Saturday, November 12, 2016

Beautiful Saturday


The girls woke me up extra early this morning - 6:30 to be exact.  When they are awake and ready to wrestle, it's just easier to give in and go downstairs to feed them, which is what I did.  Once everybody's been fed, they become a bit quieter and ready to take a nap.  I'm ready for a nap and it's still early morning.

Last night, while walking back to my chair in the den, I tripped over a dog bone and down I went.  I hate that feeling you get when you know you're going to take a nose dive and there's not a chance to save yourself.  I'm a bit sore today, but all my bits and pieces are working, slowly to be sure, but working nonetheless.

It was 32 when I got up this morning.  Definitely cooler (cold) weather is going to come our way soon.  We keep the bedroom window open, but at midnight last night, both dogs decided that there was something going on outside, and barked and growled.  Since they wouldn't let it go, I looked outside and saw nothing.  Solution?  I closed the window and pulled the blind down.  All quiet after that.

A new 36 inch high "baby/pet" gate has arrived.  This gate is in the kitchen keeping one part of the kitchen out of Bella's reach.  We haven't had a counter "cruiser" for a long time and it's as annoying, to say the least.  When you realize that your dog is playing with an entire stick of butter, you know something has to be done!  Though I do appreciate her good taste.

Next week the HOA for our development will be sending trucks around the neighborhood, picking up leaves as long as they're in the street.  Trust me, our leaves will definitely be in the street.  As beautiful as the oak tree is, I curse every time I have to bend down and pick up leaves.  Last time we filled 9 of those brown recycle bags.  That's a lot of leaves.

Don't forget that next week we will have a Super Moon.  The full moon of November 14, 2016 is not only the biggest, closest and brightest super moon of this year. It’s the closest super moon since January 26, 1948. Should you watch for this full moon on the night of November 14? Sure, and, if you do, it’ll be beautiful. But, for us in the Americas the moon is closer to full on the night of November 13.  I think it's worth watching out for the moon tomorrow night.  The next super moon will not appear until November 25, 2034.

I guess it's time to get my heart started. Have a great Saturday.


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