Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Going to the Vet


This morning, I'm taking Bella to the vet's office for her last set of shots.  While I know she will struggle being on a leash, it will be better than when I took her and Daisy at the same time!  Words cannot adequately explain how difficult that was.  It will be interesting to see how much Bella weighs today, compared to her first visit.  All I know now is that when she wants to put a stop to the play fighting with Daisy, she just sits on her! 

It doesn't seem possible but I really believe the girls are slooooooowly getting better.  They definitely no the word fooey (instead of no) and will make an attempt, most of the time, to go outside to potty.  

Jeff leaves next week for the annual migration of Cirrus (the plane) owners.  The migration this year will be in Duluth, where the Cirrus planes are made.  Since Jeff is unable to fly due to temporarily losing his medical, he will take commercial flights.  I know he will hate sitting in a tiny little seat and eating some kind of awful snack.  But at least he gets to go.  He looks forward to the migration every year.  It's a good time for pilots and spouses to catch up with one another.

I, will stay home, and eat frosty flakes with bananas for dinner.  Or maybe just popcorn.  What I do know is that I won't be doing any real cooking, other than putting something in the microwave!  And television watching won't change, because I'm the "owner" of the remote.  So several days of super cheesy television comes to mind.

Time for me to gather up Bella and the leash and head out.

Have a good day.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

No TV Shows


It's that time of the year when all the spring shows are done and the fall ones haven't begun.  I look for shows to record on Sunday when the TV Guide shows up.  Lately, it's been pretty hard to find anything to watch.  If this continues, Jeff and I may be forced to talk to each other! Horrors! (insert smiley face here).

Today, I'm having my head shrunk (i.e., psychiatrist).  Not feeling too upbeat at the moment.  No particular reason.  It is what it is I suppose.  It could be that I've taken the same pills for such a long time that they're not as effective as they used to be.  

The girls are spending more time outside, which is a good thing.  I know what they're doing.  Daisy is digging an underground tunnel to China and Bella is eating all the plants.  Why she prefers plants to weeds is beyond me.

The girls also now have definite personalities and traits.  Daisy is stubborn and a jumper, but very loving.  She enjoys being in my lap and I love that.  Bella is curious about everything.  She manages to get into things that I've never given any thought about.  Our lower kitchen cupboards don't have handles.  Yesterday, she brought me a sponge which she took from the cabinet below the sink.  I hate to think that I'm going to have to put childproof locks on cabinets!

Jeff leaves next week for his/plane's annual migration.  This time it's in Duluth.  Since he's not cleared to fly, he's taking a commercial plane and I know he's going to hate the security line, as well as the tiny seats.  But he'd rather be uncomfortable for a few hours than not go at all.

Hope you have a great day and I know you're looking forward to the long weekend.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Things like Luck


I can't believe that in two days time we'll be flipping the calendar over to September.  Kids will be back in school and beaches and pools will be empty.  Where does the time go?

Stanley Steemer came on Saturday to do the stairs and upstairs hall.  They worked super fast and the carpet looks brand new.  In an effort to keep it that way, I've blocked the girls from going upstairs until bedtime.  When the girls are well and truly potty trained, then I'll have the rest of the carpets shampooed.  It just doesn't make sense right now.

Jeff and I talk about luck all the time.  But the majority of our luck seems to be the bad kind.  Our a/c unit dies during the heat of the summer.

Jeff buys lottery tickets all the time.  We have yet to win anything, and we're not greedy.  We don't need millions.  These days we'd settle for hundreds.  Normally, we don't even get one number.  How lucky can a person be?

But this past weekend, we had good luck.  I mean really good luck.  Jeff and Scott were driving to the warehouse in the truck (Blu Ox).  The tire from the car in front of them came off and went flying in their direction.  Because the Ox sits very high, the tire hit the front bumper and mangled it up a bit.  If, they had been driving in let's say Jeff's car, which sits very low, I'm pretty sure that tire would have gone right through the windshield.  So if there was ever a time to have good luck, it was last weekend.

The truck is at the body shop awaiting repairs, which shouldn't take too long.  Once the truck is back and Jeff returns from his trip to Duluth (plane migration event), then there will be just enough time to empty out the warehouse.  By this time next month, Batteries Delivered, will be a thing of the past.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Carpet Cleaning Day!


Sometime today, Stanley Steemer is coming to shampoo the upstairs hall and the stairs.  The combination of a 15 year old incontinent dog, two not quite potty trained puppies and the contractor who was working in our attic, has left the hall a mess.  I have tried with my little green machine shampooer, as well as the big shampooer, with little or no success.  I know that we might still have the odd accident upstairs, but if it's a new accident, not a ground in one, I should be able to take care of it with the tools I have on hand.

And, I just realized that on the 1st of September, which is next week, we will be making our FINAL rent payment on the battery warehouse that we haven't used since 2013.  Hip Hip Hooray.  Jeff and Scott still have to go to the warehouse to take out a few things and the owner has to do a walk through so that we can get our deposit back.  But, Jeff and I will never, at least not in the short term, happier than the day we pay our last month's rent.  It's bad enough that we were taken out of business by the very son, who we started the business for, but he left us with debts and the remainder of the five year lease.  I feel like singing "ding dong, ding dong, the witch is dead" for some reason or other.

Sometimes the people that you set out to help, end up just biting you in the ass, as a reward for all the good that you did.  The battery business was a perfect example of this.  The pain and hurt in how things went down in 2013, which was very bad year for Jeff and I for other reasons, is hard to forget and harder still to forgive.  Okay, got that off my chest.  A lot of stored up angst for Jeff and I.

Amazon dropped off a box of new chewy and fun toys for the girls yesterday.  When they're not sleeping, they need to be entertained - and that does not include chewing up my glasses!  At the moment, they are down for their first nap of the day.  And when they are quiet, they are very, very good.  I remind myself as I clean up another accident, that they won't be puppies forever, it just seems that way.  Daisy the terrier is a digger.  I know this because I've been in the backyard and seen the damage.  Apparently, she's trying to dig to China!  Bella, the labrador mix, is a climber.  She can already get her paws on the edge of the counters.  We've never had this problem with any of the dogs we've previously owned.  But, on the plus side, Daisy is a very loving dog and will sit on my lap when I'm reading or watching television.  Bella is a bit of an aloof dog as well as a bit skittish, but we can't figure out why.

Since Jeff's home this morning, I will go upstairs and get myself showered and dressed while he's around to supervise.  


Green Man with Steam Cleaner Carpet Wand Royalty Free Stock Images

Friday, August 26, 2016

Broken Glasses


This morning after sitting down with my coffee and bagel, I pulled out my reading glasses to read - what else.  However, there was only a fraction of my reading glasses left!  The girls managed to get one lens out, but I don't know where it is and bent and chewed the frame beyond repair.  The only thing I'm glad about is that they didn't break my regular glasses, because without them I could see nothing.

It's Friday, which means I don't cook dinner.  Normally, it's Taco Bell tacos, but I think Jeff is going to Scott's house after work, so I might find something else to eat.  Frosty Flakes comes to mind. Although they would be better if I had a banana.

Amazon just dropped off my package of dog treats and chews.  So for the moment, the girls are gnawing away on some chew that smells like bacon.  Anything to keep them occupied, so they're not tearing up stuff.

After getting the Amazon package, I'm wondering whatever did we people do before they came into existence?  I mean you can buy anything and have it delivered in a day or two right to your door.  Admittedly, it makes shopping perhaps a "tad" too convenient.  (Insert smile here).  I would love to see the inside of an Amazon warehouse.  I bet it's fascinating, with packages going every which way.

First call this morning is to the optician to get a new pair of lenses ordered.  To save money (a bit anyway), I order paperbacks when they are cheaper than having the book on my Kindle.  With reading glasses and the right light, I can read the small print, at least for a little while.

Next weekend is the biggie.  The last of the three day weekend in the summer and the start of schools.  Jeff leaves early enough that he runs no risk of running into buses in the morning.  Since some parents are probably still or perhaps starting their back-to-school shopping, I'll try and avoid the stores next week.

Have a good weekend.

PImage result for picture of broken glasses

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Birkenstock Sandals


I bought my first pair of Birkenstock "hippy dippy" sandals just prior to going to Hawaii with Jeff a very long time ago.  When you first put on a new pair, it feels like you're walking with a shoe box on your feet.  And then, with time, the shoe becomes you.  Eventually, you are able to slide into the shoe, which has become as comfy as slippers.

So, over the years I have owned several pairs of the "hippy dippy" sandals and the pair I was wearing until yesterday, were very old.  I took them to a shoe shop and it was going to cost $85.00 to get them up to snuff.  Too much money.  A new pair costs a bit over $100, depending on what style of shoe/sandal you buy.

Then I remembered my special place - Ebay.  Now, I'm not put off with used shoes; but, I know some of you would be.  I don't think anyone has died from wearing used shoes.  I own several pairs of used shoes, all of which came from Ebay.

I found an auction and bought a very gently used pair of my favorite sandals for $30.00.  A steal.  Of course, the shipping was a tad expensive.  But, I rationalized in my mind it was still cheaper than the $85.00 fix it price.

The shoes arrived yesterday and they are perfect.  The seller was right about them being gently used.  The cork sole and the bottom of the shoes are hardly worn.  I opened the box, took the shoes out and put those suckers on immediately.  And then, with only a little hesitation, tossed my old Birkies in the trash.  My old shoes had become loose at the front of the shoe and I had tripped more than once when my feet and the shoe weren't in the right place at the right time!

If you haven't owned a pair of Birkenstocks, they are simply the most comfortable shoe you'll wear; after, a short break-in period.


Image result for picture of birkenstock arizona sandals

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Another Day, Same Old Stuff


I know a lot of you are sitting at your desk, drinking coffee and watching the clock to hurry forward.  I, on the other hand, am sitting at my desk, without coffee, and dreading the tasks before me.  

Here's the truth about retirement.  You have all the time in the world to do something, and yet because you do, you accomplish little.  I mean it's an exciting day ahead of me.  The kitchen needs to be cleaned up (I'm a very messy cook), there is some poo that also needs to be cleaned up.  And, there is filing to be done in Jeff's office.

Somehow I'm lacking the enthusiasm to tackle my chores.  I could, I suppose, get in my car and head to a store, just so I get out of the house.  But which store and why?  Pretty much anything you want you can get from Amazon while you sit at your desk.

My world is small and at the moment pretty much centered around the girls.  They require near constant supervision.  If I don't watch them, they'll take anything they can get their teeth around.  Yesterday, it was my CPAP mask that attracted their attention and today it was a clock on my table in the den.   I think I should get a bag of some kind that I can put all my things in - like remote controllers, clock and any shoes I'm not currently wearing.  (Insert happy face here).

We, Jeff and I, have ONE more rent payment on September 1st for the empty warehouse we've been paying for since 2013.  I feel after making the last payment, we should go out and celebrate or something.  The lease is the last thing that really ties us to Batteries Delivered.  One the lease is over, I for one, will feel like a large rock has been removed from my back.  So between now and then, Jeff and Scott have to go to the warehouse and remove anything that is still inside.  I don't think there's much, couple of cabinets and perhaps a desk.

I need to sign off.  The girls have been too quiet for too long - this is never a good sign.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Inner Sanctum


As I gaze out over my inner sanctum this morning, my to do list is clear.  In the living room, there are bits of rubber that was "taken" (i.e., chewed) from a pair of cheap, thankfully, flip flops.  So no harm really.  The kitchen floor needs mopping because of the wee little accidents that have happened.  In the den I need to pick up the bits and pieces of paper towel that the girls had found.  

After being busy on the first floor, then I must go up and do damage control in the bedroom. Last night Jeff got up and stepped in ***t.  This did not make him a happy camper I can assure you.  So today is clean the carpet, for the umpteenth time.  

By the time the girls are well and truly trained, there may not be any carpet left for a commercial company to shampoo!  

I have more filing to do in the office, but because I've left it too long, it's a rather big task. And I don't want to do it.  Since Jeff and I split our "offices" into two, I don't particularly like being in Jeff's office.  My OCD radar goes off the chart.  I like file folders, labeled and contained in one spot.  I like my pens situated just so, etc.  Jeff, on the other hand, doesn't keep his space tidy (my tidy that is), but he knows where everything is.  It was my psychiatrist who suggested that we work in different areas before one of us killed the other one.

I have a box of equipment, hoses, etc. that we use/need for our CPAP machines.  These extra pieces are in a box, which at the moment has been taken out of its storage place and is now all over the bedroom floor.  I need to push everything back in the box and put the box away.  And why haven't I done this before?  Because I'm lazy I think.  Will I truly feel exhilarated when the box has been put away?  I doubt it, but it needs to be done.

Having said all that, I guess I'd better move my rear out of this chair and get something done.

Have a good day.


Image result for picture of cleaning carpet

Monday, August 22, 2016

Apartment in Paris


In 1940, a woman by the name of Solange Beaugiron (1919–2010) the granddaughter of Marthe DeFlorian left her apartment in Paris and never returned.  The rent was paid on the apartment until her death in 2010.  This is a true story and a fascinating one.

After her death, her executors opened the apartment for the first time since 1940.  Everything was just as Ms. DeFlorian left the apartment, although now covered in dust and cobwebs.  Books and newspapers lined the shelves, gold curtains draped the windows, and a luxurious dressing table held hairbrushes, perfumes, and candle stubs that seemed to await the return of a very glamorous noblewoman. Against floral wallpaper and wainscoting, a stuffed ostrich draped with a shawl stood above two pre-war stuffed animals—a very retro-looking Mickey Mouse and Porky the Pig. The formal dining room, with a low-hanging chandelier over the table, wood stove, and stone sink, was still fully stocked with glassware and pots and pans.

To say that when the door to the apartment was unlocked after so many years, would be a shock to the system is an understatement.  I can only imagine how exciting it must have been for Ms. DeFlorian's heirs when they walked inside.  It's not every day when you get to go back in time.

Opening up the apartment provokes questions - lots of questions.  Why didn't she return to the apartment?  Why did she continue to pay rent?  Was she a kept woman?   These are just a few questions that pop immediately into my mind. 

A picture of Ms. DeFlorian was painted by Giovanni Boldini and sold at auction for $2,374,648.50.

It's worth checking out Ms. DeFlorian's story and seeing more pictures of the inside of her apartment.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Happy Sunday


It's Sunday and because Jeff gets up with the puppies on the weekend, I was able to sleep in!  Yeah for me.  The puppies normally wake up around 7:00 each morning and they become quite noisy if I don't get up.  They are pretty hard to ignore.

Yesterday, a package arrived from Amazon and I unwittingly left it sitting on a chair.  Later in the day when I remember the package, I found it conveniently recycled.  Trouble was that the package contained pierced earrings back and a set of earrings.  I managed to go through the shredded package and accompanying box that was inside and found one earring and the earrings back.  Where the second earring went is anybody's guess.  Probably one of the dogs swallowed it.  And no I'm not going to try and find it after it comes out the other end!

Jeff is off to the airport today to update the avionics, as well as other stuff.  Then I think he's going to go out to Andy's house to putter and/or mow.  My agenda for today is a little less exciting.  I'm going to shampoo the carpets downstairs, particularly in the dining room.  Jeff swears the girls are getting better about going outside, and I'm sure he's right.  But, when I'm down on the floor scrubbing yet another spot, I have trouble remembering that.

I keep telling myself that puppies don't stay in puppy hood forever.  Eventually, if I and my carpet shampooer don't give up, I'll have two great dogs.  Keeping my fingers crossed about this.

I'd love to stay and chat, but alas my chores are crying out for me.  

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Chores for Friday


It's Friday - yeah!  I know you're thinking that every day is Friday for me, and that's true enough; but, Jeff buys tacos for dinner on Fridays.  It would sound better if I wrote "Tuesday Taco", but I don't want tacos in the middle of the week.

Yesterday, the "girls" recycled the TV Guide that I had mistakenly left sitting on a table.  Both of the dogs manage to stretch those little legs and get into all sorts of trouble.  I keep the TV remote on the kitchen table - in the center!  

I will say this though.  The girls are spending more time outside, which is a good thing.  I actually think that Daisy (terrier) is digging in the dirt, because sometimes her nose and front paws are a little dirty when she comes in.

This morning after breakfast, they spent sometime outside and then came in and ran through the house like a Tazmain (however you spell it) devil.  And then they crashed.  Daisy is a trouble maker no doubt, but she is also very loving.  She spends a lot of time sitting in my lap and I love that about her.  Sam was small enough to be a lap dog, but he didn't really want to do that.

We are using training nibbles to get the girls to sit or come when called.  The sit part they seem to understand, but neither one of them comes 100% of the time when called.  One way to fix that is to  put a leash on them and then say the command and start pulling them toward you.  

Bella for one reason or another won't make an attempt to jump into the recliners.  She can jump on the sofa all day, but won't try chairs or the bed.  She is actually getting a bit heavy to just pick up, for me at least.

Today is mop the kitchen floor day - trust me - it really needs mopping!  Change the sheets on the bed and run the vacuum around the carpets picking up the bits and pieces of paper that were distributed yesterday.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend.


Thursday, August 18, 2016



As Jeff pointed out to me last night when he got home from work, I didn't blog yesterday morning.  No particular reason not to, just didn't get around to it.  So apologies.

Yesterday afternoon, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house bearing lunch from McDonald's (yeah)!  We went to see a movie "Nine Lives" which is truly a very funny movie.  Kevin Spacey is the lead, and early on in the movie, he falls into a coma, and is "reincarnated" as a cat.  The cat's antics were hilarious.  The cat "spoke" about situations, such as the indignity of using a litter box!  In the end everything works out.  I highly recommend seeing the movie, if you need an excuse to have a good laugh.

I'll spend today doing some housework, and heaven knows I need to.  But, I'm also really into a book I'm reading and in a contest between housework and reading, I bet you can guess what takes priority.  Yup reading every time.

The girls are spending more time outside, which is a good thing.  The unfortunate part is that at their young age, they're more interested in wrestling than doing their business!  As Jeff reminds me, when I feel overwhelmed with the potty training, they won't always be puppies.

Stacey took a wonderful picture yesterday of the girls.  Daisy, the terrier and troublemaker is on the left and Bella, who is very calm is on the right.  How could you not love these girls?

Enjoy your day.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Clean Up Tuesday!


The girls are sleeping at the moment, so the house is blissfully quiet at the moment!  Last night, Jeff told me that there wasn't any spare toilet paper in the downstairs bathroom.  I distinctly remember putting some rolls in there earlier in the day.  After listening to him, I went to find said toilet paper.  My living room had been t-peed by the girls!  They had found the spare rolls and were having a rollicking good time.  Good thing toilet paper is relative inexpensive.

I drove to Frederick early yesterday morning to meet with Stacey to drop Benjamin off with her.  I'm afraid that our house isn't very exciting for him; and, he wasn't used to having his toes nipped at my little puppy teeth!

Yesterday's chore for the day was to shampoo the upstairs hall.  While I worked very hard at cleaning up all the spots, I was only so-so successful.  What do I want for Christmas?  Two puppies who know they have to go and know where to go.  I don't think that's asking too much.

Today's task is similar to yesterday.  Only this time I'm going to clean the carpet in the dining room.  Daisy, unfortunately, has fallen in love with that room.  In a last ditch effort, I put down cardboard on the carpet, hoping to discourage her - sadly it didn't.  But, I'd rather have to clean up messes on cardboard as opposed to carpeting!

This is short today, because I don't really have any new news to share.  I will say this though, the new a/c upstairs is perfectly wonderful.

Have a good day.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday Again


I'm sorry I missed yesterday, but there is only so much one person can do - juggling puppies and taking care of Benjamin.

Yesterday morning, Auntie Kim and I took Benjamin to see the movie "Pete's Dragon".  If you are familiar, and you probably are, with the original movie, this one is nothing like it.  The dragon is very realistic looking and I'm pretty sure that Benjamin enjoyed the movie.  He's pretty much like me - going to the movies - yeah!

By the time I got home from the movies, the a/c men had finished all the a/c work.  I'm happy to report that our bedroom is cool/cold (the way we like it) and enjoyed sleeping under blankets along with the heat from three dogs!

Today's task is to shampoo the upstairs hallway.  It is a mess, and that is not an understatement.  I can't wait for the day when the girls understand that they need to go OUTSIDE to do their business.  I watch for the inappropriate chewing constantly.  As puppies, it's cute when they drag your shoe around.  But, when they are dogs, they won't just be teething on a shoe, they'll be eating it!  Same goes for socks and underwear.

There was evidence in the pantry of a mouse.  I had to throw out a few food items, that had been gnawed on.  And, then I bought plastic storage containers for just about everything in the pantry.  I'm happy to report that we've got twice mice already.  Of course, we have no way of knowing how many mice are in the family.  Only time will tell us that.  I thought I had an agreement with the mice.  If they stayed in the garage, I could deal with that.  Come into the house though, and you're history.  And no I don't want to rehabilitate them into being outside mice!

I've dropped off Benjamin this morning and did a quick shop at the grocery store.  The puppies are out of the bathroom and from the sound of the yips and yaps, are out in the backyard.

Hope it's cooler where you are than it is here.


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Saturday, August 13, 2016



I missed blogging yesterday because Jeff had to be at the hospital at the crack of dawn for another zapping of his heart.  The procedure takes only minutes - it literally takes longer to drive to the hospital than the procedure itself!

The a/c men have been at the house constantly since Wednesday.  I believe the upstairs a/c install will be finished today.  We have a new outdoor unit that is tall and thin and we've been promised that our upstairs will be cool/cold again.  Can't wait.  We're sleeping with three dogs now and while that's going to be great this winter, right now not so much!

Jeff is bring Benjamin home this afternoon and he'll stay with us until Monday morning.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled to play with the puppies.  I'll have to forewarn him that if he uses blocks to make towers, the girls will make sure the towers don't stand very long.

Hot and sticky today.  A good day to be inside, which is what I'm doing, when I'm not on potty duty in the backyard.  I've decided to go back to my original plan of taking the girls out every 30 minutes, to avoid (hopefully) accidents in the house.

The upstairs hallway, which I shampooed earlier in the week is a complete mess now.  There are potty messes combined with construction mess.  When the installation is done, then it'll be time to vacuum and shampoo the carpet again.

I take full advantage of nap time by the girls.  I could get some housework done I suppose.  But, I've had to get up super early since Wednesday and am well and truly tired.  I remind myself that by the time winter comes, the girls "should" be potty trained.  Nobody wants to stand around in the snow and ice waiting for nature to come calling!

Stay cool.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Greatest Gifts


I want to tell you about Jeff.  If you're reading this, then you already know him.  But, here's what you don't know - he gives me the greatest gifts!

I wanted a new car years ago.  He bought me a beautiful car that still runs like a top.  I wanted a power recliner to use when I watch TV.  I have the recliners.

I wanted a large-size television and I got one.

Our upstairs a/c unit is dead, and a new one is being installed this week.

The microwave was on the fritz and now it's repaired.

For all of our years together, and they are many, Jeff doesn't do the usual flowers, jewelry, candy type of gifts.  Instead, and more importantly, he gives me things that will give me pleasure and comfort.  Who can put a price tag on gifts such as those?  Would I like to go to Italy?  You bet.  But, would I rather have a new a/c unit?  Absolutely.  Italy can wait.  I may get there someday.

Actions speak louder than words.  And Jeff's actions speak volumes about the man that he is.  I feel today, as I have since our wedding day, secure, safe, protected and loved.  Jeff knows what I'm thinking before words actually come out of my mouth.  He knows that an ice cream cone from McDonald's is something that I really enjoy.  And so he stops to get ice cream for me.

My vision is not too good (cataract) and he made sure that he bought the best and brightest lamps for me.  The new Kindles don't allow the text to be made SUPER LARGE, so he bought me an older model Kindle that allows me to read my books with ease.  

While it may not be apparent to others, he has a great deal of patience with me.  With my short term memory still and probably always will be, in the clouds somewhere, he sends me emails or writes notes reminding me what I was supposed to do: change insurance coverage on the cars; manage the medical charges that we incur, things like that.  Last Friday, for instance, Jeff didn't come home from work until very late.  Apparently, he had told me the night before that he was going to Scott's house after work.  That message didn't compute and stay in my brain.

So while it's hot upstairs until the new unit is installed later this week, I know that Jeff found the right guy for the job and has made sure that we are going to have a very efficient and powerful a/c system.

Just wanted to share.


The A/C Man Cometh!


Today's the day!  Yup, the a/c man is coming to start taking all the duct work or flex hose out of the attic.  When he tells it, it sounds like we have been air conditioning the attic through pin holes in the flex hose for years.  No wonder Pepco loves us.

So I'm up early.  Girls are fed, car has been moved into the garage, poo duty is over for the moment and I'm showered and dressed.  All that's left to do is get my coffee and bagel and retire to the recliner for my morning reading.  I'm reading "Magic" by Danielle Steel at the moment.  The story is about the White Dinner that happens all over the world each year.  Interesting so far.

Once the men arrive, it will be my job, more or less, to keep track of the girls to make sure that they don't book it out the door.  

We went to WalMart last night because the girls were out of dog food.  They easily go through a can of food a day.  You'd think they were much bigger dogs.  We also bought them a larger, plush bed that should accommodate both of them during their frequent naps.

Sticky out today.  I'm hoping that we'll still have the downstairs a/c after today.  If not, bring on the fans!


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Mouse in the House


I thought (emphasis on the word thought) that mice and I had an understanding.  They could run all over the garage, decorating with their little remains.  BUT, they are NOT, under any circumstances, to come into the house - period.

Yesterday, I spilled something on the pantry floor and started pulling things off the floor.  And, I know you can guess, what I found.  Yup - mouse droppings - a lot of them.  I don't think a mice is living in the pantry, I think the whole damn family has moved in.

As my boys would be happy to tell you, our pantry is filled to the brim with all kinds of goodies.  Once I pulled everything out into the kitchen, I was dismayed to find so much "activity" on the floor.  Jeff has been setting a mouse trap, but the mice(es) get the peanut butter and manage to skitter away.

After seeing the evidence on the pantry floor, I then went into warrior mode and started hauling things off the bottom two shelves.  And, I know you guessed it, I needed to clean up those shelves too.  I found a box of mini ziploc bags and stuffed inside was shredded napkins.  I'm thinking that the mouse is very comfortable living in our pantry, and he's planning on moving the next generation in!  This is unacceptable.  

I examined every bag and box and tossed out a lot of food that had some evidence of being around a mouse.  By the time I had put practically everything on the floor, I was angry - that is angry with a capital A!!!  I appreciate that by having a mouse in the pantry it has forced me to toss out some stale cookies that I had forgotten about, as well as other food items.

My campaign at the moment is to put almost everything in either a plastic, or better even, a glass jar.  I knew that the pantry needed attention, but seriously don't have much time, because I'm chasing after the girls. Who said that retiring was boring?!!

Chances are the mouse has made it all the way to the top of the pantry, which is stocked with all kinds of boxes.  I have to decide when I want to tackle that job.  

So in between cleaning up after a mouse, I have to watch the recycling of papers, etc., that the girls have gotten into. 

The thought of getting a cat, not a kitten, is very strong right about now.  

Tomorrow the a/c man is coming to start removing equipment from the attic.  I'll have to figure out a way to keep the girls contained so that they don't run outside when the front door is open.

Image result for picture of mouse in pantry

Monday, August 8, 2016

Three Dog Day and Night


We've now had the puppies for several weeks and are already noticing the difference in them.  They can now jump up, and grab things.  Daisy and Bella have bonded like sisters, which is what we hoped would happen.  They play rough, and sometimes dirty (pulling collars) but when they're worn out, they like to sleep entwined with each other.

Initially, we put two beds in our bathroom and left them inside during the night.  Because they're so young, most of the time when you got up in the morning, there was some (or a lot) of pee and poo.  Three or four nights ago, we started putting them in bed with us.  We figured what's the worse that could happen?  Dogs won't normally do their business where they sleep, so on the first night we crossed our fingers.  

At night because the girls knew where they were headed, it was a three ring circus trying to round them up to go in the bathroom.  Now that they know they're going in our bed, they're almost eager to go to sleep.  I don't know whether we sleep around them, or them around us, but it all seems to work.  Jeff left for work this morning and the puppies got up and followed him downstairs.  After he left, the puppies managed to get back into bed and began making noise around 7:00.  I really don't need an alarm clock!

Today's goal is to: shampoo the upstairs hallway carpet; and, pick up the "recycled" TV Guide from yesterday's bit of fun.  It would be nice though if they would shred paper into big pieces, rather than hundreds of little ones!  

Yesterday, Jeff fixed the gate, which was missing one of the posts.  I know that in several more weeks, there is no way that either puppy is going to be able to fit their head in the hole in the gate; but, it gives me assurance that if I leave the puppies in the backyard, they'll stay in the backyard.

I've finished my breakfast, which I enjoy while reading, so I'd better get my rear in gear.  Have a good day.


Image result for cartoon picture of puppy and gate

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...