Thursday, August 4, 2016

Up To No Good!


Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I took his car to the mechanic for an oil change.  We were gone probably at max, 30 minutes.  We left the dogs loose in the house, thinking how much damage could two little dogs do?  People, it turns out that they can do a lot when left on their own.

We returned home to two missing television remotes, a chewed up slipper, the TV Guide torn in a thousand pieces, and anything that they could reach (i.e., Daisy) on the side tables!  To say that the den looked like it had been bombed, would be an understatement.

Also, when we pulled into the driveway, Daisy was standing in the front yard.  It was obvious that she had found a way out of the yard.  Thankfully, I think, she didn't run away when we parked the car.  This morning a place in the gate where I believe Daisy was able to make her escape.  I blocked the opening with a rock for the time being.

Of course had I known the level of destruction waiting for us, I might have felt differently about her running away!!

My task today, after I run my errands, with the girls contained in the bathroom, is to clean up the mess that was created yesterday.  When I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, I remind myself that they are very young puppies, with no manners.  They will eventually stop being puppies and will begin to settle down.  Until then, there is literally no rest for me, until they have played themselves out and crash for a nap.

We received the estimate for the air conditioning repairs and replacement.  The amount we estimated it would cost was not far off.  Jeff and I are very confident that the company who is doing the work, will do a great job and we'll end up with a cooler house and perhaps a lower electric bill!


Image result for picture of puppy destruction

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