Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Day Before a Long Weekend!


It's Thursday and a bit muggy outside.  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't know if it was muggy out, but I have to take Daisy out regularly so she can do her P&P business.  Our track record for the last two days is 90% of potty business done outside, and 10% in the house.  She's so small that when she does wet the carpet, she leaves a spot about the size of a dime, and I have plenty of club soda in the house to use on those spots.

Tomorrow, Jeff and I are going to see Peter Pan done by children.  Benjamin wanted to be Peter Pan but instead he is playing the part of the boy John Darling.  This role will suit him well.  He gets to wear a top hat and a cane.  

I'm not getting much done during the day, because I'm on hyper watch to make sure that Daisy doesn't get into the wrong things.  Today she brought me one of my shoes, but I redirected her to a toy and all was good.

Jeff and I are both very impressed that when we put her in the bathroom at night, she doesn't cry or whine.  She just gets in her bed and goes to sleep.  I have washable rugs in the bathroom, so her accidents during the night aren't much of a problem.

I think this weekend, Scott and Jeff are going to the battery warehouse to clear out the last of our things.  We only have 2 months left on our 5 year lease.  If, and that's a big if, the landlord finds someone who wants to rent the space, we've told him we need about 5 minutes to get out.  I know that even if the space is rented before September 1st, we'll only be left with mere pennies in our hand, if that.  Once the lease is finished, that will be the official end of "BDI" and we can move past our nightmare that has been constant since 2013.

As I type, Daisy is giving Maggie no rest.  Daisy is jumping around and barking and Maggie just pushes her out of the way.  Though when it comes to food, Maggie doesn't play, she made that very clear to Daisy this morning.

Have a good day.


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