Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Day Before a Long Weekend!


It's Thursday and a bit muggy outside.  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't know if it was muggy out, but I have to take Daisy out regularly so she can do her P&P business.  Our track record for the last two days is 90% of potty business done outside, and 10% in the house.  She's so small that when she does wet the carpet, she leaves a spot about the size of a dime, and I have plenty of club soda in the house to use on those spots.

Tomorrow, Jeff and I are going to see Peter Pan done by children.  Benjamin wanted to be Peter Pan but instead he is playing the part of the boy John Darling.  This role will suit him well.  He gets to wear a top hat and a cane.  

I'm not getting much done during the day, because I'm on hyper watch to make sure that Daisy doesn't get into the wrong things.  Today she brought me one of my shoes, but I redirected her to a toy and all was good.

Jeff and I are both very impressed that when we put her in the bathroom at night, she doesn't cry or whine.  She just gets in her bed and goes to sleep.  I have washable rugs in the bathroom, so her accidents during the night aren't much of a problem.

I think this weekend, Scott and Jeff are going to the battery warehouse to clear out the last of our things.  We only have 2 months left on our 5 year lease.  If, and that's a big if, the landlord finds someone who wants to rent the space, we've told him we need about 5 minutes to get out.  I know that even if the space is rented before September 1st, we'll only be left with mere pennies in our hand, if that.  Once the lease is finished, that will be the official end of "BDI" and we can move past our nightmare that has been constant since 2013.

As I type, Daisy is giving Maggie no rest.  Daisy is jumping around and barking and Maggie just pushes her out of the way.  Though when it comes to food, Maggie doesn't play, she made that very clear to Daisy this morning.

Have a good day.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Puppy!


Yesterday afternoon, we went and picked up our new puppy, Trixie, who we have renamed Daisy.  I decided to call her Daisy after our first yellow Lab who was the best dog, hands down, we've ever owned.

Before we came home, a stop at Petsmart was in order.  Daisy is now sporting a pink collar, which at this point, is a tad too large.  Of course, there were toys.  It was like Christmas for her.  Once we got home, Maggie was initially a bit put out, she's a good dog but I'm not sure she really wanted company!

It's been a long time, 11 years to be exact, since we have had a puppy in the house.  A puppy is very entertaining and Daisy is no exception.  She jumped around and picked up this toy and the occasional shoe, which we quickly redirected her attention to something else.

Come bed time, we put a sheepskin pad in our bathroom.  What amazed me is that Daisy didn't whine at all during the day.  Jeff got up several times and said she seemed content to be on her bed.  Since she's been up this morning, we've had two successful potty trips outside and missed one in the house.  Not bad for such a young dog.  I'm assuming based on her behavior that Daisy hasn't spent much if any time on grass.  She loves rolling around on the lawn - and of course finds little bits of things like tiny twigs to chew on.

Of course, since Daisy is a puppy and needs to be washed almost constantly.  My our recliners is a fabric box that is filled with a few throw blankets for us when our feet get cold.  Daisy quickly found that the box was a super place to take a nap.

As a puppy she has boundless energy and then she just collapses for a nap.  I wish we could all do that!

Time to close - need to find Daisy!


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fingers Crossed!


Obviously, I can't keep my fingers crossed if I'm going to type.  And, if I don't type, then you guys won't have anything to read!

Yesterday, we submitted an application to adopt a young female terrier who is black and white.  A really cute puppy.  If the rescue organization accepts our application, I'm hoping that we'll be able to pick her up tonight.  That's where the fingers crossed thing comes in to play.

I tell Jeff that I'm getting a puppy for Maggie, who seems so lonely now that Sam is gone.  The truth is, there is a huge hole in my heart that misses Sam very much.  I know in time that missing Sam will ease.  But, after 7 years with a little dog, I want/need a new little dog.  There was also a 2 year old terrier that needed to be adopted, but Jeff reminded me that if we get a puppy then there are no bad learned behaviors.  If we get the puppy, then Jeff and I will be able to train her and make sure she is a well behaved dog.

Ultimately, I would like to have the puppy as a companion dog.  Basically, a service dog but not to help me walk or stand; but, to help ease my anxieties.  Petting a dog is one way to calm yourself, and I know Jeff would agree that I could benefit by being calm!

Off to see my psychiatrist this morning, and I have so many things, all positive (yeah) to share with her.

On Friday, Jeff and I are going to see the children's play Peter Pan.  Benjamin was trying out for the part of Peter Pan, but even if he's not the lead actor, I know he'll be great doing whatever part he gets.

Time to run.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Found Money!


Thanks to some kind of class action settlement with Apple, Kindle owners received gift certificates, I guess you could call them that, for use on Amazon.  Amazon is my go to site for just about everything.  And extra free bucks is akin to losing five pounds (don't I wish)!!

Though it would be easy to boar through this found source of income, I'm trying to pace myself.  Order a new Kindle book that isn't listed on the "Kindle Unlimited" page.  After all, it's not every day that I get "free" money that is mine alone to spend.  

I have started looking through my "books to read" binder to see what books I might like to order.  I'm a bit anal about reading and it makes good sense to me to have a three ring binder with pages and pages of book lists from magazines and/or friends.

My jambalaya yesterday was a hit, though Jeff did think it could have had more shrimp.  I also made a cherry pie.  I was going to make a coconut cream pie but discovered that I didn't have any cornstarch.  I mean who thinks very much about cornstarch.  You use it seldom, so it's quite easy to find yourself staring into an empty box!  

I'm hoping that today I will receive an email or phone call from the two rescue organizations that each have a puppy I'm interested in.  My goal is to train the puppy and eventually make her a companion (service) dog for me.  My anxiety level can go up quickly, and it would be very nice to have a dog to pet.

Have a great Monday.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Repairman Goeth!


The repairman came yesterday to look at the microwave.  I was initially concerned when he said he was here to fix the dishwasher.  Yikes!  However, when he realized that it was the microwave that needed attention, he diagnosed the problem in minutes.  He will be back out on July 9th to put in the needed part, and I should be good to go.

I spent a lot of time yesterday looking for a new dog.  While I don't miss the potty business in the basement, I really do miss him.  I started looking at rescue organizations and it's truly sad to see how many dogs need homes.  The most common dog needing a home is the pit bull and there are more males to adopt than females.

I have found two medium-sized dogs that I've submitted applications for.  They are both a terrier mix and young females.  Now, I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens to my applications that I sent in for Dixie and Sadie!  Keeping my fingers crossed.  

I could, of course, rescue a lab, and they are awfully cute, and then they grow up to be big dogs.  I tell myself that Maggie is lonely, and I'm pretty sure she is.  So, I'm getting a new dog as company for us as well as Maggie.

I went to make a coconut cream pie, but discovered that my very old can of cornstarch was nearly empty.  Switched gears and made a cherry pie instead.  

This afternoon I am going to make jambalaya for dinner.  It's a pretty easy recipe, makes lots and will be great as 'tovers' in Jeff's lunch tomorrow!


Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's Saturday and the Repairman Cometh!


It's going to be a warm and slightly humid day.  So glad we put in the new a/c unit last summer.  This afternoon with a time of arrival between 1:00 and 5:00 (couldn't get a tighter time frame?), the Sears man is coming to look at our microwave.

Yesterday, I took all the spices out of the microwave where we've been storing them since 2013.  I'm hoping that the microwave can be fixed, because I miss using it.  I have the little microwave on the counter, but I want my counter back.

Maggie seems so lonely now that Sam is gone.  While I'm loving the clean basement and throw pillows that don't get pushed off the side, I know it's time to find a new dog.  A female dog.  So over having a male dog in my house.  I want a young dog, so that Maggie has somebody to play with.  I feel bad when I go to the rescue sites and see a lot of senior dogs that nobody is likely to ever adopt.  While we could certainly take in a senior dog, Maggie is already 11 and I don't want another old dog in the house.

If we get a young dog or even a puppy, the puppy will project new life into Maggie.  We miss Sam for all the good qualities he had and would like to get another small terrier if we can find one.  If you go to the humane society's website, big dogs such as pitbulls are readily available.  Little dogs, not so much.

I've even given thought to getting a lab puppy, but I'm not really sure I'm ready for two big dogs.  I know that all puppies are cute and then they grow.  So if we got a lab puppy now, eventually it would grow up to be as big as Maggie.  And, the dog hair from two labs would be challenging to keep picked up!


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Image result for picture of puppies

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Day with Stacey and Benjamin


Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house so we could go and watch the movie "Finding Dory".  I brought a little bag of snack popcorn and water, so I didn't need to go to the concession stand.  The ticket price for a 3D movie is $7.00, but well worth it when the movie starts.  There were a couple of times that Benjamin and I both jumped, because it looked the animal was going to land up in our laps!

I loved the movie "Finding Nemo" and was excited about seeing the Dory movie.  Unfortunately, it seemed as if most of the movie was filmed in either gray or black.  I was disappointed that the underwater scenes didn't show more color.  Having the coral be colored - well coral - would have been wonderful.   The movie was good and Ellen did a wonderful job being the voice of Dory.

During the previews, Benjamin saw several movies that will come out later this summer that he swears he must see!  I'll have to get a transfusion from Pop-Pop before I can go to another movie!!

Benjamin brought down our plastic container of foam blocks.  He was quick about building a little city and brought down the plastic animals that he uses in the bathtub.  If you haven't seen these blocks, they are amazing.  They come in bright colors and different shapes, and the best part is that they don't damage coffee tables when they fall down.  Definitely a plus.

Tomorrow the repairman is coming to look at our microwave.  Today, I will take out the spices that we've been storing in the microwave.  Keeping my fingers crossed that the microwave can be fixed.  If not, then I guess I'll continue to use the counter microwave that we took out of the battery warehouse.  I'm glad that Jeff will be home so they can talk man-to-man about all things electronic.

It's Friday so that means I don't cook.  It's "Two Tacos Friday".  It would sound better if it were "Two Tacos Tuesday", but if we had take-out tacos on Tuesday, then Jeff would have nothing to take in his lunch the next day.


Image result for picture of tacos

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Day After The Day Before


Yesterday afternoon, Stacey, Benjamin and I left for a warehouse book sale only for school teachers or home school teachers.  The weather was lovely and Jeff left us the convertible for the day - glorious fun.  Hair blowing all over your face and cobwebs in your head being freed.

Before beginning our journey, a trip to McDonald's was in order so that lunch of one kind or another could be eaten while driving.  I opted for the most nutritious meal: milkshake (small) and french fries. 

Once we arrived at the warehouse, it was clear that the people didn't care who or what you were, just bring your credit cards and fill up those carts.  I had been under the assumption that the only books for sale would be school books.  I was wrong.  I have trouble reading the print from a normal book, but bought one anyway because I like the author.

As we pushed the cart along the rows of books, several of the books that Benjamin wanted ended up in my part of the cart, and I was okay with that.  I bought him a "dinosaur dig" kit that comes complete with "fossils" and the tools necessary to free the fossils.  

There was an option to take a box and anything that could fit inside would only cost $24.00.  My problem was that I knew I wasn't going to buy nearly enough to fill a box, so I opted to pick and choose books.

The warehouse had a concrete floor, obviously, and standing/walking on concrete was hard on this old body.  Luckily, I found a chair and sat and waited for Stacey to finish shopping.  Originally, we were going to see the movie "Dory" but by the time we got home, it was too late.

Benjamin decided to stay the night and Stacey is coming this morning and we are going to see Dory in 3D, which should be fun.  I have small bags of already popped popcorn and I'm going to bring a few for snacking.  The price of popcorn, which tastes great, is pretty expensive.  The price of admission alone is high enough.  And yes, you can tell by that statement that I'm old.  Old enough to know when a dollar or two bought tickets as well as popcorn and a soda!  Good times.

Today is gloomy and the forecast calls for rain.  Glad that we didn't opt to take the convertible today!  While you obviously can put the top up, it somehow ruins the ride for me.  Convertibles are meant to be driven, 90% of the time, with the top down.

Happy Thursday everybody!


 Image result for picture of women riding in a convertible

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Out and About Today


This morning Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house.  The three of us are going to a book sale for teachers and home school parents.  I suppose it might be a crowded event, but I'm not there to shop, just browse.  And, I do browse well - just ask Amazon!

Jeff has left the convertible for us to use today.  Yesterday's weather was humid and in the afternoon, the heavens opened up and rained, no actually it poured.  I'm a little concerned about my new plants and hope that they'll survive.  I had this same thought last year when I planted a number of plants and watered and babied them all summer.  Since I only plant perennials, I don't have to play in the dirt each year.  Digging a hole is hard on this old bod!

I told Jeff that I wasn't sure what time we'd be home, because I'm hoping to go to see the movie "Finding Dory" after the book sale.  I absolutely love going to the movies, but of course, really hate how high the prices are.  My first date with Jeff was dinner and a movie.  I don't remember what the cost of a ticket was in 1974, but I'm imagining that even buying dinner that night, probably doesn't add up to today's prices.  You have to pay for the ticket and it's almost a sin if you don't get popcorn and if you get popcorn, you have to have a soda.  Can you hear the sound of ching ching at the cash register?

I'm really looking forward to going out today.  Most days, I just stay home.  Where exactly should I go?  To the store?  Mind you, I love shopping, but online is so much easier and thanks to next day shipping, almost instant gratification.

I made chicken tetrazinne (I know that is a blotched spelling) yesterday.  The recipe requires using the largest baking dish that I own and there is more than enough leftover from yesterday, to have for dinner tonight.  

In case you're interested today is: National HVAC technician day, but more importantly it's chocolate eclair day!


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

It's Tuesday - What Else Can I Say?


When I look at the calendar on my desk, it somehow surprises me that the month of June is nearly over.  How did that happen?  It's hot today, 80 degrees when I woke up - thank goodness for air conditioning.  We all know that women don't sweat, they merely glow.  I am a woman who doesn't want to sweat or glow.  

I think summer is my least favorite season.  It's muggy and you stick to leather seats, which make a most unflattering sucking noise when you get up!  When your car has been out in the sun all day, a steering wheel can be uncomfortably hot.  When the boys were young, so many years ago, and car seats had metal latches, I would put a towel over the car seats in an attempt, a poor one I admit, to keep the metal cooler.  Trust me it didn't work very well, but at least I was trying.

We had a new a/c unit installed last summer.  It's bigger and much more efficient than the old one, so the unit doesn't run all the time during the day.  It turns off occasionally, which helps with the bottom line of paying for electricity.

I've spent several days recently in the basement cleaning up after Sam.  I had put down several rugs and plastic runners in an attempt to keep Sam from using the basement floor as his personal bathroom.  I wasn't very successful.  Sam was crated for much of his earlier life and he was trained (I suppose) to use concrete to do his business.  We have a doggy door and Sam would go out every morning, but more times than not, he would come back and make a "donation" to the plastic runners.  This part of Sam I absolutely do not miss.  I have bleached and scrubbed Sam's various favorite places and thrown out the rugs and hosed down the runners.  With the exception of some dog hair (thanks Maggie) blowing around in the basement, everything else has been scrubbed clean and looks great.  I know that Sam was 7 when we got him and he was neutered late in life, but Jeff and I are off male dogs now.

I'm going to go outside later and water my new plants.  When you put down new plants, the first year is critical.  I was happy to see that the plants I put in the ground last year, have for the most part, survived.  Or parts of a plant have survived.

I'll probably spend some time in the "office", where Jeff processes paperwork, bills and the like.  I made an agreement with him some 41 years ago, that I would do the filing.  Back then there wasn't much filing to do, but now there's definitely more paper!


Monday, June 20, 2016

It's Monday Here at the Homestead!


I'm late getting to my blog this morning, so apologies.  As it turned out, I decided that this morning would be a perfect day to get my "beauty on"!  Manicure and waxing were absolutely needed.  If I didn't wax, I'm pretty sure that my "beard" could, if let alone, be almost as hairy as Jeff's is.  You would think that after 30 years of waxing, the hair would just give up - but nope - it just keeps coming back.  Ack.

The manicure wasn't quite as important but I leave the salon feeling pretty, sort of.  My technician complemented me on my hair.  That was really nice of her, since I've been cutting my own hair for the last month or so.  You have to compromise on beauty.  Nails and waxing or haircut?  Hmm.  At the moment the nails and waxing wins hands down.  And, I actually think I've been doing a bang up job with my hair.

Our microwave is dead.  Actually, it died in 2013 and after it did, Jeff brought home the little microwave that we had in the battery warehouse.  I've been on a one note message: I want the microwave fixed or replaced.  I want that crummy little microwave off my counter.  Apparently, message received.  Sears is coming out on Saturday to either (a) fix the microwave; or (b) perform last rites!

While I wasn't wanting a Saturday repair date, it's good because Jeff will be here.  He can talk to the technician and will probably, no scratch that, will know what the technician is saying.  If it were up to me I'd try hard to concentrate, but in the end some of the message would get garbled in my retelling.

Anytime there is a repair man at the house, I always prefer that Jeff be home.  Last year, before the new a/c unit was installed, the repair man kept coming to the house and supposedly "fixed" the problem.  But he was called back time and again, until one night Jeff came home before the repair man left the house.  The repair man finally admitted that he was just adding freon to a unit that was dying.  He suggested a new unit - and by golly we got one.

Sunday, Jeff is going to the airport to meet with the other co-owners for a wash and talk afternoon at the hangar.  I appreciate the invitation from Jeff, but I declined.  I love the plane but have absolutely no enthusiasm to sit in a hot hangar and wash/wax the plane.   No thanks, I'll stay home where it's cool.

Yesterday, I was planning on having steak for dinner, but Jeff went to Andy's house and after working there and getting some groceries, it was late.  Tonight, we're having the steak.  

That's all the news fit to print today.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day


Okay, everybody in the world knows it's Father's Day.  There will be a lot of barbecuing in backyards today.  Cheesy and humorous cards have been bought for Dad.  Heaven forbid we indulge in sentimentality - that's for women!  (Wrong).

Jeff learned every skill possible from his Grandfather.  Jeff is able to do plumbing, electrical work, drywall repair and the list of skills goes on and on.  In our 41+ years together, we have seldom called on a professional to fix something at the house.  We are now making an exception for repairs to our microwave.  It's a two man job to take the microwave out of the wall, diagnose the problem, get the right part and a two man job to put the microwave back in the wall.  Since neither of the boys live at home, finding that extra man is not so easy.  

This year as Jeff's birthday, Father's Day, anniversary and Christmas presents we bought him a Mercedes convertible.  He LOVES this car.  He even washed it yesterday.  My car is now the "old" car.  The car that sits outside and gets dusty and pooped on!  Mind you, my "old" car is only a 2011, but she no longer has the prime parking spot in the garage!

In the past few years I have been a challenge to live with.  My depression and my suicide attempts in 2013 have tried, I'm sure, Jeff's patience.  After so many ECT treatments, my brain still works, but not as well as it should.  I don't think I'm going to wake up one morning and find that everything has gone back to normal.  I think I'm living my new normal now.

Jeff sends me emails or leaves notes reminding me to call "x" or do "y".  When I'm told something, more often than not, I've forgotten what was said before Jeff leaves the room.  Jeff and I have weathered ups and downs during our long, by today's standards, marriage.  We have buckled down when we needed to and kept each other from drowning in despair or anger.  My Dad was right all those years ago, when he said that Jeff was a keeper.  Dad was right.

Jeff has been a good husband as well as a good provider.  Other than wanting something for just the heck of wanting something, I want for nothing.  I have a roof over my head, plenty of food in the pantry, and life is good.  Jeff started working a year ago for a local county government.  The job is mind-numbing and the commute in the afternoons is terrible, but it pays reasonably well.  Unlike myself, Jeff is not and would not be content to sit at home day after day.  He needs to be out there, doing something.  Today, he's headed for Andrew's house and he'll probably get into the tractor and mow the yard (acreage).  After mowing, he can relax in the hot tub before coming home.

While it doesn't need repeating, Happy Father's Day Jeff.  You are one in a million and I can't adequately express how much your support and love means to me.  As Dad said, "you're a keeper"!

Love you.  P

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Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Day After and the Day Before


There wasn't a blog yesterday, because Jeff and I had to arrive at the hospital very early for a minor procedure for Jeff's heart.  As Jeff always tells me whenever I am having surgery, it "won't hurt me a bit"!!  The procedure was quick and successful and we were on our way home in what seemed like no time at all.

I drove on the way home.  I would describe my driving as "plodding".  I don't see any reason to change lanes just to get ahead of the car in front of you.  I stay in the far right lane, but absolutely keep my speed up and beyond what is allowed.  I see no reason to be in the far left lane, especially when you know that eventually you're going to have to veer off to the right.  Maybe this is a woman thing, or more likely, it's a "me" thing.  Either way I got us home.

In the afternoon, Jeff took a nap in the recliner.  Sometimes I think that he actually sleeps better in the recliner than in bed (other than that nasty old sleep apnea thing).  The landlord of the warehouse that we have been paying for since 2011 (I think that's right) called us to say that he might have a tenant that wants our space.  Our lease finally ends on September 30th.  Thanks to Kenny for dumping the business on us as well as leaving us with three years left on the lease.  We're absolutely thrilled to hear that we might be able to be rid of the warehouse prior to September.

After the visit with the landlord, we went to the post office and credit union.  We stopped at McDonald's so that I could get my quarter pounder fix.  Jeff opted to go to Taco Bell for his dinner.  A night off from cooking is always welcome.

Tomorrow is Father's Day which will likely be celebrated in much the same way as Mother's Day was.  Jeff says it's a Hallmark holiday and to some degree he's right.  People will scramble today to get the right card and/or the right useful/useless tool/gadget for their Dad.

I don't know what Jeff's plans are for the weekend.  If he's going to be home, there's a steak in the freezer that would be yummy for dinner tomorrow night.

It's warm today but the humidity is low, so we've opened up the house.  I think tomorrow the humidity is going to be higher, which means turning the a/c units back on.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

It Rained!


Last night it rained.  Yeah for this, for two reasons.  One, my car was "washed" since it sits outside all the time now; and second because my new baby plants were watered.  

My body is a little sore from all the washing of the floors in the basement yesterday.  I have made a good first start, but still need to tackle one or two of Sam's favorite places.  I miss Sam a lot, but not his use of the basement floor as his personal bathroom.  Sam will likely be the last male dog we'll own.  I know he was neutered when he was older, hence the need to mark anything, and everything.  

It's supposed to possibly rain again tonight and tomorrow.  Since I will be driving Jeff home after his procedure, I'm hoping that the rain either doesn't come at all, or holds off until I'm home.  I'm not keen on driving in the rain and driving on the interstate ramps up my anxiety level just a "tad"! (Understatement)

We have to be at the hospital at 7:00 in the morning - yuck.  I'll actually have to get up with the birds.  We probably won't encounter much traffic going to the hospital and hopefully we'll be on our way home before the evening traffic begins. 

I'm packing my tote today with some nibbley (not a word but it should be) things, crossword puzzle book, and my Kindle.  Then all I have to do is find a comfy chair and settle in.  As Jeff always tells me prior to any procedure, it's not going to hurt him one little bit, and now the shoe is on the other foot!

I've opted to take my car because I know my car and what it can do.  Jeff's car is lovely but if it's going to rain, why take the convertible?  Nope, I'll just get on the highway and mosey my way home.  Hopefully, Jeff won't be a "back/front" seat driver.  I stay in the slow lane and see very little reason to change lanes.  You're going to get to your destination whether you're in the slow or fast lane.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Rain Today?


It's a rather gray and gloomy day outside.  I have two new plants that need to be watered at least once a day, so there's a part of me that's hoping it will rain.  Otherwise, I'll put water in a bucket and carry it to the two plants.  

I started cleaning up the basement yesterday and will continue to do so today.  Sam thought of any concrete as his own personal bathroom, even though he had a doggy door!  I had over time put down a number of throw rugs as well as plastic runners to help with his bathroom problems.  I washed most of them yesterday and only have one or two left to do.

My car sits outside now and definitely good use a good wash.  And, I could wash the car, but as quickly as it would dry, dust and other little particles would land on my car.  So, as an added bonus, if it rains today, my car will be "washed"!

Short blog today.  It seems that I don't have much to say.


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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Silent Ride Home


I've just come home from taking Sam to the vet to be put to sleep.  They gave him a sedative which made him pretty sleepy before the injection.  The vet we go to is an all woman practice.  They brought in a blanket for Sam to rest on.  The sedative took effect quickly and once he received the injection, his heart stopped in about 30 seconds.  Unfortunately, mine didn't.

I was allowed to stay in the room for as long as I needed.  I hugged Sam and told him over and over again what a good dog he was.  Sam was by far the most vocal Westie we've ever owned.  The drive home was horrible.  Luckily, there was no traffic so I didn't feel the need to pick up speed to keep someone behind me from going nuts.

And now I'm home.  I have purposely put Sam's leash and collar hanging on the dining room chair, so that Maggie can smell her old friend for a few days.  There will be no more yipping from Sam wondering where his 5:00 in the afternoon "hamburger" snack is coming.  There'll be no little dog to sit in our lap.  Maggie is a great dog, but she isn't a lap dog.

I'm proud that I was able to do this by myself.  Jeff and I thought our decision thoroughly and knew that it was in Sam's best interest to not prolong his life, just so that we could keep him around.

Now, I think there is a xanax in my future and maybe a cheesy tv show until I can hopefully fall asleep.


I think this is a wonderful poem and I want to believe that there is a Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. 

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. 

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. 

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. 

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Monday, June 13, 2016

Made My Decision


I spent most of yesterday waffling about my decision to put Sam to sleep.  I had pros and unfortunately more cons.  Sam has been a lovely addition to our home for seven years.  We have owned several Westies and Sam, by far, had the most personality.

I made an appointment for tomorrow morning.  I think the decision was finalized when getting up in the middle of the night, I had to go around a "mine field" left on the carpet.  I've always had an understanding, at least on my part, that you do your business outside - not in the house.  Because of Sam's age, I have cut him some slack, but he doesn't appear to have any control over his bodily functions any longer.  I could, I suppose, put him through tests that would cost a lot of money and might or might not prove anything other than he's old.

We'll miss him a great deal and making the decision was hard even though I knew it was the right one.  Almost always, you outlive your pet(s) and since they can't tell you what's wrong, it's up to the owner to make the right decision at the right time. 

I'm going to take Sam to the vet by myself.  It will be a sad and quiet ride home.  Maggie will wonder where her old pal has gone.  I'll take Sam's collar and leave it out where Maggie can sniff it for a few days.

Not every day is a good one or an easy one.  Tomorrow it will be neither.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Letting Go of Mister Sam


As you know, Sam is 15 now and in the past few months has begun to have more and more accidents in the house.  I have always silently told my dogs that peeing and pooping in the house is a deal breaker.  But, I made an exception for Sam.  I blotted up and shampooed the various spots on the carpets.  And, by doing so, was breaking my one cardinal rule about having a dog.  For some time, Sam has had more and more accidents and I really tried to clean up the messes and move on.

Last night I rolled over in bed and landed in a river of pee.  Yuck.  My decision, which is the hardest one for a pet owner, was made when my sheets were wet.  It's time to let Sam go.  I know that I could continue to live with him as long as I am/was able to keep picking up after him.  But the wet bed was a deal breaker for me.  I know that Sam seems to no longer have control over his bodily functions and I understand.  As an old woman, trust me I do really understand.

I know that time will not make Sam better, neither will his control over his bodily functions improve.  I could see the vet and she'd probably give him an exam and give me pills that might make things better.  But, the pills would only be a band-aid on the problem.  Jeff and I used to, a long time ago, have a $250 limit on a vet bill for a dog.  Now, you can't see a vet for less than $250, at least not around here.  

Jeff says the decision is mine and mine alone.  We have given Sam 7 very good years after we rescued him from a terrible living condition.  I don't want to watch Sam progress slowly or perhaps not slowly at all, down a one way street.  I know that eventually the street ends and the outcome will be the same.

I'm going to call the vet in the morning and schedule a time for me to bring Sam in so that I can put him to sleep.  This is not an easy call. He has been a great dog with a lot of personality and we'll miss him a great deal.  If I don't do what's necessary now, I am only prolonging the inevitable.  What I don't want is for Sam to die alone at home.  While that would definitely be easier on me, it wouldn't give me the closure that I need, while I watch Sam quietly go to sleep, and me being the last person he sees.  

It's not fair that our pets don't outlive us.  But if we are good pet owners, then we'll know that we're keeping the dog/cat alive mainly for ourselves, and not for our pet.  And that is just us being selfish and not doing what needs to be done.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

50th High School Reunion


During my sophomore year in high school, my Dad retired from the Air Force and it was decided that we would move from California to Illinois.  My Grandmother lived in Illinois and I know that my Mother wanted to be closer to her, as well as other relatives.

High School in California meant that you were one of a thousand or more students.  I had a small group of friends, otherwise I was just another person walking across the quad. 

 High School in Illinois was a completely different matter.  First the class size went from a thousand plus to about 42 (give or take) of us.  I wasn't just a nameless person roaming the halls.  Everybody knew everybody's name and it was a great feeling.  

When there was an activity, such as building the homecoming float, everybody came to help.  Parties, for the most part, involved everyone.  Class trips meant taking one bus, since we were such a small group.

I loved high school in Illinois.  We lived just down the street from my Grandmother, who would drive me to school during snowy weather.  In those days, schools in Illinois didn't close down because it had snowed.

I was in the senior class play.  I played Magda Swenson, a Swedish maid who was testifying against her employer in a murder trial.  My Dad was one of the jurors.  In a talent show, my Mother dressed up as some famous old singer and belted out her song.

During our graduation, since there were so few of us, each of us had the entire stage to ourselves from the time we took our first step to the last step down the stairs.  In large graduations, each graduate gets only a moment or two to shine.

Fifty years is a long time.  I'm hoping to go and see how my classmates have survived the years.  I'm assuming there will be balding, graying, added pounds and "age" spots.  But, in such a small group, you can't get lost in the crowd.


Friday, June 10, 2016

It's Friday!


This is the day of the week that working people look forward to - Friday and then the weekend.  When you're working outside of your home, as I did for many years, Friday was always a good day.  I could sleep in on Saturday and Sunday and while I didn't enjoy it so much, had time to do what needed to be done around the house.

Now that I'm retired, every day is pretty much like Friday.  I don't have to ask permission to leave work early or coordinate my vacation with other secretaries.  Each day I can choose to do whatever I want or nothing at all!

On Friday, it's "Taco Friday", though it would sound better if it was "Taco Tuesday".  Friday nights Jeff brings me two beef tacos from Taco Bell for dinner.  The tacos from Taco Bell are a far cry from what you would find in California, but they're edible and I don't have to cook anything.

It's a bright sunny day and our solar panels are on the roof collecting power.  I don't know if we're going to actually save any money, but at least we're trying to lower the electrical bill.  Of course in the summer, running the a/c becomes expensive, but I don't like sticking to leather furniture.  Yuck.

I'll go out to the backyard this morning and water my two new plants.  I'm hoping that they will survive and if Mister Sam would stop peeing on them, they might actually have a chance!

I have some inside things to do as well.  Cleaning the kitchen, washing Jeff's shirts and picking up things and returning them to their rightful place.  That last part is actually the hardest.  Perhaps you know what it's like to pick something up, know that it belongs over in "x" (bedroom for example) and all you do is put it back down.  This is counter-productive to say the least, but I'm guilty of doing this. My intentions are always good, but my follow through is sometimes lacking.

Have a wonderful day and I hope it's sunny where you are.


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Thursday, June 9, 2016

My Green Thumb and my Aching Bum!


Yesterday, I went to the backyard loaded with my gardening tools, two plants and a towel to use to kneel on.  Oh, and a chair beside all this paraphernalia to help me get back on my feet after I was through digging.

I didn't use a shovel because it's heavy and I do better with a little trowel and my hands (gloves on of course) to move the dirt around.  I did manage with some effort to get my new Clematis plants in the ground.  I took some of the vines and put them up on to the trellis that I had also, with effort, managed to push into the dirt.  Keeping my fingers crossed that my little plants will survive.

Because of the nice weather today, I will probably return to the yard and do some poking (i.e., weeding) until my body is tired, which shouldn't take too long!  I know this will come as a shock to some of you, but I'm not as young as I used to be.  And, to make matters worse, my body is really, really not flexible at all.  So I'll do a little today and a bit more tomorrow, provided that the temperature continues to be more on the cool side.  Higher temperatures are coming this weekend with more humidity.  Since I, like all women I know, "glow" (we absolutely don't sweat) when it's hot, I'll not be going out to play in the dirt when it's super hot.

The area around "Jenny" (the generator) needs a bit of tidying - dead leaves, etc.  I will take my broom out this morning and tackle that little project and then come inside to shower and rest. There are some things that need doing in the house, and maybe I'll tackle one or two of those.  Or not as the case may be!  You know what they say "a woman's work is never done"!!


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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's a Beautiful Day!


After several days of higher temperatures as well as humidity, today is simply almost to perfect to describe.  We turned off the air conditioners last night, and this morning it's cooler with a breeze that is blowing the curtains in the living room all around.

I'm going to get outdoors and maybe pull up a weed or two.  I also have two clematis plants that need to go in the ground.  Digging a hole is a lot of work for me, so I'll dig a little, rest a little and so forth.  

After months of waiting, our electric company has blessed our solar installation and we are now finally able to "hit the switch" and because it's sunny, hopefully watch our electric meter move backwards.  I think Jeff and I have our doubts about this, but the entire back of our house gets the afternoon sun, so it's possible and we hope probable that the solar panels will help us keep our electric bill lower.  

We went to WalMart last night after dinner to get a few things.  One of the problems with shopping at WalMart is the crying/screaming children.  Now that the boys are grown, and our house is quiet, I react when I hear children crying.  It's a fact of life.  My boys cried and so did yours, but for some reason it makes me sad now.  After getting the few things that Jeff needed for his lunches, we stopped at McDonald's for ice cream cones.  Yumm.

I'm keeping my eye on Mister Sam.  He seems to be losing control over his bladder as there are more spots on the carpet each day.  I scrub at the spots, but already know when Mister Sam is no longer with us, a professional carpet cleaner is in my future.  Because of his age I give him a pass on not always being able to get outside.


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...