Saturday, November 5, 2016

Chilly Saturday


Even though it's Saturday, there is no sleeping in with dogs on your head.  Of course, once they've been fed and run around in the yard for a bit, it's time for their first nap.  Which is fine, but I'm up now and feel compelled, but only a little bit, to do something.

Today feels like autumn.  The leaves on the trees are yellow and orange and the sun is shining brightly.  Me?  I'm sitting in a heavy chenille bathrobe and while having my breakfast was snuggled under an equally heavy afghan.  

Our a/c man was supposed to come out last week and turn the furnace on, but he never showed up.  Hope he makes it next week.  It's not so much that I need to turn on the furnace right now, but when I do decide I'm cold, I want that option to be available.

The two baby gates that I ordered from Amazon have arrived and so far are doing their job.  The metal gate which has a swing out door so we humans can come and go easily, was put together by me.  It's in the doorway but only has three of it's rubber stoppers on.  I couldn't manage the fourth one, so I've just left it alone.  It's standing and so far the girls haven't challenged it because I'm pretty sure it would fall over if they did.  The other gate is a 36 inch high three paneled job, which I have put across the living room doorway in a "z" pattern.  Again, sine it's free standing on little feet, would be easy to knock over.  So until further notice, the girls are not allowed in the living room without an invitation, which will probably be scarce.

The dreaded time change is tonight.  This change will mess with the dogs' heads and I'll go around all day Sunday wondering what time it is.  Jeff sets all the clocks in the house and that takes time (feel free to insert smile here).  I take care of my watch and alarm clock, but the rest I leave to him.  The other negative about the time change is that it will be dark earlier.  With my cataract, I don't see very well at night, so sort of like a modern Cinderella, need to be home before it's dark.  I can drive at night, but am filled with all sort of dread at the prospect of doing so.  

It's early in the day and I don't know what's on the agenda.  Jeff might venture out to one of the boys' "estates" to do manly stuff.  As for me, it's just another day of laundry and cleaning up the kitchen.  I have a bit more shampooing to do in the dining room.  Once that is done, then it's time for Stanley Steemer to come in and the girls can forget about entering that room ever again, unless they get their correct potty stuff down (i.e., outside).  

While it's early, I have already bought my Christmas cards and have searched out several things to buy for Benjamin.  Stacey and I agreed that we should limit the number of gifts we adults give to each other, simply because none of us really needs anything.  Wanting something - now that's a whole different ballgame!

I hope you're going to have good weather for the weekend.  I think we are and then it's supposed to get a bit colder.  Even though it's not really cold at night yet, we enjoy the company of the three dogs in bed.  They will keep us nice and toasty when winter arrives.

Enjoy your day.


Image result for picture of turning back the clock


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