Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Beautiful Thursday


That four day weekend is almost upon us.  I told Jeff that with him being home for so many days, we might actually have to talk to each other!  (smiley face here).  I think it was last year that we went to Target on black Friday.  We weren't there to buy, as much as we were there to watch the madness.  Watching the people scramble around for those big ticket items, such as televisions and pushing and shoving their way through the aisles, was maddening.  I recognize that stores, put out their best stuff on black Friday, but there is always a sale somewhere!

 I do my shopping on line and I know by now Amazon loves me.  Jeff loving me loving Amazon, probably not so much.  I don't know what the world did before Amazon.  You can buy practically anything, and have it delivered, in some cases, the same day.  Crazy.  I know I would love to go to an Amazon warehouse and watch the mechanics of getting the right packages sent to the right people.  I think it would be a blast.

I have Mr. Tom thawing in the refrigerator.  Tomorrow, I'll take him out and put him in the sink with some warm water to help with the defrosting.  Since we're on nobody's schedule but our own, we can eat our meal anytime during the day. We could also eat dessert first, who would know?

I have started picking things out on, you guessed it, Amazon for me to consider buying as Christmas presents.  Jeff and I don't really exchange gifts anymore.  Last year, he bought me a big television, which was a fabulous gift.  He's really hard to buy for.  His list of wants is very small, and he doesn't want a newer version of something he already has.  For instance, his chamois shirt - he loves it - but would he love to have a newer one?  Hard to say.

My mother for all the years she was alive, only wore Daniel Green slippers.  They had to be the exact same style as the year before and pretty much the same color year after year.  Boring.  I remember once, Dad found a dress for her and it had a "diamond" pin on the front.  He thought it was lovely, so he bought it.  I can still remember her opening up the gift and literally throwing the dress at him.  It's supposed to be the thought that counts, but apparently Mom didn't read that chapter in the book of life!  After that, I decided to take him in hand to buy for Mom.  

The boys have reached a certain age where getting them a present or two is a real challenge.  I know next to nothing about tools, other than most men think they are a good gift.  Whereas, we women would probably be offended, if our gift was a vacuum cleaner.  Just saying.

I think I'm easy to buy for because I pretty much love anything.  Others tell me it's very hard to buy something for me.  I actually don't understand.  I always love new slippers and shiny glass things.  And, of course an Amazon gift card works well too.

The girls have finished their morning wrestling and are down for their first nap.  As a mother to "toddler puppies", I take full advantage of their down time, to put my feet up in the chair and "rest" also!

I suppose I could remind you of how many days until Christmas, but I think I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to do that.

Enjoy your day.


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