Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spring Cleaning


Do you get the "itches", when spring rolls around? I know I do. Trees are budding and daffodils are making their appearance. Of course, you have to take the good with the bad, weeds everywhere, and plants need to be trimmed. 

The grass in the front yard is very green, heaven knows it should based on how much water we have received lately.

My ability to work in the yard is now minimal, but I still can direct someone to do this kind of work for me. You reach a certain age, and while your mind maybe okay with doing some of the outside chores, but the body isn't. That's why you/we call in a company to mow, etc.

Yesterday, as if I don't have anything to do, I decided to clean up the pantry. It is no joke that our pantry is full, hence we never, or almost never, run out of certain necessary (at least we think so) food items.

I put a chair close to the pantry, so that I could sit down when I needed to, I started re-organizing said pantry. Basically, I wanted to put of the same foods, in the general area. For instance, mayonnaise comes to mind. Once I was satisfied with my work in the pantry, I went into the garage. We have a shelf near the backdoor, and I pulled out of their respective boxes, my high protein waters. There's no need to keep the little boxes, they are just clutter.

Once that chore was done, and I was satisfied with my progress, I pulled out the two very large containers of winter things, like salt for instance. There was quite a mess behind these containers, so I got out my trusty broom, and did some sweeping. I believe that Jeff can take the snow shovel back to the basement now. Winter is over, and the days are getting warmer, hence the decision to sit on the porch swing. Or, I could take my rollator outside, and "park" it in the driveway, soaking up the sunshine. Oh, and do some laps around the circle with the rollator. I would walk with Bella, who is very good on a leash, but I have a huge fear of falling again, so that doesn't seem like a good option for me.

Scott and Wendy are coming over tomorrow morning for breakfast. Nobody puts out a better breakfast spread than Jeff. 

I have another box of old(er) paperwork to go through. Since we don't want our name and/or address on anything, there is definitely more papers that need shredding, or putting in Andrew's fire pit. After all of the years, carefully putting each and every paid bill in corresponding folders in the filing cabinet Now I know or believe that I don't have to do that. If we miss a bill, which never happens, the utility company, for example, will be more than happy to send us another.

I had paid bills going back as far as 2009. Why did I keep them all these years? Lazy I guess could aptly describe my reluctance to delve into paper, a lot of paper.

It's a beautiful day outside. After a bit, I'm going to take my rollator and do a few laps around the circle. I could, I suppose walk down the hill, but pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get back up, without assistance.

If it's sunny where you are, and I hope it is, go outside and soak up some of that Vitamin D, which is really good for the body.


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