Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Day


The day of gluttony is abound us.  All through the country, millions of people will be sitting down at some point today to eat, eat and then eat some more!  It's what we do.  For some reason, and it's not like we're dying from hunger, we tend to eat ourselves to the point of almost getting sick.  And, after eating, head for the couch to watch television.  Most people watch a football game in the afternoon, but Jeff and I are not football people, so we'll search for something else to watch.  And, if our eyes just happen to close, that's okay too.

Jeff handles the meal.  He cooks the turkey, makes the stuffing and gravy.  I'm in charge of mashed potatoes, basically just for myself, cooking the cranberries and putting a frozen pie in the oven later today.  In honor of the holiday, we might actually use glass plates and sit at the table!

Today marks the beginning of the holidays, even though Christmas decorations have been out in the stores now for several weeks.  I have purchased a few things already for Christmas, but if you know me, then you know this is just what I do.

Black Friday means nothing to me.  The stores are over heated, as well as the people.  I saw last night on the news, that for one store people were paying $200 for someone else to wait in line for them.  Now as Judge Judy would say that's ridiculous.  How good a deal is in that store that makes waiting overnight, in some cases, worth it.  

You can buy large screen televisions all day long from your computer.  And, you could have gone to the stores before Thanksgiving to look at the clarity and size of the screen.  We bought our big television last year, but it was sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And, I love it.  

The paper this morning is full of colorful ads for every store you can imagine.  I will take some time to have a second cup of coffee, grab my reading glasses, and peruse those ads.  The only ads that Jeff is interested in are ads for tools, because everybody can use more tools.

Amazon delivered a new box of chewy things for the girls.  They are like children.  They want new things, even though the floor is littered with bones and antlers.  New chewy things will keep them busy, at least for awhile.  

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for.


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