Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Greatest Gifts


I want to tell you about Jeff.  If you're reading this, then you already know him.  But, here's what you don't know - he gives me the greatest gifts!

I wanted a new car years ago.  He bought me a beautiful car that still runs like a top.  I wanted a power recliner to use when I watch TV.  I have the recliners.

I wanted a large-size television and I got one.

Our upstairs a/c unit is dead, and a new one is being installed this week.

The microwave was on the fritz and now it's repaired.

For all of our years together, and they are many, Jeff doesn't do the usual flowers, jewelry, candy type of gifts.  Instead, and more importantly, he gives me things that will give me pleasure and comfort.  Who can put a price tag on gifts such as those?  Would I like to go to Italy?  You bet.  But, would I rather have a new a/c unit?  Absolutely.  Italy can wait.  I may get there someday.

Actions speak louder than words.  And Jeff's actions speak volumes about the man that he is.  I feel today, as I have since our wedding day, secure, safe, protected and loved.  Jeff knows what I'm thinking before words actually come out of my mouth.  He knows that an ice cream cone from McDonald's is something that I really enjoy.  And so he stops to get ice cream for me.

My vision is not too good (cataract) and he made sure that he bought the best and brightest lamps for me.  The new Kindles don't allow the text to be made SUPER LARGE, so he bought me an older model Kindle that allows me to read my books with ease.  

While it may not be apparent to others, he has a great deal of patience with me.  With my short term memory still and probably always will be, in the clouds somewhere, he sends me emails or writes notes reminding me what I was supposed to do: change insurance coverage on the cars; manage the medical charges that we incur, things like that.  Last Friday, for instance, Jeff didn't come home from work until very late.  Apparently, he had told me the night before that he was going to Scott's house after work.  That message didn't compute and stay in my brain.

So while it's hot upstairs until the new unit is installed later this week, I know that Jeff found the right guy for the job and has made sure that we are going to have a very efficient and powerful a/c system.

Just wanted to share.


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