Monday, June 20, 2016

It's Monday Here at the Homestead!


I'm late getting to my blog this morning, so apologies.  As it turned out, I decided that this morning would be a perfect day to get my "beauty on"!  Manicure and waxing were absolutely needed.  If I didn't wax, I'm pretty sure that my "beard" could, if let alone, be almost as hairy as Jeff's is.  You would think that after 30 years of waxing, the hair would just give up - but nope - it just keeps coming back.  Ack.

The manicure wasn't quite as important but I leave the salon feeling pretty, sort of.  My technician complemented me on my hair.  That was really nice of her, since I've been cutting my own hair for the last month or so.  You have to compromise on beauty.  Nails and waxing or haircut?  Hmm.  At the moment the nails and waxing wins hands down.  And, I actually think I've been doing a bang up job with my hair.

Our microwave is dead.  Actually, it died in 2013 and after it did, Jeff brought home the little microwave that we had in the battery warehouse.  I've been on a one note message: I want the microwave fixed or replaced.  I want that crummy little microwave off my counter.  Apparently, message received.  Sears is coming out on Saturday to either (a) fix the microwave; or (b) perform last rites!

While I wasn't wanting a Saturday repair date, it's good because Jeff will be here.  He can talk to the technician and will probably, no scratch that, will know what the technician is saying.  If it were up to me I'd try hard to concentrate, but in the end some of the message would get garbled in my retelling.

Anytime there is a repair man at the house, I always prefer that Jeff be home.  Last year, before the new a/c unit was installed, the repair man kept coming to the house and supposedly "fixed" the problem.  But he was called back time and again, until one night Jeff came home before the repair man left the house.  The repair man finally admitted that he was just adding freon to a unit that was dying.  He suggested a new unit - and by golly we got one.

Sunday, Jeff is going to the airport to meet with the other co-owners for a wash and talk afternoon at the hangar.  I appreciate the invitation from Jeff, but I declined.  I love the plane but have absolutely no enthusiasm to sit in a hot hangar and wash/wax the plane.   No thanks, I'll stay home where it's cool.

Yesterday, I was planning on having steak for dinner, but Jeff went to Andy's house and after working there and getting some groceries, it was late.  Tonight, we're having the steak.  

That's all the news fit to print today.


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