Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hump Day


Today is hump day for all you working folk.  For me, it's recycling day.  Over the weekend, Jeff and I filled nine (and yes you're reading that right) of those lawn bags.  I can remember a time when you just stuffed the leaves into a Hefty trash bag and they were tossed out with the garbage.  

Ah, but then recycling was discovered.  Okay, I understand the need for the paper bags, but dang if they're not difficult to use.  First, you have to flop it open, push down the bottom, or for me, stand on one edge of the bottom and pull up.  Now you have an empty floppy paper bag that you're supposed to use for leaves.  The first few scoops of leaves generally end up back on the ground, because while the bag is standing, the top isn't open wide enough.  Eventually though you manage to get leaves in the bag, but you need to smush (my word) those leaves down, so you can get more leaves into the bag.  I'm not a smusher.   I make a half-hearted attempt at smushing the leaves down, but generally just grab another bag and start the dreaded process all over again.

I'm giving up the fight to keep the girls off my living room and dining room carpet.  Actually, I'm not giving up exactly - I've come up with a solution.  Might work, might not.  I need to have those carpets cleaned because obviously the girls think that's some sort of a litter box for them.  I have bought an expandable gate that will block entrance to the living room (probably with a chair bracing it from impact) and a tension mounted gate for the doorway from the kitchen to the dining room.  Once these things are in place and look like they are doing the job, then Stanley Steemer will be on speed dial!  I can't keep up with the girls' seemingly endless potty needs.  So sometimes you just need a little help.  

I checked on the Internet (what did we do before we could Google?) and they seem to say that puppies get their permanent teeth around 6 months.  Daisy is I believe now 6 months old and Bella is 5 months old.  I don't imagine for a minute, that one day they'll just stop chewing up everything in sight, but maybe the chewing will slow down.  For rescued puppies, we have spent a LOT of money between shots, spay fees and chews.........  Amazon loves us!

Chore for today?  I think I should fold (or wad) up my summer sleeveless tops and shorts and put them away (i.e., stash) for the year.  It goes without saying that I own too many clothes, but when I'm in a store, clothes just seem to call to me.  A call I might add that is very hard to refuse.  Luckily, because of my shoe size - extra narrow - I cannot buy shoes in just any old store.  

I ran through KMart yesterday and went immediately to the t-shirt section.  I know, I know.  Where is my will power?  How many tees do I really need?  I mean I have a washing machine, so if I owned just 7 tees, that would be more than enough.  Maybe it's a woman thing.  You can never have too many clothes.  I have whittled my "good" clothes down to one pair of black pants to wear if I go to a dressier event.  For now, they're just hanging around in the closet, waiting.

The scat mat doesn't appear to be working.  I get zapped all the time because I forget.  Bella not so much.  It's almost like she can sense something is wrong with the counter.  I have put lots of goodies near the mat to entice her to put her paws on the counter; but, so far she's not taking the bait.

I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday.  Actually, I didn't really make them.  I took already prepared squares of cookies, broke them apart and put them in the oven.  No bowl, no less, just cookies.  I have a mix to make peanut butter cookies, which I should probably make for Jeff, because he really likes peanut butter cookies as well as oatmeal raisin.  

I better run since I haven't seen or more worriedly heard from the girls for awhile!

Have a great day.


Image result for picture of pet gate

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