Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday Morning


Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I went to our stores (Costco/WalMart) in his car.  We had the top down, which is exhilarating, even if it's a big chilly.  You put your "bun" warmer on and the car has neck heaters, so we were quite comfortable.  We did leave the windows up, because we were "cool" by riding with the top down, we didn't want to be cold.  We're not completely insane, but there is something so satisfying and freeing about the wind in your hair.

WalMart has, as most retailers have also done, put out their Christmas decorations.  Oh to be sure there is the token Thanksgiving turkey plates and tablecloths, etc.  But everybody knows that Thanksgiving is a day for most of us to eat and then watch football.  Jeff is not a big football fan, so luckily we don't have to watch the big game.

We had left the dogs relatively free in the house.  We had put up our gate that keeps them from going into the living and dining rooms.  But, they had free range in the kitchen and den.  Leaving puppies alone is definitely a crap shoot.  I had (emphasis on the word had) two cone collars leftover from Bella's surgery, that I was intending to return and get my money back.  And, I also had (again emphasis on had) a shopping bag which was empty.  Mind you, at any one given time, there must be hundreds (okay a bit of an exaggeration) of bones, hoofs, "babies to destroy", and any other dog chewy thing I have recently bought.  Amazon loves me and I'm expecting to get a Christmas card from them thanking me for my loyalty!

In the big picture, losing a collar and a shopping bag equaled to us anyway, as pretty good.  There puppies after all and we expect to have some damage, so by leaving them alone in the house for a couple of hours, we thought they were actually pretty good.  Of course, we have set our standards down a bit!

One more day before the madness is over.  I've set the Tivo to record one of the network channels and extended the stop time on the programming for a couple of extra hours.  I don't know if I'll stay up until the end, but I'm sure going to try.  

Today, I have to put in some time with Betsy (the name I have bestowed on my walker).  I'd like to increase gradually the number of times I go around the circle.  After being in WalMart yesterday, I see that most of the aisles are big enough that I could push Betsy around and park my rear to rest when I needed to.

Furnace guy is coming on Wednesday to turn the furnace on.  In the summer, we bought a new a/c and furnace.  Obviously, there was no need in the summer to worry about chilly mornings, but there is a nip in the air this morning.  

Scott and his wife, lost one of their mastiffs yesterday.  The mastiffs are really just gentle giants.  They can be scary to look at, but at least as far as Scott's dogs are concerned, very nice dogs, who just happen to be huge.  Jeff and I are familiar with the loss of a pet, particularly since we put Sam to sleep this summer.  Some people, like us for example, rush out to get another dog to fill the void.  Others realize that they travel too much, work long hours, etc., and don't want to get another dog.  Everybody's different.

Have a great day.


Image result for picture of mastiff

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