Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day


Okay, everybody in the world knows it's Father's Day.  There will be a lot of barbecuing in backyards today.  Cheesy and humorous cards have been bought for Dad.  Heaven forbid we indulge in sentimentality - that's for women!  (Wrong).

Jeff learned every skill possible from his Grandfather.  Jeff is able to do plumbing, electrical work, drywall repair and the list of skills goes on and on.  In our 41+ years together, we have seldom called on a professional to fix something at the house.  We are now making an exception for repairs to our microwave.  It's a two man job to take the microwave out of the wall, diagnose the problem, get the right part and a two man job to put the microwave back in the wall.  Since neither of the boys live at home, finding that extra man is not so easy.  

This year as Jeff's birthday, Father's Day, anniversary and Christmas presents we bought him a Mercedes convertible.  He LOVES this car.  He even washed it yesterday.  My car is now the "old" car.  The car that sits outside and gets dusty and pooped on!  Mind you, my "old" car is only a 2011, but she no longer has the prime parking spot in the garage!

In the past few years I have been a challenge to live with.  My depression and my suicide attempts in 2013 have tried, I'm sure, Jeff's patience.  After so many ECT treatments, my brain still works, but not as well as it should.  I don't think I'm going to wake up one morning and find that everything has gone back to normal.  I think I'm living my new normal now.

Jeff sends me emails or leaves notes reminding me to call "x" or do "y".  When I'm told something, more often than not, I've forgotten what was said before Jeff leaves the room.  Jeff and I have weathered ups and downs during our long, by today's standards, marriage.  We have buckled down when we needed to and kept each other from drowning in despair or anger.  My Dad was right all those years ago, when he said that Jeff was a keeper.  Dad was right.

Jeff has been a good husband as well as a good provider.  Other than wanting something for just the heck of wanting something, I want for nothing.  I have a roof over my head, plenty of food in the pantry, and life is good.  Jeff started working a year ago for a local county government.  The job is mind-numbing and the commute in the afternoons is terrible, but it pays reasonably well.  Unlike myself, Jeff is not and would not be content to sit at home day after day.  He needs to be out there, doing something.  Today, he's headed for Andrew's house and he'll probably get into the tractor and mow the yard (acreage).  After mowing, he can relax in the hot tub before coming home.

While it doesn't need repeating, Happy Father's Day Jeff.  You are one in a million and I can't adequately express how much your support and love means to me.  As Dad said, "you're a keeper"!

Love you.  P

Image result for picture of father's day

1 comment:

  1. P,
    Thank you for a nice tribute.
    We did electrical work at Andy's, and I screwed things up, now, need to go back and untangle the mess I made


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