Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Beautiful Day - Truly!


After more than a few days where colder temperatures and rain prevailed, at last the sun has come out. A bit too premature to think that Spring in all of it's glory will happen in the next week or two. Cherry blossoms, spring flowers emerge from their long sleep, and more people are outside, soaking up the sun. I'm hoping to be one of these people today. I can do a few laps around the circle using my rollator. Walking on my own is out of the question, as I fell again yesterday. Landed on my already hurt shoulder, so now my shoulder hurts much more. In an effort to keep pee spots (thank you Daisy) to a minimum, I have ordered a hallway length pad. This pad will fit (fingers crossed) the hall, and there will be need for us to put down multiple pads for her. It's a good thing she's a lovely dog - that is her saving grace!

Have you ever misplaced something, and now you can't find it? Truth be told this happens to me a lot. And, if you're thinking that I should write down things, I would, but then I would forget where the written note is.  It's so much fun having an "addled" brain. But, I don't recommend it! My only defense, and heaven knows I need one, is that my short term memory has been comprised (thank you ECT treatments. Sad part is that those treatments didn't make me "better".

Yesterday, I was able to watch two action movies. Action movies definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. It's pretty hard to fall asleep when Bruce Willis hanging onto a building using just his fingers. And, I also like Tom Cruises' movies. His smile is contagious and the stunts in most of his movies, are very captivating. Wouldn't you like to be the actresses that are in his movies? I know I would! Just saying. A girl can dream, can't she?

Moving now onto my day. I still have heaps of paper and that paper needs to be sorted into "trash" or a pile of paper that needs to be shredded. Unfortunately, in the war of paper vs paper, the "shredded" pile has already started to fill up a box. Tossing out generic paper is easy, but shredding mounds (small ones) of paper, will surely be a strain on our shredder. Commercial shredding anyone?

I hope it's sunny where you are. If so, go out and get some Vitamin D.




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