Wednesday, November 30, 2016



There are two groups of people when it comes to planes.  You either love them, or you don't.  One of the problems is that every time a plane crashes, it becomes big news, front page of the paper news.  What gets no mention is the thousands of planes that come and go every day, with no occurrence whatsoever.

When Jeff and I bought our plane, the boys seemed less than enthusiastic.  They were worried about things like what would happen if we crashed.  Answer?  We crash, simple as that.  Jeff is a great pilot and I have no fears when we're up in the air.  Life is too short to worry about the "what if's" that might or more likely not occur.

I haven't been on a commercial plane in years.  I do remember though being packed into a plane like sardines in a can.  And heaven help you if you have a window seat and need to get up to go to the bathroom!  Horrors.  There was a time, and it was a long time ago, when you actually were given a pretty decent meal on long flights.  I believe those days are mostly long gone.  If the person in front of you reclines their seat, then it's likely you will lose all circulation in your legs from being unable to adequately move around.  I don't know who designs planes, but whoever they are, they need to look at the "growing" population.  People are getting bigger not smaller.  I know it's a money game for them, but being in couch is a nightmare for the passengers.  But, pretty sure they don't care.

Little planes have some very nice advantages.  No security, no luggage check (other than Jeff reminding me that we can't take everything in my closet!) and most of the time no passengers.  I am the chief flight attendant on our flights.  I bring a bag full of non melting food.  Nobody wants to stare down at the end of the day a pile of chocolate goo at the bottom of your bag.  We listen to music while we fly and it's peaceful in the sky.  When we fly through clouds, which is often, since we don't fly as high as commercial planes do, I always (and this is going to sound pretty stupid) look for my Dad and Wendy.  I don't know why they'd be sitting on a cloud, but I look anyway and I generally tear up from my love for them.

The plane crash this week was horrific.  Unfortunately, there were few survivors.  When a plane does go down, everybody automatically looks to the pilot to see if he had made some kind of error.  I guess that's natural.  But I reminded of a flight home from Hawaii that after leaving Honolulu turned back a short time after take off.  Turns out it was something to do with the luggage compartment.  We waited an endless amount of time before we could reboard if we choosed to do so.  Jeff and boarded the plane, which was by this time had many empty seats to choose from, as most people would not get back on the plane.  The reason we did?  We were sure that the pilot flying the plane didn't have some kind of death wish and would crash on purpose.  This flight was way before people boarded planes, who took over the cockpit and did in fact crash on purpose.

Here's some statistics.  In 2016 it looks like there were 18 commercial plane crashes, compared to 13 in 2015.  Understand, that count doesn't include small planes such as ours.  While I don't believe the numbers are completely accurate, the information I could find says there were 43 crashes over the course of two years that involved small planes.  I think that numbers small, but it's difficult to find exact data when looking around on the Internet.  

The type of plane we fly, a Cirrus which has an onboard built-in parachute for the plane, as over the years saved countless lives.  Knowing that while we're flying, if something did go wrong, we could deploy that parachute and land safely (or at least more safely) gives me great peace of mind.

Our plane is similar to the plane in the picture:

Image result for picture of cirrus sr 20


Tuesday, November 29, 2016



I have noticed a trend (phenomenon?) of women wearing leather/pleather/vinyl pants. Women are thinner and in great shape, look really good wearing these type of pants.  Alas, there are more of us who are either not thin and/or not in great shape.  This type of pants was not designed for us.

I watch Maury and day after day, I watch women parade across the set wearing skin-tight leather pants.  The kind of pants that make me immediately think girdle and also how uncomfy these pants must be.  

You absolutely have the right to wear whatever you want, and I think that's a grand thing.  But, a plus size woman doesn't look very good in said pants.  I'm short and round.  I know my body isn't beautiful by any fashion standards, and I shy away from clothes that are too tight, and blouses that are too low cut.  My "girls" are no longer headed north, so I feel no need to accentuate what I cannot change!  

In my day, and that was a long time ago, I did wear heels and wore matchy-matchy outfits.  And now I don't.  I don't have many social engagements these days, so I own very few "going out" type of clothes.  If the bulk of your day is laundry, dish washing and picking up the bits and pieces of bone residue, who needs to wear a lovely outfit.  Not me certainly.

I think a wonderful invention was the elastic waistband, that makes for a more comfortable pant or skirt.  The waistband won't notice if you've put on a few pounds, since there is an amount of stretch in the elastic.  And, unfortunately I haven't lost enough weight ever to make my pants fall off of me.  But, I can keep wishing!

Mother always told me that a woman should dress appropriately for her age. And there's the rub, what's appropriate?  Appropriate for you might be one thing and yet another for me.  At this point in my life, I want to be comfortable - all of the time.  It's been years, more of them than I can count, when I stopped traffic!  Actually, that's not completely true.  I still stop traffic, but it's no longer because I'm drop dead gorgeous - nope, it's because I tend to walk slowly.

My puppies have worn themselves out with their morning gymnastics, and are sleeping at my feet.  Silence is a beautiful thing.

It's raining here today and the sky is drab gray.  Hope it's sunny where you are.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Peace of Mind


You can be of sound mind, and/or you can have peace of mind.  I am striving for peace of mind, since my being of sound mind is sometimes questionable.  Multiple ECT treatments given to me in 2013 and 2014, are perhaps partly to blame for the state of my mind.  Jeff can tell me something to do on "x" day and sometimes later in that same day, I haven't the foggiest idea what I was supposed to do.  Sometimes I don't even remember being given a task, such is the working of my mind.

I try to compensate by writing down things, but then I forget where I put those notes.  Since it's been a fairly long time since my last ECT treatment, I'm pretty sure that the memory I have now is the memory I'm stuck with.  My biggest fear is someday suffering from Alzheimer's.  

They say you have to live with your consequences.  Based on my actions in 2013, I am now living with the consequences, and I'm pretty sure that some of those consequences will haunt me to my dying day.

For peace of mind now, I look to the puppies.  Every morning starts with at least one and sometimes both puppies in my lap while I read.  Bella is as heavy as a bag of rocks but she tries to be gentle when she bounds up into my lap.  Daisy is a lightweight compared to Bella and through some maneuvering on their parts, they eventually find enough space on my lap.

I love the feel of their velvety ears and their breath on my hands while they are sleeping.  If undisturbed by outside noise, this wonderful part of my day can last for an extended period of time.  I lean back in my chair and allow the comfort of their bodies to wash over me.  This is peace of mind and I get this gift every day.  While the puppies are sleeping on me, I forgive them for all the destruction they have done to the house.  We have a chair and sofa that will never be the same since the puppies tore off the skirts.  Chair legs have been gnawed on and for some reason drywall has been chewed (who develops a taste for that?).  
Walking around the house is much like going through a mind field.  In almost every room there is an assortment of bones of various sizes, antlers, remnants of tennis balls, and chewed up babies with their stuffing strewn around the room!  I don't actually vacuum the carpets now, I use a broom to gather up everything and once I have a pile, I can toss to the side the "keepers" (toys, etc.).

The puppy stage won't last forever I know.  Daisy is now 6 months old and Bella is 5 months.  In a few short months, they'll be dogs.  Hopefully, Jeff and I have and continue to train them so that they will be wonderful dogs next year.  

I take every day one at a time and find joy in the little things, like puppy love.  Everyone should know the love of puppies at some point in their lives.


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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sleeping In


This morning, when the puppies began to do their climb over and on top of my head, I told Jeff it was his turn to take care of them.  Thankfully, he did just that.  Once they have been fed, that takes some of the "fight" out of them, as far as human interaction is concerned.  They do some "sparring" for a bit, before the first nap of the day commences.

The fireplace is on, which makes the den a very desirable place to be.  There are three dog beds in front of the fireplace, so every dog can huddle near the warmth.  I absolutely love our gas fireplace.  True, that it doesn't smell like a wood burning fireplace, but I'm okay with that. I don't miss for a minute, the stacking and bringing in firewood.  Sparks flying out on the carpet, and ashes to be dumped.  All I have to do now is push a button and voila there is fire.  And, our fireplace is not there for show.  It actually has a blower that does produce a nice bit of heat, enough so that after a few hours, it's either turn the fireplace off, or open the windows!

I have as usual, programmed the television shows for the week, making sure that Sunday night television shows record for extra time.  You have to do this because of a football game.  It's just my opinion, and it counts for nothing, but I'd like to see a channel devoted to just sports.  Think how many men would love a devoted channel.

Jeff has tomorrow off and we are running out of things to talk about.  After so many years together, there are very few new things to talk about.  Our individual histories have been told, sometimes more than once.  When Jeff comes home from work, he does have something to talk about, although most of the time I don't understand everything he says.  As for me, my days are spent monitoring the girls, thinking about and fixing dinner, mindless stuff like that.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming to visit on Wednesday.  We will likely go see a movie, where we will indulge ourselves in buttered popcorn and coke.  And, if we're feeling really naughty, perhaps some Milk Duds too!

The city's winter light festival starts this week.  Perhaps we could take Benjamin to see the lights and if it's not too cold, take the convertible and feel closer to each display.  Just a thought.

It's that time of the year when every sappy Hallmark-type movie starts.  I personally love these movies, but know that Jeff finds them too syrupy, so I watch them when he's not around.  He doesn't enjoy all of my cooking shows either, so I watch them during the day - between chores of course!

Have a wonderful Sunday. By the way, 27 days until Christmas - just saying!


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Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Day After the Day After


By now we have all survived Thanksgiving and some of you brave souls even ventured out on Black Friday.  I don't believe there is anything that I want/need worth standing in line to buy.  Besides, Amazon simply sells everything and super fast shipping.  What more could you ask for?

After having leftovers Thanksgiving evening, I was tasked with finding something to do for dinner last night.  I actually came up with something that really tasted pretty good:

chopped turkey (your choice of how much)
bottles of turkey gravy
peas and carrots
brown rice
chilies (because we like them)
sour cream and finally
onion rings

Stir all of that together, and before you know it you have "Turkey a la King" more or less.  All I know is that it was super tasty.  

Now the question becomes what to do with the turkey today?  Soup perhaps?

While I was at my computer yesterday and paying no attention to the girls, they managed to get hold of the power cord to my vacuum and it now is in pieces.  Yes, I should have noticed the sounds of chewing, but they have so many bones to chew on, I didn't give it a second thought.  Stupid me.  I'm sure that Jeff can fix the cord, but in the meantime no vacuuming for me.  Perhaps that was part of my master plan!

Scott and Andy's computer business sends out cards and calendar magnets each year.  I spent time yesterday picking out a generic card - the kind that won't offend anybody - and a design for the magnets.  That has all be ordered and should be here by the 7th.  Once they are here, stuff the envelopes, attach return labels, seal and get to the post office.

Something else I can mark off my list of things that need doing.  I have bought Christmas cards for me to send.  I don't send out as many as I used to and my handwriting is not very good anymore.  I might consider having Jeff print address labels for me.

Benjamin told us over the phone a few things he wants for Christmas.  One thing he wants is a Furby.  I thought this was a plushy animal, and yes it's that, but more.  The cost of one of these Furbys is quite high.  I think I'll let Santa buy this present.  He wants more Legos and a box of some sort to keep the Legos contained.  I can certainly take care of that.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming over on Wednesday to visit me.  We'll probably see a movie and then he can spend some time playing with the girls.  The City of Gaithersburg has their holiday lights in a local park beginning on the 25th.  Maybe, we could go there on the 30th and check out the displays that I've seen many, many times.  

It's a bit windy outside and I'm not sure it's the best day to pick up leaves.  But by the end of the weekend, regardless of the weather, those darn leaves have to be picked up.  

Time for me to get my heart started, and there's plenty of things I can do around the house to help with that!

Happy Saturday.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday


Our day of being thankful and eating ourselves into a food coma is over.  Now the fun really begins.  I know that people have been and maybe still are, standing in line awaiting the opening of a store.  With the advent of on-line shopping, why waste your time and energy actually going to the store.  I guess it's about instant gratification.  But, you could also wait until after Christmas to still buy those big ticket items.  Of course you wouldn't have anything to put under the tree, except an "IOU"!  Not nearly as exciting for the recipient.  I don't know about you, but the installation of let's say a big screen television doesn't come without some frustration.  Do you have the right cables?  Are they the right length?  How are you going to mount it?  And the list just goes on and on.

Jeff made an excellent dinner yesterday.  We had turkey and all the trimmings we wanted and it probably only cost us a little over twenty dollars.  Not bad, plus we can eat turkey for days, or until we sprout wings and fly away.  Leftover turkey is great the first day and maybe the second day, but by the third day, you begin to crave red meat!

Jeff and I ate responsibly, so there was no need for Tums.  After the dishes were cleared up and the kitchen was sort of (emphasis on sort) put back together, we gathered up the puppies and watched a movie.  There are so many viewing choices available now: Amazon, HBO, Netflix and others.  I found an action movie with Robert De Niro as the main character.  Jeff generally finds action movies entertaining and those are the kind of movies that keep him awake.  

I guess this weekend, Jeff will blow all the leaves into a pile and we'll do the bend and pick-up maneuvers until our yard is tidy.  Fingers crossed that this is the last time we have to mess with the leaves.  A good frost would end leaf dropping.

In order of Black Friday, I will do my duty to shop - online - in my pajamas if I so desire.  It doesn't get better than that.  I have already bought two gifts, and those who know me well, know that I always do my shopping early.  I love getting the right gifts, but absolutely abhor wrapping.  I'd just as soon give my gifts in a brown grocery bag!  And if you're wondering, I do not fiddle with ribbons and bows.  Martha Stewart would never give her approval of my wrapping, which always involves a lot of tape!

It's a gloomy gus kind of day.  Too warm for snow, but if it was colder, looks like it could.  Jeff will be bringing our truck home soon.  That's the right vehicle to have if we get a lot of snow.  Since I don't work, I need not fret, but still do, about the weather.  When it does snow, I make no attempt to shovel, partly because I'm not really strong enough to heave a shovelful of snow off of the driveway.  And, the other reason, which is actually the real reason, is that I'm not all that steady on my feet.  Mind you, falling in the snow would probably not hurt anything other than my pride.

There is evidence, a lot of evidence actually, that a mouse or mices (my word entirely) is living in my pantry.  My sons would tell you that the pantry is full to the ceiling with boxes and bags of food.  In case of an emergency, Jeff and I won't go hungry that's for sure.  So my chore this weekend, is to clear out the food from the pantry, wipe down the shelves and check boxes for signs of tiny bite marks!  Jeff put a glue trap on one of the shelves and this morning I found it had moved, but there was no mouse.  Darn it.

My end of the bargain with the mouse is that I won't bother you, or hunt you down, IF you stay in the garage.  IF you come into the house, you become fair game and I (actually Jeff) WILL hunt you down.  Maybe I should type up these instructions and tape them to my back door!  I don't want there to be a "failure to communicate" issue.

Jeff is now up, so I can do laundry (ick) and finish cleaning up the kitchen (double ick).  I have Christmas cards to address - you know I always do this early.  And, I have to select and order the Christmas cards and magnets for 4A (Scott and Andy's company).   What you'll never see is me waiting until the week before Christmas standing line at the post office.  Nope, not gonna happen.

Have a wonderful day off - enjoy.


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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Day


The day of gluttony is abound us.  All through the country, millions of people will be sitting down at some point today to eat, eat and then eat some more!  It's what we do.  For some reason, and it's not like we're dying from hunger, we tend to eat ourselves to the point of almost getting sick.  And, after eating, head for the couch to watch television.  Most people watch a football game in the afternoon, but Jeff and I are not football people, so we'll search for something else to watch.  And, if our eyes just happen to close, that's okay too.

Jeff handles the meal.  He cooks the turkey, makes the stuffing and gravy.  I'm in charge of mashed potatoes, basically just for myself, cooking the cranberries and putting a frozen pie in the oven later today.  In honor of the holiday, we might actually use glass plates and sit at the table!

Today marks the beginning of the holidays, even though Christmas decorations have been out in the stores now for several weeks.  I have purchased a few things already for Christmas, but if you know me, then you know this is just what I do.

Black Friday means nothing to me.  The stores are over heated, as well as the people.  I saw last night on the news, that for one store people were paying $200 for someone else to wait in line for them.  Now as Judge Judy would say that's ridiculous.  How good a deal is in that store that makes waiting overnight, in some cases, worth it.  

You can buy large screen televisions all day long from your computer.  And, you could have gone to the stores before Thanksgiving to look at the clarity and size of the screen.  We bought our big television last year, but it was sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And, I love it.  

The paper this morning is full of colorful ads for every store you can imagine.  I will take some time to have a second cup of coffee, grab my reading glasses, and peruse those ads.  The only ads that Jeff is interested in are ads for tools, because everybody can use more tools.

Amazon delivered a new box of chewy things for the girls.  They are like children.  They want new things, even though the floor is littered with bones and antlers.  New chewy things will keep them busy, at least for awhile.  

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Turkey Day Is Near


It's the day before the day where families and friends gather to hopefully enjoy good food and company.  Of course, not all family gatherings are peaceful and calm.  Sometimes families tend to "wash the same laundry" (history) over and over again.  If you've managed to beat into submission old grievances that were probably trivial in the first place, why keep bringing them up?  It's upsetting and makes no sense on a day when we're supposed to be thankful.  Okay, climbing off my preaching box now.

Over the years, Jeff and I have experienced Thanksgiving at our house, with family and for the last couple of years, in a restaurant.  The problem with eating out is that there are no leftovers, which some consider, and I'm one of them, to be the best part of the meal.  So this year, we're cooking our meal, and eating it on our own time schedule.  Since we aren't football people, we might find the afternoon a good opportunity to have a snooze.

This morning I am bringing Mr. Tom upstairs to put him in the sink with water to help complete the thawing out process.  We're not fixing anything out of the ordinary and Jeff fusses with the turkey, stuffing and gravy.  Me?  I'm in charge of fixing mashed potatoes for me, cranberries, carrot pineapple jello and dessert.  And the dessert is already made - thanks Marie Callendar's!

Tomorrow's paper will be so heavy that we'll probably need a forklift to bring it into the house.  I can make quick work out of the ads.  I like looking at Target's ad and the rest seem to go into recycling right after breakfast.  I don't shop at Macy's, Penney's, Sears or any other mall stores.  With the advent of Amazon, why go inside a store at all?  Now having said that, I've been thinking of making a mid-week foray into said stores.  Why?  Because I do enjoy seeing and touching the clothes and accessories.  I only seem to shop at WalMart and KMart these days and while they certainly do the job of outfitting me for my job as "estate" manager (insert smiley face here), there are very few clothes in these stores that I would rate as fashion.

Starting tomorrow, Jeff has five days off, which he desperately needs.  He will be able to sleep in some, at least until the girls begin to gnaw on your body to let you know that they want to get up and be fed.  There can be naps in the afternoon, which the girls enjoy very much.  Of course, I reminded Jeff that if he's here for five days, we might be forced to talk to each other!  Horrors!

As for Black Friday, we might venture out to a store just to watch the madness.  Even if we found something we needed or really wanted, the long lines at the registers would immediately make certain we put said item(s) back on the shelf.  All the big ticket items, such as televisions, stereo systems and high-end video games will likely march out of the store first.  The thought of standing in line outside just to be first to grab an item that has been greatly reduced for Black Friday, is frankly just not my cup of tea.

I've already put several things on my shopping list to buy for the family.  Jeff and the boys are nearly impossible to buy for.  Scott would probably like tools, but that's Jeff's area of expertise, not mine.  Benjamin is really into Pokemon right now and I have found him several cool things, such as a Pokemon baseball hat, which I think he'll like.

While I'm against it for principle reasons only, gift cards go a long way when you're giving a gift to an adult. I put a lot of effort, at least I think I do, into what I buy for people. Stacey and I have agreed that the number of presents for us adults, should be limited.  We have discussed that next year, we will make dates to go to places, like the Black American History Museum, Ford's Theater and so on.  It would be like the gift that keeps on giving.  Of course, a certificate for the enhancement of toes and nails is always a welcome gift for each of us.

I hope that your plans for Thanksgiving will be spent and shared with your loved ones, whether that is family or friends.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Beautiful Thursday


That four day weekend is almost upon us.  I told Jeff that with him being home for so many days, we might actually have to talk to each other!  (smiley face here).  I think it was last year that we went to Target on black Friday.  We weren't there to buy, as much as we were there to watch the madness.  Watching the people scramble around for those big ticket items, such as televisions and pushing and shoving their way through the aisles, was maddening.  I recognize that stores, put out their best stuff on black Friday, but there is always a sale somewhere!

 I do my shopping on line and I know by now Amazon loves me.  Jeff loving me loving Amazon, probably not so much.  I don't know what the world did before Amazon.  You can buy practically anything, and have it delivered, in some cases, the same day.  Crazy.  I know I would love to go to an Amazon warehouse and watch the mechanics of getting the right packages sent to the right people.  I think it would be a blast.

I have Mr. Tom thawing in the refrigerator.  Tomorrow, I'll take him out and put him in the sink with some warm water to help with the defrosting.  Since we're on nobody's schedule but our own, we can eat our meal anytime during the day. We could also eat dessert first, who would know?

I have started picking things out on, you guessed it, Amazon for me to consider buying as Christmas presents.  Jeff and I don't really exchange gifts anymore.  Last year, he bought me a big television, which was a fabulous gift.  He's really hard to buy for.  His list of wants is very small, and he doesn't want a newer version of something he already has.  For instance, his chamois shirt - he loves it - but would he love to have a newer one?  Hard to say.

My mother for all the years she was alive, only wore Daniel Green slippers.  They had to be the exact same style as the year before and pretty much the same color year after year.  Boring.  I remember once, Dad found a dress for her and it had a "diamond" pin on the front.  He thought it was lovely, so he bought it.  I can still remember her opening up the gift and literally throwing the dress at him.  It's supposed to be the thought that counts, but apparently Mom didn't read that chapter in the book of life!  After that, I decided to take him in hand to buy for Mom.  

The boys have reached a certain age where getting them a present or two is a real challenge.  I know next to nothing about tools, other than most men think they are a good gift.  Whereas, we women would probably be offended, if our gift was a vacuum cleaner.  Just saying.

I think I'm easy to buy for because I pretty much love anything.  Others tell me it's very hard to buy something for me.  I actually don't understand.  I always love new slippers and shiny glass things.  And, of course an Amazon gift card works well too.

The girls have finished their morning wrestling and are down for their first nap.  As a mother to "toddler puppies", I take full advantage of their down time, to put my feet up in the chair and "rest" also!

I suppose I could remind you of how many days until Christmas, but I think I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to do that.

Enjoy your day.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Short Week


If I was still working, I would make today logical Wednesday.  I know that sounds silly, it's just the way my mind works.  Jeff is taking the Monday after Thanksgiving off, so he will get five days off which will give him extra time to refresh his batteries.

Jeff and I were undecided about where to eat on Thanksgiving.  Bob Evans or Cracker Barrel?  Turns out we decided that we would fix dinner here and fix the dishes that we want to eat.  No waiting for a table at a restaurant, no leftovers to eat, just cook and eat when and what you want.  Perfecto.

One of my favorite things to eat at holiday meals is carrot pineapple salad.  Most people hate it, but it's a staple from my childhood.  Easy to make: orange jello, set up, add shaved carrots and pineapple.  Voila.  Jeff went food shopping yesterday, and though I didn't put these ingredients on my list (because I forgot), he didn't.  What a good guy.

Suffering from a sinus infection which is not making me feel very good.  It should be against the law, or something, to be feeling poorly at holiday time.  We could on Friday join the masses of folks charging through stores.  Most of those people are generally interested in only big ticket items, like televisions.  We already have a big television, as well as comfy recliners for when we want to be "couch potatoes"!  

The only person we really have to buy for is Benjamin.  I have asked him to send me a list, because I'm unsure what he's into right now.  As for the boys, maybe it's time to buy gift certificates, so that they can get what they want.  I hate having to resort to certificates, but as most of you know, men are very hard to buy for.  Girls and women are super easy.  There are so many possibilities, ranging from nail polish to socks, for example.

As for me, I really need nothing.  Wanting something is a different matter altogether.  Jeff and I, like the boys, are really not in need of anything.  Jeff wants a new, higher powered plane.  I'd like to be taller and thinner.  We both know that neither of those things is going to happen, at least not this year!  And probably not next year either - just stating the facts.

The baby (i.e., puppy) gates are working.  I move the gates around during the day depending on where I'm going to be.  If I'm in the living room, then most of that room and all of the kitchen, thanks to Bella, are closed off.  We put a gate at the top of the stairs, to keep them out of the hallway.  This morning I noticed that they have been chewing on the drywall.  Good grief.  With all the chew toys, most of which are bones, to chew on, they still go for drywall.  There must be something missing in their diets, or they just like the taste!  For the moment, I also have a gate at the bottom of the stairs.  All very annoying and some day the girls will have more manners (hoping) and won't have to be excluded from parts of the house.  Because frankly, as much as they hate being "penned" into a room, Jeff and I hate having to keep moving the gates.

Cooler today and the wind is blowing a bit. Perfect weather for this time of year.  All I have to do is remember how long I need to thaw out our bird.  It's been quite awhile since we cooked a turkey and all the trimmings.  But when we go to restaurants for our holiday meal, I feel rather pathetic.  

The girls are up from their first nap, so I will get up and start my day.  There will probably be time for a nap in the afternoon!

Happy "Wednesday".


Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Joy Mop


After watching the movie "Joy", I knew that I just had to have that mop.  Who wouldn't want a mop head that you could put in the washing machine?  I'm thinking nobody.  Regular mops can get stinky and the sponge part wears down quickly.

I'm using the mop and it works as described.  Very absorbent and easy to use.  I know you're sensing a but, and you're right.  When I decided that the mop head needed washing, it was easy to remove and came through the washing machine smelling nice and clean.

Okay, now I have to put the mop head back on.  I am not known for my ability to follow directions, either printed or oral.  I watched countless videos and all the presenters made it look so easy.  Pull the mop head through the mop, put the little plastic gizmo that keeps the strings either on the right or left side of that gizmo.  

I've followed the instructions.  My mop head is now sitting in the appropriate place, with the strings separated accordingly.  Now they say that all you have to do is put the gizmo into the cup and pull down the latch.  Maybe I'm not strong enough to pull down the latch.  I guess I'll have to wait until Jeff is home so he can push the latch down.  

The mop is wonderful and I really like that I can wash it.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to get the mop head back on!


Starting My Day


I'm a creature of habit.  Aren't we all?  My days begin and end in pretty much the same way all the time.  Some people would call it a rut, and I'm okay with that.  I'm happy in my well developed rut, and see no reason to change.

Mornings begin with the usual puppy frenzy.  Getting them out of the bedroom, down the stairs, feeding them and then shooing them out to the backyard.  Before they come back in, I cook my bagel and get some coffee.  

I eventually let the puppies in and with the new gates can control how much of my living room I want them to be in.  Turns out not too much.  I stretch the gate from the sofa to the buffet, and that gives them a bit of play area.  There is no way that I'm going to give them access to my super clean carpets until they are completely potty trained.  Who knows when that will be.

Normally, after eating the preferred breakfast of people in a rut, I sit back in my chair and do some reading.  Usually, one or sometimes both puppies end up in my lap.  This is getting too be a bit of a stretch, since Bella is bigger and moving rocks would be easier.

Come into my "office", turn on my "SAD" light and wake up my computer.  I check emails and Facebook postings.  I seldom post anything, probably because I just don't have anything all that interesting to say and/or share.

On my way to my office (few steps only), I maneuver carefully over the collection of antlers and bones that the girls have strewn everywhere.  Sometimes the floor looks like a burial ground!  And oh by the way, you don't want to step on any of these bones.  If you do, it's a recipe for disaster - i.e., falling down.

Then I blog.  I try not to miss a day but according to Jeff, I did miss one day this past week.  Apologies.  By the time I'm blogging, the girls have worn themselves out from barking at who knows what and doing some sisterly fighting.  As I type, both puppies are asleep and to keep them from barking and waking up the world, I have closed the basement door.

Lastly, I will log on to jigsaw world and do a puzzle or two.  Trying to keep my brain active.  Since my body doesn't always work so well, it only seems fair that I should try and keep my thinking cap alive.

It's a glorious day so far, but apparently we are due for much colder weather by the first of the week.  Time to put away those summer clothes and replace them with warmer attire.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Ode To A Pillow


There once was a pillow
That sat on the bed
Jeff used that pillow when he was in bed

This morning, while I slept
The puppies got down making no sound

That pillow was tossed to the ground
Where they used it to play tug of war it seems
When I got up, I was startled to see
Bits and pieces of fluff all over the floor
It looked like it had snowed while I continued my rest

Sadly, the pillow is beyond repair 
Now all that's left is for me to sweep
And clean up all the mess!


Image result for picture of pillow being destroyed by dog

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Book Club Review


Last night, our little group of six women, met to discuss our first novel.  Since we are small in numbers, I found it easy to engage in conversations - both about the novel - and then we slid into conversations.

Our hostess provided the drink of choice - wine, together with munchies.  She also had a pineapple upside down cake, which has long been a favorite of mine.

By the time I got home, Jeff and the puppies had already gone to bed.  So, I had the remote all to myself and can watch my seemingly endless assortment of cooking shows.  I also like reality shows, because if you're willing to go on television and make a fool of yourself, I'm more than willing to watch!

Carpet is being cleaned today.  If I had thought about using baby gates from the beginning, my carpets would still be unstained.  What I like about these gates is that the puppies don't challenge them.  They seem perfectly content to stay out of certain rooms, unless they are invited.When I no longer need the gates, those three folds will fold up and be relatively easy to store.  I could, of course, sell the gates, but since they take up so little room, I think I'll just keep them around.  I know that Benjamin (grandson) likes to build large towers made from blocks.  The puppies, of course, would knock those towers down.  Solution?  You guessed it, put gates around his playing area.  Perfect.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  The sun is out and the leaves that are still on the trees are now a nice orange and red.  

In case you're interested, there are only 38 days until Christmas.  My son's computer company sends out company cards with a calendar magnet.  I need to get those things ordered, so that I can put them in the mail long before the mad rush to ship or mail things begin.

My friends would tell you that I'm always trying to think two steps ahead.  Having said that, I have already zeroed in on a few things I'm going to buy for Benjamin.  When he was little, it was so easy to find toys for him, because he loved everything.  Now that he's 8, and a big boy, it's harder to know what toy(s) he's into.  I do know that he's into everything Pokemon and he's tried to explain to me, with no success, what that's all about.

Next week is Thanksgiving, which I find hard to believe.  We're still undecided whether we should go out to eat, the downside of which is no 'tovers'!  Or, fix a small meal at home with a few of our favorite dishes.  I have several good recipes for dessert, but since the boys aren't around to help out with the cleaning of the plate, may opt to buy a small frozen pie instead.  

When the boys were living at home, they could devour anything with the speed of a ninja! I never had to ask them if they wanted more cake, pie, etc., because the answer was always absolutely.  I am a sugar lover, so having dessert in the house isn't good for me.  Jeff, on the other hand, is a salt guy.  We make the perfect couple!

I hope the sun is shining at your house.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Book Club


It's Tuesday and I have my book club meeting this evening.  Since I suggested the book "Paris Time Capsule", it's up to me to come up with some questions for discussion.  Of course, I read the book months ago, and we all know how faulty my memory is!  So we'll have some drinks and munchies as we talk about the book and/or anything else that comes to mind.

I have of course come up with some questions and have typed out a time line of events as well as people.  The story is true as are the people, but the novel is fiction, based loosely on events that became public after 2010.

Today, I'll tackle another room upstairs.  Probably the guest bathroom which hasn't been used in years, except for the regular bathing of Sam.   Tidying it up won't take much time.  Then there's Jeff's office which I don't mess with and another spare room where files from the now defunct battery business sit on a shelf.

Yesterday, one who shall not be named, except it's not Daisy, got into and ate another stick of butter.  At least Bella has good taste.  As much as I like butter, I can't imagine just sitting down and eating it all on it's own.  Much better, on something - toast, potatoes, bagels, etc.

The HOA will start picking up leaves that are piled on the street, weather permitting.  We have two very large piles of leaves in front of our house.  About the only thing that will stop the leaves from continuing to fall will be a freeze, and there isn't one in the forecast.

I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving.  Jeff and I will have to decide what to do.  Our options are to cook a small meal at home with some of the usual food required for a Thanksgiving meal.  Or, we can go to a restaurant and let somebody else do the cooking and cleaning.  Hard to say what we'll decide to do.  

I have to get Christmas cards and magnet calendars ordered for Scott's computer business. I like to send out these cards in the early part of December, before there is a mad rush from people who have waited until the last minute to mail out cards or packages.  As for us, we don't send out too many cards anymore.  Over time, long distance relationships tend to fade and so does communication.

Time for me to get moving.

Have a great day.



Monday, November 14, 2016



It is a spectacular Monday morning.  I would have written that line earlier, but I had to get up early with the girls, that after feeding them, fell asleep in my chair!  There is no such thing as sleeping in, when young tummies want to be fed. 

Yesterday, I did some shampooing on the carpet upstairs.  I didn't finish, so guess I'll have to continue tackling the spots left on the carpet by you know who.  I now have three baby gates, which keeps the puppies confined to a particular place in the house.  Since we didn't crate train, I could have saved myself a lot of work if I had thought about the gates earlier.  One gate is in the kitchen preventing Bella, the food stealer, from snatching things off the counter.  Another one keeps them out of the living and dining rooms and finally, one for the top of the stairs.  

On Sunday, I check out the TV Guide, and program the next week's shows.  I continue to miss one key show on Sunday night.  Sixty minutes is always behind because of some kind of ballgame.  That show being late starts a domino effect for the shows that I record after on that channel.  But, I always forget that there is a show between 60 minutes and Madam Secretary.  Mostly, I forget because my brain can't seem to remember, on a regular basis, that I should record NCIS: Los Angeles, which follows 60 minutes.  Even with repeated instructions, I continue to forget about the television show, that is part of channel 9's line-up.  

We are due to have the house appraised as part of a refinancing loan.  This means that I must tidy up (which is too small a word to adequately explain the condition) the spare rooms upstairs.  Since they aren't used, I have a tendency, and it's not a good one, to dump spare bedding, Benjamin's toy chests, and out of season clothing on top of the bed.  This week I need to tackle room by room and get things more "company ready".  Housework is boring and if I dust on Monday, then the rooms are dusty again by Wednesday.  Or, if you don't disturb anything, then the dust isn't really all that noticeable, at least as far as I'm concerned.  There is no reward for good housekeeping; and, sometimes your work isn't even noticed, or that's what you assume.

Jeff went to the store last night and bought some emergency supplies: lettuce, apples, tomatoes and of course ice cream.  Everybody knows that life is better with a helping or two of ice cream during the week!  I love ice cream, so maybe I should go to a "don't eat ice cream" support group!

The girls have been too quiet for too long.  This is generally not a good sign, so I'll stop writing and check on the status of things.

Happy Monday.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday, Sunday


Even though it's a weekend, the puppies eternal alarm clocks still go off at 7:00!  So much for sleeping in.  Of course, there's always time for a nap (insert smile here)!

Yesterday, Jeff took on the onerous task of blowing the leaves into piles.  This week coming up, the HOA, who does very little for us, in our opinion, will have someone come by and suck up all the leaves.  Yipee.  Of course, if a big wind comes along, then we may find ourselves back doing leaf damage control.  

This morning I woke up and there was definitely a nip in the air.  Hence, it was time to move into my  winter robe.  And yes, I'm sure before long, I'll be hollering how cold it is in the house.  It seems we are never satisfied.  In the summer, we would welcome an ice cold tile floor - this time of year - not so much.

Another baby gate has arrived and we can now effectively block the puppies from two sets of rooms.  Why I didn't think of this easy solution when we first brought them home, I haven't a clue.  Here's what I do know.  If we had had the gates initially, I wouldn't have spent hours trying to clean the carpets and money on Stanley Steemer!  

Yesterday, I asked Jeff to help me put the "Joy" mop head back on the mop.  I figured that my inability to do it, is based on historical data, that shows if there are three pieces to put together, I can't put anything together.  I know that sounds like an overstatement, but I'm not exaggerating by much, I can assure you.

The tension baby gate that I bought has four rubber thingies that you tighten against a wall.  I was only able to get two of those thingies attached to the wall.  Luckily, the gate has held up and thankfully the puppies haven't yet challenged a gate.  And, I'm hoping that by the time they do, they'll have reached a more mature age, where they can control both their bodily functions, as well as inappropriate chewing.

I'm sure I'm on some sort of secret Amazon best customer list, because I receive several packages a week.  Those packages, of course, hold a wide assortment of bones and chewy things.  Hooves filled with peanut butter is a big hit with the puppies, and me as well.  Chewy things can be consumed in mere minutes and then they stare at me, with a "what's next" look.  At least, with the hooves, it takes them considerably more time before they become bored or gotten all the goodie out!

The puppies may have been rescue dogs, with a price tag greatly reduced from buying an AKC dog from a breeder; but, I can assure you that the money spent on them so far in toys, bones, etc., probably has a comma in there somewhere.  They are approaching six months, and I'm hoping that the need for near constant chewing will lessen.  At the moment, the house greatly resembles a graveyard.  There is that many bones and hooves on the floor.  In fact, I tripped over a bone last week and did a less than graceful dive down to the floor.  

Jeff enjoyed having Friday off and the extra day off is good for him.  I have encouraged him to take an extra day before or after Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He has to get up so early each morning, make the long commute, work and then do a longer commute home due to traffic.

I already know what I'm fixing for dinner, and that's half the battle.  I am forever trying to come up with something original to make from either: chicken, pork chops, hamburger and fish.  Ack, I'm tired of cooking the same old dishes.  But Jeff never complains and is happy that I always fix enough for dinner, so there are leftovers for his lunch the next day.

Today, after I get some, not all mind you, chores done, then it's time for me to turn my attention to the television.  I have to make sure that there are no conflicts with our favorite shows.  Happily, most shows these days, have many time as well as day options, so that you, I mean I, can move things around.  I love all the cooking shows, but they have take a lower priority over the shows that Jeff really likes: Shameless, Masters of Sex, Soul Survivor, etc.

Wrapping up now.  I need to switch out of my bathrobe and into clothing that will keep me appropriately warm enough for today.

Have a great and pleasant Sunday.


Although this isn't our particular leaf pile, it's very similar to what we have out on the curb!
Image result for pictures of piles of leaves


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...