Monday, March 4, 2019

One of my favorite show


If you know me, and most of you do, even it's just through this blog, then you already know I LOVE television.  If there was a support group for tv junkies, I'd fit right in! I suppose folks like me, would probably have to give up our remotes, and that's not going to happen anytime soon.

One of the shows I like, and believe me there are many, is American Idol. I can't sing even if my life depended on it. But, I really do appreciate people who have a talent for singing, playing the guitar and/or the piano.

I only watched a bit of "Idol" this morning while I had my breakfast. The first three contestants received the much coveted "ticket to Hollywood". Of course, not everybody can win, and it's heart breaking, at least for me, to watch these people get their hopes dashed. It takes guts to perform in front of the judges as well as the public. Apparently, I'm not alone in watching "Idol". Last nights show, there were 10.3 MILLION people watching. Now, by anyone's standards, that's a lot of people. It also means that the number of folks tuned into that show, means their not watching some other show. Obviously, me included. Since we have a Tivo, it records our shows, and we can watch them whenever we want. And, that's a very cool thing to have.

The weather event scheduled for yesterday, was a non-event. Oh, we had snow, but it was the non-accumulated kind. Pretty to watch, and better yet, no shoveling required! Had the fireplace on, for most of the day, and there generally was at least one dog, resting as close to the fire as possible.

I went up yesterday, into Jeff's office, and took out all the paper I'd been saving. And, that was a lot of paper. But, when all is said, there are really only two piles of paper: shred or toss. I have filled large plastic bags with paper that needs sorting. For years, I've kept all of our paid bills. Thinking back, that just doesn't make any sense. If you had an outstanding balance with a company, you can be pretty sure that they'll send you a reminder. I still have all my payroll slips from Marriott, and there is no reason to keep them. Actually, even when I was working there, there wasn't a need to keep them around.

I'm going to fill up trash bags today, toss said bags down the stairs, and start going through all of the paper, and sorting into two piles: just trash or must be shredded. We (me) shred any documents that show our name. There's enough people out there, that would only be to happy to try and steal your identity.

Mother Nature is trying to give us a beautiful day, but so far we have a mix of blue and gray skies. Oh, and it's cold outside.  So, it's a long pants kind of day. When the weather warms up, I have several pair of summer pants that I want to alter. The alteration lady loves me. She should, I might be her best customer.




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