Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Turkey Day Is Near


It's the day before the day where families and friends gather to hopefully enjoy good food and company.  Of course, not all family gatherings are peaceful and calm.  Sometimes families tend to "wash the same laundry" (history) over and over again.  If you've managed to beat into submission old grievances that were probably trivial in the first place, why keep bringing them up?  It's upsetting and makes no sense on a day when we're supposed to be thankful.  Okay, climbing off my preaching box now.

Over the years, Jeff and I have experienced Thanksgiving at our house, with family and for the last couple of years, in a restaurant.  The problem with eating out is that there are no leftovers, which some consider, and I'm one of them, to be the best part of the meal.  So this year, we're cooking our meal, and eating it on our own time schedule.  Since we aren't football people, we might find the afternoon a good opportunity to have a snooze.

This morning I am bringing Mr. Tom upstairs to put him in the sink with water to help complete the thawing out process.  We're not fixing anything out of the ordinary and Jeff fusses with the turkey, stuffing and gravy.  Me?  I'm in charge of fixing mashed potatoes for me, cranberries, carrot pineapple jello and dessert.  And the dessert is already made - thanks Marie Callendar's!

Tomorrow's paper will be so heavy that we'll probably need a forklift to bring it into the house.  I can make quick work out of the ads.  I like looking at Target's ad and the rest seem to go into recycling right after breakfast.  I don't shop at Macy's, Penney's, Sears or any other mall stores.  With the advent of Amazon, why go inside a store at all?  Now having said that, I've been thinking of making a mid-week foray into said stores.  Why?  Because I do enjoy seeing and touching the clothes and accessories.  I only seem to shop at WalMart and KMart these days and while they certainly do the job of outfitting me for my job as "estate" manager (insert smiley face here), there are very few clothes in these stores that I would rate as fashion.

Starting tomorrow, Jeff has five days off, which he desperately needs.  He will be able to sleep in some, at least until the girls begin to gnaw on your body to let you know that they want to get up and be fed.  There can be naps in the afternoon, which the girls enjoy very much.  Of course, I reminded Jeff that if he's here for five days, we might be forced to talk to each other!  Horrors!

As for Black Friday, we might venture out to a store just to watch the madness.  Even if we found something we needed or really wanted, the long lines at the registers would immediately make certain we put said item(s) back on the shelf.  All the big ticket items, such as televisions, stereo systems and high-end video games will likely march out of the store first.  The thought of standing in line outside just to be first to grab an item that has been greatly reduced for Black Friday, is frankly just not my cup of tea.

I've already put several things on my shopping list to buy for the family.  Jeff and the boys are nearly impossible to buy for.  Scott would probably like tools, but that's Jeff's area of expertise, not mine.  Benjamin is really into Pokemon right now and I have found him several cool things, such as a Pokemon baseball hat, which I think he'll like.

While I'm against it for principle reasons only, gift cards go a long way when you're giving a gift to an adult. I put a lot of effort, at least I think I do, into what I buy for people. Stacey and I have agreed that the number of presents for us adults, should be limited.  We have discussed that next year, we will make dates to go to places, like the Black American History Museum, Ford's Theater and so on.  It would be like the gift that keeps on giving.  Of course, a certificate for the enhancement of toes and nails is always a welcome gift for each of us.

I hope that your plans for Thanksgiving will be spent and shared with your loved ones, whether that is family or friends.


Image result for picture of thanksgiving

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jeff! Hope you enjoy the long weekend. I am looking forward to it.

    Thinking of you.

    Love, M


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