Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's Finally Over


After a year, which felt like five years, everything is over and the madness can now stop.  In the end, Trump won.  This will make some people happy, others not so much.  

I don't discuss politics either on my blog or in person.  It's such a touchy subject with hard fast supporters for both parties.

Here's what I'll miss.  When the Obamas leave the White House in January, we'll miss all the levity and humanness that they have shown us these last eight years.  You might not like Obama, and that's okay, but there has been an air of freshness about him and his family.  They seem like ordinary folk, which of course, they really can't be most of the time.  But Obama dancing on Ellen's show or Michele being taken to CVS for some shopping tips with Ellen, were so much fun to watch.

I sat up last night until I was very tired and the map of United States was turning redder by the second.  First thing I did this morning was to check out the election results.  To say that I was a bit stunned would be an understatement.  But life goes on and we have to live with the decisions made yesterday.

So whether you're happy with the results or resigned to the reality, life goes on and we simply have to adjust, like it or not.  This election was history in the making and I don't care if we live to be 100, I'm pretty sure we'll always remember the 2016 election.


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