Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Puppy!


Yesterday afternoon, we went and picked up our new puppy, Trixie, who we have renamed Daisy.  I decided to call her Daisy after our first yellow Lab who was the best dog, hands down, we've ever owned.

Before we came home, a stop at Petsmart was in order.  Daisy is now sporting a pink collar, which at this point, is a tad too large.  Of course, there were toys.  It was like Christmas for her.  Once we got home, Maggie was initially a bit put out, she's a good dog but I'm not sure she really wanted company!

It's been a long time, 11 years to be exact, since we have had a puppy in the house.  A puppy is very entertaining and Daisy is no exception.  She jumped around and picked up this toy and the occasional shoe, which we quickly redirected her attention to something else.

Come bed time, we put a sheepskin pad in our bathroom.  What amazed me is that Daisy didn't whine at all during the day.  Jeff got up several times and said she seemed content to be on her bed.  Since she's been up this morning, we've had two successful potty trips outside and missed one in the house.  Not bad for such a young dog.  I'm assuming based on her behavior that Daisy hasn't spent much if any time on grass.  She loves rolling around on the lawn - and of course finds little bits of things like tiny twigs to chew on.

Of course, since Daisy is a puppy and needs to be washed almost constantly.  My our recliners is a fabric box that is filled with a few throw blankets for us when our feet get cold.  Daisy quickly found that the box was a super place to take a nap.

As a puppy she has boundless energy and then she just collapses for a nap.  I wish we could all do that!

Time to close - need to find Daisy!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new baby!! Such fun, lots of work, but worth it! I hope Maggie is adjusting to her new friend by now. Daisy will keep her active, which will be good for her. Enjoy!!
    Hug them for me, love, Ruthie


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