Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sleep - to nap or not to nap?


The combination of going to bed late, and getting up early, is not a good combination. Since both of those things happened today, I've already taken a nap! (snooze anyone)?

Yesterday, I took my trusty rollator and I did three laps (if you can call them that) around the circle in front of our house. After I was finished with my walk, I parked the rollator in the driveway, and just sat there, enjoying the sunshine. I use my "SAD" light most mornings, but today my office is already filled with sunshine. And, that makes me happy, and you really do want me to be happen!

Jeff went to the Social Security office yesterday, and got in the door mere minutes before they closed. So the dread I was feeling for him, such as long lines, etc., didn't come true. He was in and out in no time. It was one of those things he had to do. As adults, there are certain things that you have to do, with a silver bullet in your mouth to help with the pain!

I don't seem to have any get up and go today. At this point in my life, it's easy to just delay, pretty much everything indefinitely. Luckily, Ada comes once a week and puts the house together, no more scrubbing toilets and floors for me. I suspect that our house is one of the easiest homes to clean. Upstairs, she only does our bathroom and bedroom. The other two bedrooms always have their doors shut. They're shut, simply because I tend to put stuff that has no real home inside those rooms! I'm absolutely not picky, so pretty much anything that Ada does around the house, is a lifesaver to me. When you raise boys, you learn to tolerate a "bit" of a mess, even sometimes more than just a "bit"!!

That's all for today. I hope it's sunny where you are.



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