Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lottery wining


And, if case you're wondering, Jeff and I haven't won the lottery. About the most we ever got back, was the cost of the ticket! Bummer.

But, for arguments sake, that we had won MEGA MILLIONS. And, now once the initial excitement, as well as falling to the floor in disbelief, what do you do next?

Everybody who would get that kind of a prize, probably has a list of things (kept alone in your brain), of what you would do with the money. Take it all at once?  Or, receive annual payments? Making this kind of decision would be a no brainer for me. I can't speak for Jeff, of course.

History: The first big winning was in 1614 in Germany. The first U.S. lottery was won in Puerto Rico in 1934. Clearly, lotteries have been around a long time.

What would I do if I had just won BILLIONS, or even a shabby MILLIONS, I think the first thing I would do is not to get over excited, and blow a lot of the money in the first thirty days.

For me, and I can't speak for Jeff, would be to put some/all, in a bank for safe keeping. Obviously, putting some funds in investments, for the future.

Then, I (not speaking for Jeff), I would sell this house, and buy a large house (which I really don't need), that has an enclosed deck. I want the deck so that I can sit in the morning enjoying both my breakfast and the views. I want a large kitchen, even though my cooking at this point is minimal. I want the house to be on some kind of acreage, so that I would no longer be close enough to a neighbor, to hear them when they're outside, on their deck! Or, that they're bothered with the girls, start vocalizing in the backyard. Of course, I would pay somebody to take care of the yard and help cleaning in the inside. Doesn't that all sound good to you? I know it certainly does for me.

It might be time to retire the "Blue Ox" (our truck), which is used by both boys,and buy a newer model.

Next, because by this time we have sold our house, and in doing so, Jeff and I would have to take a good look about all of the basement "treasures"!!

Take a long vacation to the Outer Banks, with the boys' et al. Obviously, we could afford a rental house basically on the water. Years ago, we would rent a very large house, but a few streets away from the water. Um, perhaps we could buy a summer home.  

Go to Hawaii, Maui to be exact. The family could and/or would go along with us. There are other counties I would like to visit. Oh, and take a cruise. Destination? Who cares. If the world was perfect, would take the QEII ship from England to New York!!

Guess you can see from all of the above, that I have put a lot of thought into spending a lot of money. Of course, if you don't buy a ticket, you won't win! That goes without saying.

So, take a few moments to think about what part of your life, could/would change.


 Image result for picture of winning lottery ticket

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