Friday, March 22, 2019

Another Day, Same Weather


Editor's Correction to yesterday's blog. We were having a gloomy day, not a glppmy day. Although come to think of it, maybe it was a glppmy kind of day. If so, we're in for another day of the same kind of weather. 

Just finished watching Project Runway while I had breakfast. Since I can't sew, and believe me I've tried, what these designers come up with is mind blowing.

Knowing that all of the designers, well design clothes, it was shocking to see what they came up for a team challenge. I have nothing against black clothing per se, (did I spell that right?), but own as few pieces of black clothing as possible. And, of course, each designer's garment was as tight as they possibly could.

I'm not a fashion icon - please don't laugh at this. You all know that this is true. Since I no longer work, outside of the house, I only have one or two "going to town" pieces of clothing. These items are worn seldom, and are stain free!! Hence, the words "going to town", means fancier dinners and parties et al.

Jeff is heading out this morning to his favorite place. If you thought airplane hanger, you'd be right. This morning, one of the burnt out light bulbs is being changed. Not very exciting I know, but at least he gets to pull the plane in and out of the hanger. While he's out there, Bella will be free to run around, but making sure that she doesn't get in the way of a plane coming or going. But, she does get to stretch her legs.

Have enjoyed watching the show "Curse of Oak Island". History tells us that there is buried gold and possibly highly famous items of the past. I was curious because the two brothers, Rick and Marty, have been out at Oak Island for several years, and have been spending money right and left. I did some checking and Rick is worth a measly $2 million, while Marty, is worth $50 million That's a lot of money, however, you look at it.

Jeff and I have watched all the seasons and find ourselves quietly rooting for the two brothers to find something of substance. Gold coins would be a nice touch. Through time and money, the brothers have dug up massive amounts of earth, and had divers go down tunnels, looking for something, or anything. When the results come up from being in the ground, there are pieces of wood, as well as some fragments of odd things to find in this tunnel. I'm using the word tunnel because I can't think of it as anything else. Describing it as a hole, rather than a tunnel, would also be accurate. So episode by episode, Jeff and I feel like we're almost there on the island.

Stacey's birthday is tomorrow. Of course, I had my dates mixed up, so I sent her a card a month early. We do have a present to give us, minus a card. If possible, and don't interfere with their plans, we'd like to go back to their house - minus Daisy. Daisy is a very nervous dog, and that maybe because she doesn't see well out one eye. Daisy never jumps into my lap from the right side of my chair, always the left. She will jump straight, using both eyes, I assume, to get into Jeff's chair.

That's all the news fit to print. More tomorrow.



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