Friday, March 29, 2019

Getting Old(er)


In a matter of less than two weeks, Jeff will turn 70! I can't actually wrap my head around him being this age. When you start your married life, at the ripe old age of 25, turning 70 is the farthest thing on your mind.

In all of these years, we were busy raising a family, as well as many years later, raising Benjamin for a few years.

Our first house was small, with a flat roof. Obviously, back in this area, I don't think anybody has a flat roof. In the kitchen, we had an actual copper oven. You could polish this sucker, and the moment somebody touched it, their fingerprints appeared.

We moved to Maryland in 1986, and never looked back. I visited my parents a few years before my Dad passed away, and couldn't wait to get home. 

All of our parents have since passed away, and I only have a sister and a brother left as family. There is distance between the three of us, so I can't actually remember when we were altogether.

Jeff bought a plane after Benjamin was born, and what fun we have had flying here and there. Las Vegas, California, New Orleans, the Bahamas (twice), Illinois, and New Orleans. We may have flown to other places, but my memory, which we all know isn't too good, isn't giving up additional places!

Over the years, we have experienced highs and lows, as well as everything in between. Somehow the thought of both of us turning 70 this year, seems like a far away number, when we initially got married.

As far as I'm concerned, "in sickness and in health", Jeff got, unfortunately, the short end of the straw. He has had some medical issues in the past, but now, unfortunately, he has to deal with a spouse who has a very limited short term memory. And, yet both of us are in a "canoe" with the oars rowing in the same direction.



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