Friday, August 5, 2016



It's Friday which means a whole bunch of people who work are happy.  As Jeff reminded me last night, every day is Friday for me.  I rarely have to set my alarm clock, and I'm okay with that.  I put in my time behind a desk for over 45 years; and, if I hadn't gone "crazy" (my words) in 2013, I'd still be working.

With the addition of the "girls", the house is cluttered with torn bits and pieces of stuff that I can't even identify.  Where they find these things is anybody's guess!  Of course, after a scramble of energy, then there's the crash, when they fall asleep.  And, they're such good girls when they're napping!  When they're awake, I'm on constant alert.

This morning I'm off to the dentist.  I like the dentist and his staff, but actually hate going.  I've not had too many positive outcomes from visiting the dentist.  The pills I take dry my mouth out and leave me prone to cavities.  Today is just cleaning, but I'm sure by the time my appointment is done, I'll have a cavity or two that needs filling.  (Sigh).

After I get home, I'm going to shampoo the dining room carpet. I found a large piece of cardboard which now covers most of the rug.  But, prior to the cardboard being in place - well - let's just say things got a little messy.  It didn't help that Daisy was suffering from diarrhea (to much information I know).  After taking her to the vet, they gave us some pills that have taken care of that problem.  Now all I need is for the dogs to recognize the need to go and where to go!  That may take some time since they are both quite young.

Oh, nearly forgot a milestone.  This morning Bella was able to pull herself up onto the sofa.  The only problem I had was that once she was up there, she and Daisy decided that the sofa was their private war zone.  I stopped that notion quick.


 Image result for picture of Friday

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