Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Book Club


It's Tuesday and I have my book club meeting this evening.  Since I suggested the book "Paris Time Capsule", it's up to me to come up with some questions for discussion.  Of course, I read the book months ago, and we all know how faulty my memory is!  So we'll have some drinks and munchies as we talk about the book and/or anything else that comes to mind.

I have of course come up with some questions and have typed out a time line of events as well as people.  The story is true as are the people, but the novel is fiction, based loosely on events that became public after 2010.

Today, I'll tackle another room upstairs.  Probably the guest bathroom which hasn't been used in years, except for the regular bathing of Sam.   Tidying it up won't take much time.  Then there's Jeff's office which I don't mess with and another spare room where files from the now defunct battery business sit on a shelf.

Yesterday, one who shall not be named, except it's not Daisy, got into and ate another stick of butter.  At least Bella has good taste.  As much as I like butter, I can't imagine just sitting down and eating it all on it's own.  Much better, on something - toast, potatoes, bagels, etc.

The HOA will start picking up leaves that are piled on the street, weather permitting.  We have two very large piles of leaves in front of our house.  About the only thing that will stop the leaves from continuing to fall will be a freeze, and there isn't one in the forecast.

I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving.  Jeff and I will have to decide what to do.  Our options are to cook a small meal at home with some of the usual food required for a Thanksgiving meal.  Or, we can go to a restaurant and let somebody else do the cooking and cleaning.  Hard to say what we'll decide to do.  

I have to get Christmas cards and magnet calendars ordered for Scott's computer business. I like to send out these cards in the early part of December, before there is a mad rush from people who have waited until the last minute to mail out cards or packages.  As for us, we don't send out too many cards anymore.  Over time, long distance relationships tend to fade and so does communication.

Time for me to get moving.

Have a great day.



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