Friday, June 10, 2016

It's Friday!


This is the day of the week that working people look forward to - Friday and then the weekend.  When you're working outside of your home, as I did for many years, Friday was always a good day.  I could sleep in on Saturday and Sunday and while I didn't enjoy it so much, had time to do what needed to be done around the house.

Now that I'm retired, every day is pretty much like Friday.  I don't have to ask permission to leave work early or coordinate my vacation with other secretaries.  Each day I can choose to do whatever I want or nothing at all!

On Friday, it's "Taco Friday", though it would sound better if it was "Taco Tuesday".  Friday nights Jeff brings me two beef tacos from Taco Bell for dinner.  The tacos from Taco Bell are a far cry from what you would find in California, but they're edible and I don't have to cook anything.

It's a bright sunny day and our solar panels are on the roof collecting power.  I don't know if we're going to actually save any money, but at least we're trying to lower the electrical bill.  Of course in the summer, running the a/c becomes expensive, but I don't like sticking to leather furniture.  Yuck.

I'll go out to the backyard this morning and water my two new plants.  I'm hoping that they will survive and if Mister Sam would stop peeing on them, they might actually have a chance!

I have some inside things to do as well.  Cleaning the kitchen, washing Jeff's shirts and picking up things and returning them to their rightful place.  That last part is actually the hardest.  Perhaps you know what it's like to pick something up, know that it belongs over in "x" (bedroom for example) and all you do is put it back down.  This is counter-productive to say the least, but I'm guilty of doing this. My intentions are always good, but my follow through is sometimes lacking.

Have a wonderful day and I hope it's sunny where you are.


Image result for picture of sunny day

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