Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday


Our day of being thankful and eating ourselves into a food coma is over.  Now the fun really begins.  I know that people have been and maybe still are, standing in line awaiting the opening of a store.  With the advent of on-line shopping, why waste your time and energy actually going to the store.  I guess it's about instant gratification.  But, you could also wait until after Christmas to still buy those big ticket items.  Of course you wouldn't have anything to put under the tree, except an "IOU"!  Not nearly as exciting for the recipient.  I don't know about you, but the installation of let's say a big screen television doesn't come without some frustration.  Do you have the right cables?  Are they the right length?  How are you going to mount it?  And the list just goes on and on.

Jeff made an excellent dinner yesterday.  We had turkey and all the trimmings we wanted and it probably only cost us a little over twenty dollars.  Not bad, plus we can eat turkey for days, or until we sprout wings and fly away.  Leftover turkey is great the first day and maybe the second day, but by the third day, you begin to crave red meat!

Jeff and I ate responsibly, so there was no need for Tums.  After the dishes were cleared up and the kitchen was sort of (emphasis on sort) put back together, we gathered up the puppies and watched a movie.  There are so many viewing choices available now: Amazon, HBO, Netflix and others.  I found an action movie with Robert De Niro as the main character.  Jeff generally finds action movies entertaining and those are the kind of movies that keep him awake.  

I guess this weekend, Jeff will blow all the leaves into a pile and we'll do the bend and pick-up maneuvers until our yard is tidy.  Fingers crossed that this is the last time we have to mess with the leaves.  A good frost would end leaf dropping.

In order of Black Friday, I will do my duty to shop - online - in my pajamas if I so desire.  It doesn't get better than that.  I have already bought two gifts, and those who know me well, know that I always do my shopping early.  I love getting the right gifts, but absolutely abhor wrapping.  I'd just as soon give my gifts in a brown grocery bag!  And if you're wondering, I do not fiddle with ribbons and bows.  Martha Stewart would never give her approval of my wrapping, which always involves a lot of tape!

It's a gloomy gus kind of day.  Too warm for snow, but if it was colder, looks like it could.  Jeff will be bringing our truck home soon.  That's the right vehicle to have if we get a lot of snow.  Since I don't work, I need not fret, but still do, about the weather.  When it does snow, I make no attempt to shovel, partly because I'm not really strong enough to heave a shovelful of snow off of the driveway.  And, the other reason, which is actually the real reason, is that I'm not all that steady on my feet.  Mind you, falling in the snow would probably not hurt anything other than my pride.

There is evidence, a lot of evidence actually, that a mouse or mices (my word entirely) is living in my pantry.  My sons would tell you that the pantry is full to the ceiling with boxes and bags of food.  In case of an emergency, Jeff and I won't go hungry that's for sure.  So my chore this weekend, is to clear out the food from the pantry, wipe down the shelves and check boxes for signs of tiny bite marks!  Jeff put a glue trap on one of the shelves and this morning I found it had moved, but there was no mouse.  Darn it.

My end of the bargain with the mouse is that I won't bother you, or hunt you down, IF you stay in the garage.  IF you come into the house, you become fair game and I (actually Jeff) WILL hunt you down.  Maybe I should type up these instructions and tape them to my back door!  I don't want there to be a "failure to communicate" issue.

Jeff is now up, so I can do laundry (ick) and finish cleaning up the kitchen (double ick).  I have Christmas cards to address - you know I always do this early.  And, I have to select and order the Christmas cards and magnets for 4A (Scott and Andy's company).   What you'll never see is me waiting until the week before Christmas standing line at the post office.  Nope, not gonna happen.

Have a wonderful day off - enjoy.


Image result for picture of black friday


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