is likely that this carousel isn't worth much today, but putting a price on a memory, is just silly. I did my usual searching, and found one that looks a lot like mine and it costs $239.00.  Will I ever sell it? Nope. It seems unlikely that the boys will love or even like this carousel as much as I do.

Oh, where was I? I remember, the royal family. Here, we don't have royalty (at least I don't know of any), we just have a President. Unlike the royal family in England, we don't have just one person directing "traffic". Queen Elizabeth II, on September 9, 2015 has reigned for 65 years, and is now 92 years old. Pretty impressive. And, while she may be old(er), she still dresses in impeccable style and bright colors. We should all look as good at 92 as she does!

Time for me to curtsy, and sign off.  Remember, when drinking tea, it's pinky up. Way more information then you wanted to know.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

What the "H..." is Going On?


Climbing on my soap box now, so you already know that I have an issue to talk and/or rant about. Today's topic is all about the killing of innocent people that have been and likely will continue, unfortunately.

There have been times in history, of which we as humans, are ashamed of, or at least should be. Slavery is one such time. The war against Jews by the Germans is another, removing children from their parents simply because they lived south of the border. All of this, and many other moments in our history, are nothing to be proud of.

But, now we have a new assault on human life. And, even though we didn't pull the trigger, feel very sorry and ashamed of somebody's actions. The killing of people while in their Mosques, simply because they are/were Muslims, is unacceptable. I can actually think of other words to use, but Benjamin sometimes read my blog, so this is going to be PG rated.

If you've got a "beef" with somebody else because of their race, sexual preference or religious beliefs, just doesn't give you or anybody else, the right to slaughter, because there is no more suitable name, innocent people. If you hate people so much, my suggestion is for a person to turn the gun on themselves. That way, they won't have to bother suffering from intolerance. Police killing of the gunman, actually doesn't work for me. I think (and it's only my opinion, and perhaps isn't yours, that these killers, who are probably and/or likely to be "mental" in some sort of way, should stand trial and sentenced. Some of you may remember the song "Love One Another", and I think, actually know, that it's time to take that song to heart.

And, now let's chat about the movie/television stars, who have decided that their child/children should attend a prestige college, just because they want to. When I was working to go to college, I remember taking the SAT's, before submitting my application to a college.   

But, if you're rich, and these people are, they feel they have a right (and they don't) to what basically comes down to a bribe, even though they see the money as a "donation". Sure, that's what's happening. Nearly 50 people, all rich, have been accused of participating this scheme. It's just not right, that rich children, get to go to these prestige colleges, just because they have rich parents. If even one of those children, and it's not their fault, get into college, that means that a child, who worked hard, doesn't get in. And, to be clear this is not fair. Most of us have to play by the rules, but I've seen firsthand what a rich person gets away with.

There is some justice in that Lori Laughlin, who had a very successful career by being the star of many Hallmark movies. Say good-bye to that revenue stream. Hallmark was quick to separate themselves from the actress. Now, the question is: was it really worth it? All of the people who indulged (can't that of a better word), will forever be famous by the actions they did this year. 

And, finally, I come to the story that a robber dressed as a unicorn (I think of as my spirit animal" robbed a store. Why a unicorn?  Were the stores out of the routine masks? For instance, like Lion, Tiger and Bear, oh my. 

I think all of you know when I've actually got a subject that I can get my teeth into.

For now, climbing off my soapbox. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Only by accident did I pick out green clothes for today.


           Image result for picture of leprechaun

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sleep - to nap or not to nap?


The combination of going to bed late, and getting up early, is not a good combination. Since both of those things happened today, I've already taken a nap! (snooze anyone)?

Yesterday, I took my trusty rollator and I did three laps (if you can call them that) around the circle in front of our house. After I was finished with my walk, I parked the rollator in the driveway, and just sat there, enjoying the sunshine. I use my "SAD" light most mornings, but today my office is already filled with sunshine. And, that makes me happy, and you really do want me to be happen!

Jeff went to the Social Security office yesterday, and got in the door mere minutes before they closed. So the dread I was feeling for him, such as long lines, etc., didn't come true. He was in and out in no time. It was one of those things he had to do. As adults, there are certain things that you have to do, with a silver bullet in your mouth to help with the pain!

I don't seem to have any get up and go today. At this point in my life, it's easy to just delay, pretty much everything indefinitely. Luckily, Ada comes once a week and puts the house together, no more scrubbing toilets and floors for me. I suspect that our house is one of the easiest homes to clean. Upstairs, she only does our bathroom and bedroom. The other two bedrooms always have their doors shut. They're shut, simply because I tend to put stuff that has no real home inside those rooms! I'm absolutely not picky, so pretty much anything that Ada does around the house, is a lifesaver to me. When you raise boys, you learn to tolerate a "bit" of a mess, even sometimes more than just a "bit"!!

That's all for today. I hope it's sunny where you are.



Friday, March 15, 2019

Cables and Wires -- Oh My!


Before the age of computers, lamps, as well as many other products, we the consumers have now been subjected to wires and cables. Mind you, we all love our electronic devices, and have no intention of giving them up. Yesterday, I went, and don't ask me why, but I looked behind a small cabinet, that at one time, had a few wires. I was just super shocked when all I could see was a jumble of wires - think of a pile of snakes (you get my drift).

Under my computer, there are wires and cables too. But, because they are hidden away from sight, I can actually forget that they're there. And, it's far better to not go looking for trouble. 

There are three geeks in my life, and I depend on them to keep my Tivo, television, and computer running through all those wires. I'm a very lucky lady to have this in-house "network" of men who are in the know about such stuff.  Here's all I ask. And, that is don't let any of my essential devices stop working. I love my computer and through the wonder of Google, can search for anything and sometimes even people.  Gotta love all that power. Sure beats wading through an encyclopedia!

The company who manufactured the encyclopedia "Brittanica", stopped making these books in 2012. They were in the business of making encyclopedias, for 24 years. If, and I can't think why, you wanted to buy the final print, it will set you back $1,395. Not a good deal in my book. It's not like you can add anything to this book. What's printed, is all that you get. No wonder search engines have taken over the world. My Dad bought Collier's encyclopedias, and they were not only heavy, but hard to use. Some salesman convinced my Dad, that we kids, needed an entire set of encyclopedias. Dad's heart was in the right place, but unfortunately turned out to be a bust, since these books were so hard to use. And, of course, once an encyclopedia is printed, it's already outdated!

During high school, Dad would drive me to the nearest library so that I could do research on a current project. Not many Dads would do that, but my Dad was special. Of course, most of you women, also think/thought your Dad was special, and they are/were. It's a father/daughter bond like no other.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

After Dinner Snacking!


I enjoy, and many of you do as well, enjoy some kind of snack somewhere between dinner and bedtime. My Dad was no exception, but he could really control himself when snacking. Unlike yours truly (sad to say).

Dad loved Planter's Peanuts, and when he was eating them, he ate only one at a time. Most people, generally grab a handful and pop them into the mouth. I am guilty of doing this. When Dad died, one of the things that Jeff and I put in his casket, was a can of peanuts, for him to snack on - if needed. 

Dad's other favorite thing to munch on was Sugar Smacks. No other cereal, just smacks. 

All of this brings me to the point of eating cereal in the evening. My preferred cereal is Frosted Flakes, perhaps they are sugared! After most of the cereal is gone, I'm left with cereal milk, and it's yummy. Perhaps, somebody could, or may have already, started selling cereal milk

Doing my "research", I found a cafe in Oklahoma called "Bowl-n-spoon. They have 30 different cereals with 20 toppings. Sounds like a great place to eat breakfast all day long! In New York, you can go to the Milk and Cream bar. They have 18 different cereals with 6 toppings (strawberries). So, if you're a cereal lover, places like this would be heaven. be heaven. But, I did notice that cereal bars do not include Sugar Smacks. Too bad.

Last night, my snack of choice was obviously Frosties - yum, and of course, the milk as well. 

Get out your bowls tonight, put in cereal and milk and enjoy.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Beautiful Day - Truly!


After more than a few days where colder temperatures and rain prevailed, at last the sun has come out. A bit too premature to think that Spring in all of it's glory will happen in the next week or two. Cherry blossoms, spring flowers emerge from their long sleep, and more people are outside, soaking up the sun. I'm hoping to be one of these people today. I can do a few laps around the circle using my rollator. Walking on my own is out of the question, as I fell again yesterday. Landed on my already hurt shoulder, so now my shoulder hurts much more. In an effort to keep pee spots (thank you Daisy) to a minimum, I have ordered a hallway length pad. This pad will fit (fingers crossed) the hall, and there will be need for us to put down multiple pads for her. It's a good thing she's a lovely dog - that is her saving grace!

Have you ever misplaced something, and now you can't find it? Truth be told this happens to me a lot. And, if you're thinking that I should write down things, I would, but then I would forget where the written note is.  It's so much fun having an "addled" brain. But, I don't recommend it! My only defense, and heaven knows I need one, is that my short term memory has been comprised (thank you ECT treatments. Sad part is that those treatments didn't make me "better".

Yesterday, I was able to watch two action movies. Action movies definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. It's pretty hard to fall asleep when Bruce Willis hanging onto a building using just his fingers. And, I also like Tom Cruises' movies. His smile is contagious and the stunts in most of his movies, are very captivating. Wouldn't you like to be the actresses that are in his movies? I know I would! Just saying. A girl can dream, can't she?

Moving now onto my day. I still have heaps of paper and that paper needs to be sorted into "trash" or a pile of paper that needs to be shredded. Unfortunately, in the war of paper vs paper, the "shredded" pile has already started to fill up a box. Tossing out generic paper is easy, but shredding mounds (small ones) of paper, will surely be a strain on our shredder. Commercial shredding anyone?

I hope it's sunny where you are. If so, go out and get some Vitamin D.




Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Your Lifetime Career


From my first typing class on a manual typewriter, and needing strong tiny fingers (emphasis on strong) until I retired in 2013, I became a secretary.

As a teenager, secretaries were in every office, and probably the world.  In a typing class in high school (electric typewriters), my teacher, Mrs. Orr told us girls that if were going to make our living working as a secretary, then we had to the best.

I listened and learned from this wonderful teacher. Over the years, I have had wonderful jobs, as well as some really bad jobs. In the early 70's sexual harassment was alive and well. And, it seemed to me that women had very few rights. If you became pregnant in the 70's and early 80's, you had exactly 6 weeks maternity leave. If you didn't return at the end of your leave, you lost your job. In those days, it was as simple as that!

When I worked for a title company (worse job ever), I was a typist. We were given the legal description of a piece of land, and you typed in the numbers on paper two. Hard to imagine now. Each day, the supervisor called all of us typists to tell everybody how "well", each typist typed that day. The supervisor then told us how many land descriptions lady "x" or lady "y" did. It didn't matter, if yous land description was hundreds of pages long, the numbers of how much you typed, was in effect a different form of harassment. I remember when the boss came to see me to tell me that I was fired. He told me my work was under par, and that I would never be able to get another job that required typing (boy was he ever wrong). After he left my desk, I then took a pair of scissors, and cut up all the paper tape I had worked on. In my mind, and I was very young, if my typing was not up to company standards, then why should I leave complete paper tapes behind. This won me no points at all! (go figure). 

At an early age, I didn't understand the concept of staying below (not actually sitting below) and try to not call attention yourself.

One boss threw a stapler at me. Another boss, called me on the carpet because the holes in a document weren't in perfect alignment. This man, in order to get my attention, would send a small ball down the hallway. That was my cue to get up and go see him.

All in all, I have had approximately 10 jobs since 1968. My favorite job, and as it turned out to be my last one, was working at Marriott headquarters as a legal secretary. So Mr. Title Company man, put that in your pipe and smoke it. 

While at my desk, one of my attorneys could dictate to me, while I typed. That's pretty good in my book. 

Whenever I took a typing test, I would always have to take the paper out, turn it around and continue to type. At one point in my career, I could type very fast, and was an excellent employee. I had learned to stay low and let the "bullets" fly over my head. A learned skill to be sure.

After my required retirement, I continued to type. I type my blog every day as well as letters and such. Oh, and by the way, this gal can still type super fast

One time, I was given the task of counting out the numbers of something quite small. After getting that number, I was then told to divide that number times "x". Trouble was, that after dividing the numbers the total was never zero. The men in that office, thought it was amusing how much effort I put in to a worthless task. 

I have had to ask permission to go to the bathroom, and when I did get that permission, it was understood that you only had a few minutes to get back to work. Nobody, woman or man, would stand still for this kind of nonsense. But, if you made waves of any kind, you were gone. All totaled, I have have held approximately 10 jobs. I guess that's not too bad, for a career that spanned 45 years.

After retiring, I tried my hand twice as an office helper. Both jobs ended up crashing and burning. My short term memory made it difficult for me, to retain what I was told. After those two failures, I came to the conclusion that it would be better for me to just stay home. And, I'm happy here.



Monday, March 11, 2019

Loving the longer days


Ah, the joys of the day becoming longer starting over the weekend. Of course, the mere fact of we humans changing our clocks, the girls are finding it a bit more difficult, as far as getting up is concerned.

On Saturday night, we were invited to Andrew's house for pizza and dessert. The dessert was a chocolate cake with lots of sprinkles provided by Benjamin!

Their new finished basement is, to say the least, simply gorgeous. A really big screen, tiered seating, just like in a regular theater. You control with buttons, how you would like your particular chair to be: reclined, headrest and other cool features. We watched the second Mary Poppins movie, and it was enjoyable. Problem was, that this Mary Poppins, who was very good in her role, just couldn't quite live up to Julie Andrews in the first movie. The actress from the movie, had big shoes to fill!

In front of the seats are two sort of like bean-bag cushions, only better made and while it would be difficult for me to sit down on this "pouf", and super duper hard to pull me back up. Trust me, I know my limits.

I watched Shark Tank last night. One product that was featured was a low cost, robo caller blocker. I actually hate when the phone rings. I'm either being offered some kind of medical brace, something to do with our credit card, new windows, computer support - well you get the idea. These calls are just down right annoying. I mean, how many braces does one gal need? None, at least in my opinion, and it's the only one that matters. Jeff bought us mobile phones a few years ago, and they are a lifesaver. Now, I can answer the phone from my chair, and depending on who's calling, just hang up, while the person or machine continues to talk.

It's true that I could probably use answering the phone, as a form of exercise. But, since I don't like to exercise, and most calls are annoying, to say the lest, then I'm okay with being a "sitter downer" in  my chair in the den. More times while I'm sitting in my chair, Daisy joins me. Because of what we believe is her one eye, not working so well, she never jumps into my lap from the right side of the chair. Always left, or in the case of Jeff, hops up in his lap, by standing in front of his chair.

So there you have it . My weekend in review. Not only is it rather sunny today, but the best part of this week will be the higher temperatures. This weather reminds of a song famous when I was a teenage "Sunshine and Lollipops". 


Robocall cartoons, Robocall cartoon, funny, Robocall picture, Robocall pictures, Robocall image, Robocall images, Robocall illustration, Robocall illustrations



Saturday, March 9, 2019

Wake-Up Call


For all the years that I can remember, my breakfast almost always is toast/bagel and coffee. It's just how I like to start my day.

But, today I found another way to get my heart started. A movie guaranteed to keep you both awake and on the edge of your seat (at least for me). The movie is "Sky Scraper" with Dwayne Johnson. Believe me, there is more action than any action junkie could ask for. 

Generally, my go-to kind of movie are comedies or mushy romance ones. I would read a book while eating, but that gets a bit messy, particularly when you/I slather said bagel with butter. 

I bought two hardback books recently, and with the help of a magnifying glass and my reading "cheaters", was able to read the words. Or, at least the words I wanted to read. Everybody knows that I'm a bit of a skipper when I read. I glance at the page, browse that page, and if I don't find anything compelling on a page, go onto the next page. I know as I write this, that it sounds stupid, but it's just me. If the book is very interesting, then I actually read every word. 

I just finished a John Grisham book, and it definitely was a read every word kind of book. Since I never read a book twice, I'm taking them out to Stacey today, so she can give them to her mother.

This afternoon, we are going out to Andrew's house for dinner and a movie. We're bringing a Costco everything pizza, and Stacey will cook a cheese pizza for her and Benjamin. After we eat, we're going into the basement to watch a movie in their new "theater". We're taking both dogs, with an eagle eye on Daisy. Daisy has never met a surface she doesn't want to pee on. And, believe me, I don't want the first "marking" on their new carpet by her. We don't have to worry about Bella, because she is more in control. Jeff says that he will take Daisy out while we are watching the movie.

Speaking of pee, and doesn't everybody want to talk about that, I have bought numerous pee pads for Daisy. I have lined the upstairs hallway with these pads, and they seem to be working. What I really like about these pads is that when they have become used, you just put them in the washer, and they come out really clean. To be sure, I could use hallway runners, but when they have used as a porta-potty, there is more involved in washing them. First, they all have that awful rubber backing, which makes it through the washer okay, but with numerous washing and drying, the backing begins to wear off. 

Don't forget to set your clocks backwards tonight. The change in time, will likely screw the girls up. They were confused when we set the clocks forward. The girls normally get up at 7:30, so it's anyone's guess what time they will get up tomorrow. I personally love the extra light at the end of the day.

Happy Saturday.


Set your clocks ahead


Friday, March 8, 2019

Weird "Holdays"


 Just in case all of you think that the only good thing about today, is that's Friday. When I was working, I always looked forward to Friday and any three days off because of a holiday.

Because I know you're dying to know (not really I'm sure), I searched for little known "national days". 

Here's what I found:

National Proofreading Day: I'm guilty, because sometimes my fingers get ahead of my thoughts, and I type a wrong word, or miss a word completely!

Here's one: National Nasty Day: I tend to think I'm not a nasty person. If you look up the word nasty in the dictionary, there are numerous synonyms that define the word nasty. Here's just a few:   uncharitable, unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, mean, mean-spirited, cruel, vicious, spiteful, malicious, malevolent, harsh, callous, pitiless, ruthless, unsympathetic, unfeeling. Trust me, the list of nasty things goes on and on. I think, since nobody's perfect, that there are several words that can relate to me. Sad to say that of course.

National Middle Name Day:  How many of you use your middle name? I know I don't. If you go south, it seems like your middle name is always used. My middle name? Jo (like Little Women). It's not that I don't like it, I just don't identify myself with my middle name. A number of married woman, use their maiden last name, as part of their now married name. Does that make sense to you? So, if I was to use my last name before I married, it would be: Patti Carr Bassett. It doesn't roll off my tongue. When Jeff and I got married, about a 100 years ago, it wasn't "a thing" to use your birth last name as part of your new married name.  

Saying that, I define myself with only my first name. When I was a child, if my mother called me by my first two names, I absolutely knew I was in trouble!!

Some people don't actually like their middle name, hence they never use it. Jeff's middle name is Thomas, but he uses it seldom, unless it's some kind of important document: his Will, passport, etc.

Today, I will leave you with my name,

Patti Jo

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...