Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day


At last, it's nearly over folks.  This election being one of the most memorable election years I've ever seen.  And not in a good way, but definitely interesting.  I wish Jon Stewart was still doing his television show, for he would have a field day with all the goings on this time around.

I have sent the Tivo to record tonight's election results, just in case I die from boredom and/or fall asleep.  Seems doubtful that Jeff will stay up, since he gets up super duper early to get to work.

I was up super early this morning.  I heard the dogs chewing on something that sounded crinkly.  Come to find out, it was Jeff's two pack of deodorant which is held together by some crinkly plastic.  No harm, but annoyed at having to get up at 6:00!  Ugh.

I don't like it getting dark so early, it makes me tired, and sleepy.

This is short today because I've got to scoot along and get ready to go to the doctor's.  Time for monthly "head shrink" appointment.


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