Thursday, June 16, 2016

It Rained!


Last night it rained.  Yeah for this, for two reasons.  One, my car was "washed" since it sits outside all the time now; and second because my new baby plants were watered.  

My body is a little sore from all the washing of the floors in the basement yesterday.  I have made a good first start, but still need to tackle one or two of Sam's favorite places.  I miss Sam a lot, but not his use of the basement floor as his personal bathroom.  Sam will likely be the last male dog we'll own.  I know he was neutered when he was older, hence the need to mark anything, and everything.  

It's supposed to possibly rain again tonight and tomorrow.  Since I will be driving Jeff home after his procedure, I'm hoping that the rain either doesn't come at all, or holds off until I'm home.  I'm not keen on driving in the rain and driving on the interstate ramps up my anxiety level just a "tad"! (Understatement)

We have to be at the hospital at 7:00 in the morning - yuck.  I'll actually have to get up with the birds.  We probably won't encounter much traffic going to the hospital and hopefully we'll be on our way home before the evening traffic begins. 

I'm packing my tote today with some nibbley (not a word but it should be) things, crossword puzzle book, and my Kindle.  Then all I have to do is find a comfy chair and settle in.  As Jeff always tells me prior to any procedure, it's not going to hurt him one little bit, and now the shoe is on the other foot!

I've opted to take my car because I know my car and what it can do.  Jeff's car is lovely but if it's going to rain, why take the convertible?  Nope, I'll just get on the highway and mosey my way home.  Hopefully, Jeff won't be a "back/front" seat driver.  I stay in the slow lane and see very little reason to change lanes.  You're going to get to your destination whether you're in the slow or fast lane.


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