Monday, March 11, 2019

Loving the longer days


Ah, the joys of the day becoming longer starting over the weekend. Of course, the mere fact of we humans changing our clocks, the girls are finding it a bit more difficult, as far as getting up is concerned.

On Saturday night, we were invited to Andrew's house for pizza and dessert. The dessert was a chocolate cake with lots of sprinkles provided by Benjamin!

Their new finished basement is, to say the least, simply gorgeous. A really big screen, tiered seating, just like in a regular theater. You control with buttons, how you would like your particular chair to be: reclined, headrest and other cool features. We watched the second Mary Poppins movie, and it was enjoyable. Problem was, that this Mary Poppins, who was very good in her role, just couldn't quite live up to Julie Andrews in the first movie. The actress from the movie, had big shoes to fill!

In front of the seats are two sort of like bean-bag cushions, only better made and while it would be difficult for me to sit down on this "pouf", and super duper hard to pull me back up. Trust me, I know my limits.

I watched Shark Tank last night. One product that was featured was a low cost, robo caller blocker. I actually hate when the phone rings. I'm either being offered some kind of medical brace, something to do with our credit card, new windows, computer support - well you get the idea. These calls are just down right annoying. I mean, how many braces does one gal need? None, at least in my opinion, and it's the only one that matters. Jeff bought us mobile phones a few years ago, and they are a lifesaver. Now, I can answer the phone from my chair, and depending on who's calling, just hang up, while the person or machine continues to talk.

It's true that I could probably use answering the phone, as a form of exercise. But, since I don't like to exercise, and most calls are annoying, to say the lest, then I'm okay with being a "sitter downer" in  my chair in the den. More times while I'm sitting in my chair, Daisy joins me. Because of what we believe is her one eye, not working so well, she never jumps into my lap from the right side of the chair. Always left, or in the case of Jeff, hops up in his lap, by standing in front of his chair.

So there you have it . My weekend in review. Not only is it rather sunny today, but the best part of this week will be the higher temperatures. This weather reminds of a song famous when I was a teenage "Sunshine and Lollipops". 


Robocall cartoons, Robocall cartoon, funny, Robocall picture, Robocall pictures, Robocall image, Robocall images, Robocall illustration, Robocall illustrations



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