Friday, November 30, 2018

Fashion for Big Women


Okay first thing, don't forget to flip your calendars over tomorrow. This means that the shopping days are truly upon us. The stores will be crowded, over heated and noisy. Since I do all or most of my shopping on-line (thank you Amazon), for the most part, I can avoid the madness of shopping in stores. And, I'm okay with that.

But, enough about that. I saw an article in the paper about clothes for bigger women. As a not "too slim" person, I can absolutely appreciate the struggle larger women have, when it comes to clothes.

The numbers of people here in the good old USA, are 160 MILLION and those numbers get bigger every year.  60% of that million number, are comprised of women who are obese or overweight. 

For years, some clothing for plus size woman choices fell pretty much into two categories. Mu-Mu type dresses, which are not particularly flattering. Comfortable? You bet. And, shapeless and darker clothes, designed to make a woman look smaller, fill the stores. As a plus size woman, I abhor wearing black. Where are the beautiful and colorful clothes? 

Most designers, simply don't want to make clothes for women over size 14. One designer, Marina Rinaldi makes clothes for larger women. Thank heaven for her. Another designer, who has/is making clothes for bigger women, is Wu's collection for Enonguii. Those clothes are for women sizes 14 to 28, and inspired by clothes from the 50's. This designer, says that a medium sized dress is meant for women who are a size 16. 

One high end store, offers about 60 designer choices for women sized 0 to ten, but only 38 for sizes 12 to 14. If you're heavier than that, most designers won't touch you with a 10 foot pole.  
But, designers need to understand, and some already, finally recognize the need to make larger size clothes. And, it's about time. Women who are on the heavier side, already feel bad about themselves, and need and want clothes that are colorful and fit well.

Okay, off my soap box for now. Happy Friday.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Nuisance Calls!


I get these annoying calls every day. You probably do too. The only thing that makes them if tiny bit less annoying, is that I have a wireless phone on the table near my chair.

Lately, I have offered knee and back braces multiple times, and I only have one back and two knees, none of which requires a brace.

Callers who tell me, up front, that is not a sales call (ha) and then a person or machine begins to ask me for money for this charity or that one. It's not that I'm opposed to giving to charities, but when I do, I want to decide where my money goes.

This morning, while did a short "cat nap", and before 10:00, somebody called to again offer me a brace or two. How many braces do these companies think I need? I don't want to be rude, but I have finally learned the art of simply hanging up. And, as I write this, I just received a call telling me that I could have braces!

One call that I find particularly annoying, is the won't you please distribute packets to my neighbors for breast cancer. I have a lot of empathy for these women, and in the past, I have done the collecting thing, but no longer. It would be easier to just write the fund a check, as opposed to mailing out, or knocking on doors, looking for money. 

And, the call that tells me that there's nothing wrong with my credit, BUT.... I never bother to listen to the ...., I simply hang up. A bit rude I know, but to be fair, I hang up before the caller can start on their spiel. I just don't want to waste the caller's time or my own. And, I really do appreciate that these callers get paid to call, and probably get "incentive" pay for a customer who

And, don't get me started on companies who ring my doorbell. First off, the doorbell starts Bella to "announce" her presence. Then, the challenge is to only open the door a "wee" bit, so that the girls don't dash outside. Apparently, I need new windows (nope), new roof (nope), pave my driveway (nope), clean the cutters (nope), trim our trees (again nope). 

I had a realtor cold calling me once. She wanted to know if I was thinking about selling the house. I told her that we had lived here for 32 years, and intended to stick around 32 more! Actually, at our age, that means we'd be around 100 or so. It's possible, that in the years to come, we MIGHT want to find a smaller house, with a master bedroom on the first floor. And, I would love to own a house with a deck or porch on the backside of the house. These are, my wishes only.

When we go out to Andrew's house, he has a lovely deck/porch or whatever on the back of the house, it has a roof and overlooks the backyard. It's very peaceful out there, and since his house isn't near anybody else, or have much road noise, it's a good place to spend time. 

 Image result for cartoon picture of telemarketers

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Winnie The Poo Day


It was 31 degrees when I got up this morning. While the sky is a brilliant blue, Mother Nature has "blessed" us with wind.

Physical therapy today, and that generally means that by the time I get home, my shoulder is very sore. Perhaps the sorer the shoulder is, the more progress is being made. At least, that's what I think, and I could be full of hot air - which is a rather common problem of mine!

Because of the wind, the remaining leaves are blowing all around. The good news is that we live on the top of the street, so our leaves blow down the street, which makes them somebody else's problem. Probably not fair for our neighbors, but unless we "branded" our leaves with our name, it's impossible to know where the leaves come from. And, I'm okay with that.

Ada comes today and she is really getting a break as far as how many rooms she has to clean. Both my office and living room can't be cleaned because of the growing stack of boxes. Once everything is wrapped, then I'll start recycling the boxes. Until then, I'm keeping all the boxes.

With breakfast this morning, I was able to watch another mushy Christmas movie. I don't mind the predictability, I just enjoy that everything is perfect from the garland to the packages under the tree! Oh, and beautiful people to boot.

Since Benjamin staying with us this weekend, I'm going to use packing tape to seal the box of possible gifts. 

I'm sticking to my high protein, low calorie diet, and so far have lost 7 pounds. In the big scheme of things, that doesn't sound like very much, but you have to start somewhere. Medicare has "nixed" baratric (sp) surgery, so I'm going to have to rely on my ability to not eat "friendly" foods. So far so good. But all of these high protein bars and drinks, come at a price. Actually, a rather steep price. But, I'm desperate to lose weight, so I'm going to keep on drinking and eating high protein bars. When I step on the scale, which I do daily, I'm happy to see the numbers heading in the left direction! I'll never be a skinny minny, but every pound that leaves my body, is progress. I'll be like the turtle - slow and steady!

It's "hump" day for all of my working friends. as for me, it's recycling and house cleaning day! Since Ada comes on Wednesday, it has become my favorite day of the week!



Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Snooping Around!


When I say "snooping", I'm not talking about getting into Christmas presents, though that's tempting! And, I by no means, care about my neighbors to snoop on their comings and goings. I'm from California, where tall cement walls make for a lot of privacy.  In Maryland, fences are generally four feet high, and everybody can look into your backyard. And, because our neighborhood has homes built fairly close to another, you can't help but notice when the neighbor's car moves!

Jeff and I enjoy the television show "The Last Frontier". We like the show, but also understand that, like most or all reality shows, the scenes we see are a little on the "rigged" side. You only see what the producers want you to see. 

And, because it's so easy to find out about somebody on the internet (where was Google when I was in high school and used an encyclopedia for research?), I wanted to know more about the Kilcher family. The family is a long way from being poor. The family's wealth is $2.4 MILLION, and they own 22 homes. Not too bad.

One of our favorite family member is Jane who married into the family. Her net work is $500,000, but combined with her husband, they have an income of $2 MILLION. We are allowed into the Kilcher lifestyle once a week and the show is entertaining.

In checking, Alaska has the largest number of tv series per capita, than any other state. And, I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps it's because the people in the lower 48 are fascinated with Alaska, and few will ever go there. Statistically, in years past, there have been around 2 MILLION tourists, and that number is growing.

Many, many years ago, on his way to visit Japan, he and his friend stopped in Alaska, before leaving to go to Japan.  Jeff has fond memories of that trip, and for many years kept his walking stick that he used to hike up to Mount Fuji. Jeff was at that time, obviously younger and in better shape than he is today. But, to be fair, I was once younger and also in better shape! As some of you already know, growing old is not for sissies!

Stacey and Benjamin are coming on Friday. Stacey and I will head off to the "salon" to receive necessary pampering! Pedicures are awesome, and I think should be done on a more regular basis. Since Benjamin will be here for the weekend, I need to make sure that his unwrapped presents are tucked away! Because I remember when I was a child, my parents allowed us kids, to poke around at the presents under the tree. I kept up that tradition, so the boys shook all their presents. And, it was no surprise when the boys began to pile up their presents! Jeff and I allowed all of this, and have many fond memories. As an adult, I shake and smell (perfume inside) each present. I still get a lot of enjoyment from opening presents. It's possible that we adults, never really get old enough to not enjoy Christmas.



Monday, November 26, 2018

New Week


Today, more rain. Hard for me, in particular, to be upbeat when it's so gloomy outside. And, yes I'm using my "SAD" light, which I suppose helps some.

While I ate my breakfast today, I watched another Hallmark movie.  Just love these movies. There is always a happy ending, which makes me feel good all over.

I must put away the laundry today. It doesn't do me any good to fold up the clothes and then just let them sit! Two of my least favorite things to do is: empty the dishwasher and fold clothes. Boring.

My "Santa Helper" (i.e., Stacey) is being kept busy with the packages I'm sending straight to her house. She has nicely agreed to wrap all the presents, and since that is my third least favorite thing to do, I'm grateful for her help with this.

Today, might be a good day to stuff the 4A Christmas cards. I was smarter this year and had our return address printed on the envelopes. Anything to make this job easier, I could even do it while watching another feel good movie.

We bought a replacement fiber optic Christmas tree over the weekend. It's small, as was the one that stopped working. It was cheaper and faster to buy another one, than try to fix the problem with the old one. I like Christmas lights, so my little tree is lit all year long. It's in the den, so very few people know that I have a tree all year long, and I'm okay with that.

Need to schedule my physical therapy appointments today. I think I need to go three times a week. Though my bones in my left arm have healed, my shoulder appears to be "frozen" and continues to be very painful. 

I'm winding down on my presents shopping, and Jeff thanks me for that. But, I wish that Christmas was this week. I get so anxious to give my gifts to everyone, that the waiting is killing me. Not really, but you get the idea. Only 29 days left people. Get yourself to the stores, or my personal favorite, Amazon. I love the "one click" option, which makes it simply too easy to buy things!

Running along now - duty calls. The "holiday" for today is "Cyber Monday". So if the stores haven't gotten your money yet, there's still time!


Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Beautiful Day Outside


Yesterday's weather was just down right awful. If it had snowed as much as it rained, well all I can say is we'd be shoveling right now. Nope, instead we had a rather steady, and at times, buckets of rain coming down all day.

When did we decide to do our weekly shopping? If you guessed yesterday, you'd be right. It was so wet outside, that I genuinely appreciated the hood on my raincoat. Bella had no such raincoat, and once we went inside, she had to shake a bit to rid her of excess water!

Final stop was at WalMart, where I picked out a new lighted china/ceramic house. I had a house in the bathroom. Unfortunately, the bulb burned out, and I did a "handsome" job of screwing around to get the bulb out, may have to make it a non-lit tree. 

While I was browsing for a replacement, all of which were beyond my reach, a very nice man picked up the different houses to show them to me. That was very thoughtful of him, and I appreciated his help.

Then it was onto buying a new fake Christmas tree. I have had a fiber optic tree in the den, um, probably since last Christmas. Since, Jeff and I don't do real trees anymore, I still enjoy lights. Today's mission is to take the new tree out of it's box, and "light" her up! Can't wait.

My attention has been "temporarily" averted! Today, I must not let anything get me off course, as I fold or "wad" (depending on what the clothing item is) the laundry. I get good guy merits for cleaning up the kitchen this morning even BEFORE breakfast! And, oh boy did the kitchen need work. Sometimes, when you're in sloth mode, cleaning up something or anything seems to be just too big a task. I know baby steps, baby steps. Or I suppose I could use some form of heavy earth moving equipment, to just shove stuff from one room to the next! Thereby, I'd never need to "actually" clean a room. (insert smiley face here)!

While Jeff and I were shopping at WalMart yesterday, we were surprised by the lack of shoppers. I'm betting that it we had gone shopping on Friday, it would have been a very different story. No lines at check-out, and had enough space to maneuver that stupid power cart (ugh). Jeff bought us a pizza at Costco, and that was dinner when we eventually came home. The girls seem to know when we're eating pizza, because they hang around hoping to get some "pizza butts" (crust)!!

I hope the sun is shining where you are, and if you're traveling, then I also hope that the traffic is light.


Friday, November 23, 2018

Stuffed and Stuffing


Well, by now everyone has consumed their wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Some "progressive" dinners, have the women cook and the men clean. Um, that didn't happen yesterday. Shocker.

The flowers that I had ordered for Stacey's table, looked wonderful. I know that flowers die, but I doubt that there is a woman anywhere in the world, who doesn't like receiving them.

As usual, and, yesterday as well, every Thanksgiving dinner I've ever been too, has tables groaning under the weight of 'ol Tom and all the side dishes. Yesterday, was no exception. From the turkey to dessert, every dish was so good, that I had a hard time trying to eat as little as possible (trying to weigh less you remember?). When it came to pecan pie, I did have some of that, and every bite was so good. 

When it was time to go home, the kitchen buzzed with activity while containers were found, and dishes separated for each family. I knew that Jeff would want more gravy, which he made, than let's say potatoes (which I really love). My favorite carrot and pineapple dish was largely untouched. This is, okay by me. I love that dish, maybe because my Grandmother made it for every holiday. The dish has low calories, because it is made up of jello, pineapple and carrots. A good tasty thing to "nibble" on!

I gave Benjamin and Elly advent calendars: one is a bracelet on for Elly and a chocolate a day for Benjamin. His parents can thank me later!

For Wendy and Stacey, I have them each a package of "12 days of socks", which is/was a super cute gift. I also gave the ladies a glass angel for their rear window mirrors. Taped to each package was an appropriate Christmas ornament. Stacey: chicken; Wendy: squirrel; Elly a "fluffy" pink angel and Benjamin received a Minecraft figure. I think my little Thanksgiving gifts were well received.

We hung around for several hours after dinner was done. It wasn't late when we got home, but for some reason or another, both of us were tired. And, the dogs were as well.

Today, like every other Black Friday, I carefully go through all the ads, and there are scads of them, looking to see if there was anything I needed or wanted to buy. Nope - nothing. I always give Jeff the ads that have tools for sale, so that he can look things over as possible gifts for the boys.

I slept well, but was up really early. When I do this, I can get my coffee and bagel cooked, and I'm out of the way when Jeff comes down for breakfast for him and the girls. The girls will stay up there with him, because they know I'm not going to feed them.

Feeling sluggish today, for no particular reason. I've managed to watch, for the most part, two Hallmark movies. For lunch, we both had "tovers" (leftovers as most people call them) and likely when we get hungry for dinner, will probably either do more leftovers or the chicken soup that Jeff made today.

Since I'm still feeling sluggish, I think I'll step out on the front porch for a few minutes. The cold temperature should (I hope) wake me up. It's too early in the evening, to be yawning and napping!

Sometimes on Black Friday, Jeff and I will go to a store for a browse. We don't buy anything most of the time, and if we do end up buying something, we really have to need that item, before standing around in a very long line. In the past, I've seen people actually hugging a "soon to be sold" big ticket item - televisions and the like!  And, if said person is lucky enough to score and buy a large item, they then have to get that television, etc., inside their car.  Owning a truck comes in handy at a time like this. While trucks, for the most part, aren't considered sexy, it's a great feeling when you can just toss (gently) whatever you buy in the bed of the truck!

I realize that my blog is really over due, but I just can't get my heart started today.

Happy Shopping!



Thursday, November 22, 2018

Gooble, Gooble


First holiday for the season. And, this particular day is all about family, great food and family. Oh, also elastic waist pants!  Just saying.

Jeff, myself and the girls are heading out to Andrew's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Scott, Wendy and Elly will be there as well. The "heavy lifting" of dinner is in Wendy's very capable hands.

I have bought a little Thanksgiving present for Wendy, Stacey, Benjamin and Elly. I've written a checklist on the backdoor so that we don't forget to bring the necessary ingredients, etc., for dinner.

I have a confession to make: for 40+ years, all holiday meals were held at our house. I was and still am the matriarch of the family. But, the planning, food to eat., etc. has now been passed onto Stacey and Wendy. Both women are more than capable of handling holiday meals, but on some level (perhaps my ego), it's hard to let go. On one hand, I'm actually glad that I don't have to have the house "ready" for the family, nor do Jeff and I have to do all of the meal preparation. But, on the other hand, somehow I feel old and out of the loop. I hope that makes sense. It makes sense to me. My mother never talked about her emotions, so I don't know if it bothered her when the family didn't come to her house for special meals. Or was she relieved? 

I have bought a little something for Wendy, Stacey and the kids for them to open up today. I ordered flowers to Stacey's dining room table. She posted a picture of the flowers on Facebook, and they are beautiful.

So, the only stress I should have for today, is trying to stay out of everyone's way. Jeff is going to peel the potatoes, and we're bringing our big stock pan to cook said potatoes in. Carrot Pineapple Salad, cranberries and Pecan pie will be out contribution to the meal. Oh, and Jeff will make gravy, and everyone loves it.

If, I'm super altogether, I should and/or will bring some plastic containers so we can bring home some of the "overs"!!

It was only 28 degrees when I go up this morning. While eating my breakfast, I turned the fire on (gotta love gas logs) and settled in to watch a Hallmark movie. Hallmark movies can be a "tad" smoochy (I actually don't think that's the right word). There is always some kind of small dilemma, the endings are always predictable, but I love them just the same!

See you tomorrow.


Image result for picture of turkey

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Turkey Is Lurking


It's the day before Thanksgiving, where everyone over eats, and then watches football. Ugh. Most women, okay maybe just this woman, doesn't want to watch a football game. I guess the women who don't want to watch a game, will have to do something else. That something else is, after the dishes are washed! Personally, I'd be okay with girl "chat". 

The food that Jeff and I are bringing is quite simple: the makings for gravy, carrot and pineapple salad, and pecan pie and cool whip. Grandma used to make this particular dish for all holidays. Not only is it tasty, but contains fewer calories.

At this point in time, both my office and living room are all messed up. "Santa's helper" is throwing all the empty Amazon boxes in the dining room, along with gifts that I've received that need to be wrapped. Double ugh about wrapping. What's wrong with a little packing tape and a magic marker to identify the recipient. It's not that I don't have time to wrap, I'm simply not a very good wrapper.  The word "not actually doesn't begin to describe how terrible my wrapping is. I like the "hunt"and don't really want to bother wrapping when packing tape and a magic marker does to the job!!

Ada comes today and she will get a nice break from cleaning. Both my office and living room are an absolute mess. The mess will continue until I have received the remaining packages, AND get those packages WRAPPED somehow.

I am currently on a high protein diet. I eat breakfast, drink protein water during the day and then have a small dinner. Unfortunately, I have no protein water in the house. I've drank the whole bottle. While I know you're supposed to drink the water as is, I prefer to add some ice cubes and a bit of water to my glass. I know this means that I'm
not getting all the proteins contained in the bottle, but the addition of these other things, makes the water tolerable. 

So, that Jeff and I don't forget to bring something or the other tomorrow, I've made us a list of things to bring and taped it to the back door. This time, we're also going to bring one of our small gates to keep the girls from going upstairs. If, one or both of them have an accident in the house, at least we'll know where the puddle is. I've been using piddle pads around the house, and the moisture doesn't seep to the floor. Daisy does use them, and when I think the pads are "full" if you will, I pop them in the washing machine. Very easy.

Jeff and I have been binge watching Dynasty. Watching this family's drama, makes our lives uncomplicated.

Time to close and get a few things done.

Happy Wednesday and for most of you, happy the rest of the week off.



Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday all Day!


Not much to say about a Tuesday. The good news for this week is that there is only more day before, for most people, four days off. When I was still working, how I looked forward to an extended "vacation", if you will.

Being retired now means that pretty much every day is a holiday, not really, but you get the idea.

Jeff headed off early to do his civic duty to go for jury duty. I don't know what the case is about, just the jurors were assured, that this trial would not get in the way of the holiday. Of course, there's the possibility that Jeff might not be picked. We watch the tv show called "Bull", and he gives a thumbs up or down for each juror.

The last time Jeff was in a jury in California. The case involved a known prostitute, who was called over to a car (undercover cop). He asked her how much for "x" services. She never gave him a response. The jury found her innocent. While a profession isn't one that most people think about, she didn't cross the line by soliciting her services. Definitely a case of justice.

It's a beautiful, top down kind of weather. I'm in the process of cleaning up my office, which is now officially "Santa's workshop"!  I'm going to throw the empty Amazon boxes into the living room, just so that I don't accidentally bump into a box and fall down. While Bella is a very good service dog, when we go out, but unlike Lassie, she has yet to be trained to go and get help. Baby steps here. When she has her vest on, she is in full working mode. Nothing distracts her: noise, people walking near her. The only thing she doesn't much care for is the elevator. 

I'm now working very hard on my new "diet". After breakfast, I don't eat anything until dinnertime. I drink protein water, and yes you can get used to the taste. I have a chocolate shake, but can only drink a little bit at a time. I have dinner, but really small portions, and no dessert. The no dessert is really big news for me, because I absolutely love sugar! But, we know that sugar, at least for me, is not a good thing.

Yesterday, I went to see the bone doctor and he had some good news. The broken bones have now healed (yeah), but now my shoulder is frozen. How you get that particular problem I don't know. What I do know is that my left arm is very weak and I'm still in pain, particularly if I try and use that arm. You would think that by straining or hurting that shoulder, I would learn not to do that. But, I'm a slow learner.

And, today's make believe holidays are: Fudge Day (yum) as well as National Absurdity Day. 

I'm very late in getting my chores done. I will sign off, so that I can go to the kitchen and do damage control!



Monday, November 19, 2018

Sunday In Review


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see Benjamin in the performance of Sleeping Beauty. Benjamin played a king, and, I might be prejudiced, but I thought he did an excellent job. He projects his voice, and dances flawlessly. I think he was/is meant for the stage.

Afterwards, we went to a Chinese buffet dinner. I did eat some things, but I made sure that the quantity was small. Oh, and I did succumb to a small piece of peach cobbler! This girl has to get her dessert fix in, every now and then.

Once home, and the girls were very excited to see us, we got out of our "formal" clothes, i.e., dress pants, etc., and opted for more comfortable clothing. PJ's and slippers for me. Staying home all the time it's harder to physically get dressed rather than stay in sweat pants all day! I do get dressed (casually, of course) each day. If I'm not dressed, and an opportunity presents itself to go somewhere, I want to be ready!

Today I'm going back to the doctor to see how my shoulder healing is coming along. I hate to say it, but the shoulder is still very sore. The physical therapist says that it could take months to heal a broken bone. I really don't want to hear about months, but am still limited to what I can do with my left arm. Fingers crossed that my bone has healed a little more than at my last visit.

In the neighborhood bulletin board, somebody is willing to pay $20.00 to have somebody use a drone to see if their gutters are clogged. Really? You can actually find people who will come out and unclog your gutters, or you can do what we did and that was to put gutter guards on. End of story.

While we are out and about today, it's a perfect day to have the top down. Yippee. We have been known to have the top down, but windows up, even when it's cold outside. A coat, my unicorn scarf (thank you Benjamin), gloves and am very comfy riding around. If you're going to own a convertible, it only makes good sense to take the top down whenever you can.

Starting to step over boxes in my office, so today I'm going to move them into the living room, for either wrapping (probably not) and/or packing tape and magic marker on a plain box. Option two is easier, and I don't have to show people my lack of prowess, when it comes to wrapping. Thankfully, Stacey doesn't seem to mind wrapping, and she does so beautifully.

The Holiday today is: 
Have a bad day! We've all heard the phrase
have a good or nice day plenty of times after purchasing something at a store. Doesn't it become trite to hear that everywhere you go?  Don't you think it would be nice to hear something different for a change? Do you think that everyone who tells you to have a "nice day" really wants you to have a nice day? Probably not. So today's "holiday" is "Have a Bad Day". Today, stores and business owners, are supposed to tell customers to "have a bad day." While you may think that's a stupid idea, it's probably a bit more genuine than the usual "good day" that we hear everywhere we go!

And, now I leave you with this, I am a Sagittarius:

Image result for picture of bad day


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Going to the Show!


We did it. It's Sunday, not a particularly lovely day outside, but not really cold. Our local weatherman loves snow, and he's always a bit disappointed when snow is not in the forecast. As somebody who no longer has to call in to see if there is a delay and/or closing at work, I'm glad that I don't have to do that anymore. Course as discussed before, there's not a lot of money in retirement, which is definitely a bummer!

This evening, Jeff and I are going to a local theater to watch Benjamin's play. He's playing a tree and also a king (if I remember correctly). Since we can't think of any good way to take Bella, she and Daisy will have to stay home, which means in the basement. While we're letting Bella have partial run of the house for a short period of time, we're not sure she's ready to be on the "loose" for several hours.

When I came downstairs this morning, I noticed part of a bell pepper on the floor. Bella had sometime in the night came downstairs to forage, and found the pepper. Apparently, she's not interested in eating a pepper. If we could only find a way to trick her with something that tastes bad,  we "might" end some of her counter surfing! Bella is such a good dog, and is flawless in public, when she's working, and then once she's home, she's on the prowl. 

Sometime during the night, I did something while sleeping, possibly jerking, and this morning boy oh boy, I'm in a lot of pain in the left arm. I see the "bone" doctor tomorrow and he may or may not be pleased with my progress or lack thereof. Once I'm showered and dressed, I think it's time for Jeff to put my sling on for the day.

I have been using a rather small purse, in my favorite color - red. Actually, red isn't my favorite, favorite color - purple (all shades) is. Today, I think I will go upstairs and get "big red". Big red is my Coach bag, which is quite heavy even before you put stuff inside, but I need the extra room! I know, I could "cull" out what I carry in my purse, but what's the fun in that?

Got up early, ate my breakfast, and watched a Hallmark movie. A really good way to start the day I promise you. Hallmark movies may you feel all gushy inside, and helps with your romantic side. Even their commercials are worth watching. I believe that nobody does holidays as well as Hallmark. Of course, if you're shopping for cards, etc., those Hallmark products aren't cheap. Since we send out so few cards now, I buy nice ones, but their not Hallmark cards for sure. It's the thought that counts, right?

Jeff brought home yesterday, a pecan pie, which can be pronounced two ways. Me, personally, I'm a puh-kahn person. Which one are you? 


That's all the news from the Bassett household.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday All Day!


I know people, sound the alarm. I also know that when you're out there in the workforce, you always know when it's Saturday. And, personally, I also looked forward to multiple days off, like at Thanksgiving.

Speaking of which, is next week, which for the life of me I can't imagine. Where do the days go? We're going out to Andrew's house for Thanksgiving. Not only will we have a delicious meal, with the family, but the girls get to tag along. On occasion, and it really scares me, we let the dogs out intentionally, and let them run. They run around the back of the houses on our street, and then they come home. Sort of like a "walk about"! One of my fears is that they might get hit by a car, or somebody would catch them and keep them! Irrational I know, but I know you understand where I'm coming from.

Went to Hopkins yesterday to meet with a nurse, to discuss options regarding the possibility of having bariatric surgery again. I know the odds are against me, but it never hurts to ask. The last time I did it, I lost 31 pounds. Jeff lost considerably more weight with his surgery than I did. Apparently, they don't do this surgery after age 70, and I'm getting closer to that age. Just a fact of life people. 

While the temperature wasn't very high yesterday, we put on an extra layer of clothing, put Bella in the car, and put the top down. We left the windows up, and the heat in the car is amazing. We were quite comfy on our ride. Benjamin has given me a unicorn scarf, and I wore that around my neck yesterday. Not only did I stay warm, but I looked "cool"!! And, by the way, in case you're wondering, it takes a LOT to make this old gal look "cool".

It's not a very pretty day outside, but it's not "winding" (my use of the word), nor is it particularly cold. Just a gray and dreary day.

Tomorrow, Jeff and I are going to watch Benjamin in a play.  Last time we saw him in a play, he spoke up and didn't forget his lines. It should be fun tomorrow.



Friday, November 16, 2018

A New Day and New Weather!


Yesterday, was a mean day weather-wise. It's not that it snowed all that much, but after the snow, it started to rain, and rain, etc. The mere act of getting out of the car to go inside for my therapy appointment, got me all wet. With a few exceptions, like a shower, for instance, I don't like being wet. It's not like I'm made of sugar and will dissolve, although if I did, it would certainly jump start my weight loss! Just saying.

Today, the sky is crystal clear and blue. To be sure, it's still a bit on the cold side, but that certainly doesn't take away the beauty of the day.

I've made my Christmas list, and have checked it at least twice. My problem continues to be, that as soon as I think I'm done, I will unfortunately find something else for somebody. My yearly goal is to have all or the majority of presents bought. Wrapping I couldn't give two hoots about. A lot of boxes can be sealed with package tape! Not pretty for sure, but really effective.

Yesterday, while Jeff and I were out for an hour for my therapy appointment, and left Bella in the house. To be more on the safe side, I closed the basement door, so that if she took and/or ruined something, she wouldn't be able to drag said item outside. When we got home, fingers crossed, the only thing that was out of place, was one of my slippers. That slipper was just in front of the basement door and unharmed. We were both so proud of Bella. Now, I don't think that we're ready to leave Bella in the house for an extended period of time, but little by little, we can leave her in the house for more than an hour. This is progress people!

Today, I have an appointment with a bariatric (sp) nurse at Hopkins. I don't know or actually believe, that at my age, and with all the other things wrong with me, that I will be a likely candidate for surgery. Of course, I won't know if I don't try. Like my other surgery, you do lose weight, and then you start eating normal food and slowly the weight you lost, has found you again. Everybody, can look at the scales, and not panic with a one or two pound increase. Unfortunately, those few pounds soon creep up to 5 pounds, and on and on, until you have gained back all that weight and then some! And, that's where I am today.

In case you were wondering, and likely you weren't, but there are only 39 days until Christmas. Based on the number of boxes I'm stepping over, and the packages yet to arrive, I'm pretty sure my shopping is finished.

I've made an Excel spreadsheet (you're thinking of course she did), and under each person's name I put in what I ordered and whether it has arrived or not. Tell me I suffer from OCD, and you'd be right. Unlike other shoppers, I don't feel the need to rush around at the last minute, searching for just the right gifts. This may take away some of the joy (I don't even think that's the right word) and/or panic scouring the stores and websites during the next few weeks.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

First Snow


Well, let's begin with while it's snowing, it's not a shovel the driveway kind of snow. Of course, anybody out driving will unfortunately experience the dreaded salt and sand that is applied to the major highways. Those two things are pretty hard on the underside of a car. Oh, and it also makes your car look not so good. I feel sorry for people who own black cars, because the sand and salt they drive in, really shows up.  No worries here. Jeff and I both own white cars, which means our cars look "nicer" longer! 

We didn't have a lot of snow last year, so the girls aren't really familiar with all the odd white stuff sprinkling on their heads. While the snow isn't actually sticking very much on the roads, walking on the driveway or sidewalk could be a fall and/or stumble for me. I hate that feeling when you're falling, and all you can think of to say is "shit", here we go again.  

When Ada came yesterday, I told her not to bother with my office, which is piled up with boxes, gifts, and you name it. I'm basically the southern most Santa Claus. Or, is it spelled "Clause"? I wasn't sure so I checked with all the powers that be on the internet, and apparently Claus is the correct spelling. 

My actual "shopping" is about over. Well, I use the word "actual" loosely, because just when I think I'm done, or should be done, a new gift idea springs into my head. Good for recipients, not so good for the credit card! My theory, and heaven knows I need one, is that I buy numerous Christmas presents, and the rest of the year pretty much none. One way to look at the cost of the gifts is to take the total (which isn't all that small) and divide that number by 8 (the number of our family). When you do that, the cost per person, isn't all that much, or at least I think so. Jeff may feel differently about that. But as far as recipients so, he's included in the family count.

A quick look at the calendar shows me that Thanksgiving is next week. Where did November go? I think Jeff and I are bringing pecan pie, potatoes for those of who like them - like me for instance. Stuffing - not so much. I'm also going to bring a dish of corn and chilies that we had when we went out for our anniversary dinner. It was yummy for the tummy. I'm also planning on bringing another family favorite, which really doesn't have a name. It is made up of strawberries, nut and sour cream, but I feel, nope I know, that there are other ingredients, that I just can't remember. This remembering thing is no longer one of my best qualities. In fact, I would say that my short term memory, for lack of a better word "short". This involves me asking Jeff the same question over and over again, because I don't remember his answer. Frustrating for both of us, I can assure you. The doctor pretty much agrees with me, that it's unlikely at this point, for my short term memory to improve. So, it is, what it is. If it's broke, and you can't fix it, it stays broken!

Laundry today, and will start my shopping list for the items needed for Thanksgiving. Some people make pies for that special meal. We, on the other hand, already know that Costco makes a wonderful pecan pie, worthy of taking to a family dinner. Or come to think of it, any dinner!

I have a spreadsheet showing what I bought, and who it is for. I do this, simply because I don't want to give one person, let's say 5 gifts, and somebody else, 10. It's just what I do, and have done so all of my adult years.

If it's snowing where you are, I hope it's just enough to enjoy, but not so much that the physical work of shoveling is not involved.



Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What About Wednesay?


Not too much to say about Wednesday. It's a recycling day (or not, if the bins are mostly empty), and Ada comes to clean. 

Because Christmas shopping is going so well, there is no need for Ada to clean my office. I have boxes as well as packages strewn all over. The good news is that I'm nearly 100% positive that I know what's inside those boxes. 

Last year, I opted to buy clothes for the adults. And, I wasn't successful on sizes. The gifts were given back to me, so that I could return and/or exchange for a different size.

Well, I can assure you that with one or two exceptions (the men), I have stayed away from clothing. 

The last time Scott was here, I showed him the service dog vest I had ordered for Gracie. It's a big vest and she's a big girl. I also bought an extension strap in case it's needed.  Jeff didn't think that I should have done that. My feelings are that I didn't want to give him a gift that he (a) doesn't like or (b) won't fit Gracie. Our adult sons can handle a preview of a gift. For me, there is nothing worse than on Christmas day, painful pauses after a gift is opened. My family knows I do the "hunt" during November, trying to get just the right gift for the right person. 

I promised myself last year, that the only gifts I would be giving out, would be gift cards. And, then I sit down in my chair, with basically the world at my fingertips. Do I opt for gift cards? Nope. I know some people really life gift cards. But, for me, I view it as a sign of my failure to find something(s) special for each person.

I get so much joy when I've searched and have found what I believe is a perfect gift. At least in my mind, it's a perfect gift. Jeff has told me for years that I'm hard to buy for, but I disagree. I love little things, as well as big things. Truth be told, I don't actually need anything, but I do enjoy unwrapping gifts. And, who doesn't? Most of the things that I have bought, all online of course, I ship directly to Stacey. Stacey does a wonderful job of wrapping and putting bows on the boxes. 

When Stacey and I were at Michael's, I bought a box of Christmas cards. Over time, and perhaps this has happened to you, old friends who live     across the country, we tend to, and I hate to say this, but for a lack of better words, drift apart. It's sort of like when you stop working, the people who you hung around with, are now, with some exceptions, for the most part, also drift away.  The common thread that bound us together, working in the same office, has now become a looser thread. That's not to say that when we do get together, it's just like old times. It's hard to explain, but I know you get the gist of what I'm saying.

I'll close for now. Back tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Shopping at Michael's!!


There is something so satisfying about going to Michael's. At this time of the year, pretty much everything in the store is all about Christmas. Poor Thanksgiving, it doesn't stand a chance against Christmas. I think for most people, we associate Thanksgiving with food, lots of food and for some, or many most, watching a football game.

Which aisle do you go down first, is the initial question you ask yourself. You have a mental list of what you need/want to buy. However, you can easily become distracted, which is a condition I suffer from! For Thanksgiving, I have bought advent calendars in one form or another to give out to the kids as well as Stacey and Wendy. The "boys" are no longer interested in advent calendars.

Stacey helped me out finding appropriate sized frames for pictures I have bought. I also ordered a service dog vest for one of Scott's dogs. While he was here yesterday, I spoiled his surprise by showing him the vest. Unlike last year, I don't want to buy things for the family that are either: too small, or too big. He liked the vest, so all he has to do on Christmas is to exclaim over the gift. I don't think that's asking too much of someone.

I bought myself a Unicorn ornament, which is currently hanging from my desk lamp. I also bought Christmas cards for me/us to send out. I don't send out as many cards as I did in the years past. The friends we had in California, are after 32 years, are beginning to fade away. And, that makes sense to me.

Today is head shrinking day, and boy do I need to see Dr. H. When the days get shorter, my depression level really ramps up. It doesn't help that the days are shorter. If I was: (a) steady enough on my feet (and I'm not); and (b) able to drive at night (thank you cataracts). I'm having my other eye operated on December 13th, and I can hardly wait.  

My "hunt" is nearly over for another Christmas. Oh, there are still some items left for me to buy, but the bulk of buying is just about over. Stacey has been kind enough to wrap my presents. She knows that I abhor wrapping, and usually in years past, have used wrapping tape to close up the Amazon boxes! The boys never seemed to care, but I really do appreciate her helping me with this.

Those chores that I wrote about yesterday, are still on my "to do" list. And, perhaps today I will actually put clothes in the washer, instead of just thinking about it!

And in the den, are the remains of a stuffed animal that has been torn apart. I need to pick up those little cotton-like balls, before Ada comes tomorrow. Ladies, I know that we women always have to do some form of cleaning, before the cleaning lady comes! It's just in our DNA.

In case you're interested, today is National World Kindness day.
Gloomy weather outside and likely going to rain sometime today.



Monday, November 12, 2018

No More Eating Out!


The woman who has spent the last three nights eating out, has to come back down to reality today! Bummer.  

So, much like Cinderella, today is get some clothes washed, and tidy up the kitchen. Our HOA is coming this week to pick up all the leaves in the neighborhood. Yesterday, the air was filled with leaf blowers, including Jeff's, pushing the leaves into the street. It does take several days for the HOA to do all the streets, so it's hard to say when they will reach our street. But, there are piles of leaves in the street,waiting.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming today for a visit. We'll leave Benjamin home with Jeff, while we girls head off to Michael's. Who doesn't like that store? And because it's a work day for some people, the store will probably not be too crowded. At least that's my hope!

Stacey and I are working on a Christmas present for Wendy, and no I'm not going to say anything more! I think everybody likes surprises, I know I certainly do.

Since I don't exactly know what time Stacey is coming, I'm going to head upstairs to "do" (shower/dress) me. I have so much natural beauty (feel free to laugh here), that my beauty treatment involves lipstick. Oh, to be sure, I own other cosmetic things, I just don't use them on a regular basis.

Happy Monday and Happy Day Off for some of you.




Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's Cold Back Here


You know that all song "Baby It's Cold Out Here"? Well that song can absolutely be true for the weather we're having today.  We have blue sky, which is pretty, and the wind isn't "winding", so it's nearly a perfect day.

The HOA is coming out tomorrow to start their annual pick-up of leaves. If the leaves are in the street, and off the curb, they will have a big truck with a large "sucker" hose, and get the street tidy.  

It was 32 degrees when I got up this morning, so definitely turn on the fireplace weather. Just one of our problems at this time of the year is that with the basement door open, a blast of arctic air creeps up the stairwell. David (Jeff's brother) lives in California, where they don't have temperatures in the 30's. Jeff did warn David to bring a coat and gloves, and they were definitely needed yesterday as well as today.

I remember when we moved here 32 years ago, we all suffered from "thin blood", and the transition did take sometime for all of us. But, we're "natives" now, and most of the people in the East, enjoy having the four seasons. Since the boys are grown, and I no longer work, if it snows, it snows. Just not a big deal. Jeff's commute to work now is a mere13 steps!  

What we did have to learn when we moved here, that if it's snowing and the snow is sticking, then you better get your rear in gear to shovel several times during the day. And, if it freezes on top of the snow, well you can guess how big that problem is.

Oh, another plus about being at home, is that we don't have to chip off the ice on the car windows. If you let the sun help you out, then that project becomes less of a chore.

I do notice that when the fireplace is on, the dogs, but mostly Bella gets as close to the fireplace as she can. When we bought a gas fireplace, we opted to have a blower (I think that's what it's called), so that we can adjust the flame to become hotter. Sometimes, the fireplace works so well, that the den actually becomes too warm! I know we all should have that problem!

Jeff's back now from dropping David off. Before he goes back to work, he's out with the blower "encouraging" all of our leaves to get out of the yard.  At this time of the year, after a big pick-up of the leaves, there is only a minimal amount that will drop off the tree. And, we can live with some leaves on the ground, just as long as we see more green on the lawn. 

I really don't like to be cold, so I have to sit on the sideline (i.e., my office chair) and watch Jeff work. I hate watching Jeff work while I do nothing makes me feel pretty useless. On the other hand, I have a real fear of falling (since I fell earlier last week) while I'm outside. I simply can't afford to have even one more thing go wrong with my body. Another one of my fears (and I do have many) is that the next fall I have (I'm also sure that it will happen), will break more than just my shoulder.

While David was here, we went out each evening for dinner. A gal could easily get used to this! The kitchen needs to get tidied up a bit, so that will be job, perhaps my only job today.

Happy Sunday.



Saturday, November 10, 2018

Busy Days!


I apologize for not blogging yesterday. But, I have an excuse, and heaven knows I need one!

Jeff's brother arrived here on Thursday, and you know if you haven't seen a person in a while, you simply forget that they are older. For Jeff and I, all we have to do is look in the mirror to see (ugh) our age!

We went out to dinner Thursday evening, to Red Lobster. We like their food, we just stopped going. Dinner was very good and the company very enjoyable.

The three of us had a lot to talk about. How old is your "x", where do you work now, exchanging pictures (new school - on phones), and in general just catching up with everybody's life. It's amazing how long you can sit around and never run out of things to talk about.

Yesterday, was a horrible weather day. Colder, windy and rainy. Jeff took his brother to Annapolis, and they had lunch out. So, last night our dinner was at Cracker Barrel. The food there is always so good - you eat too much - and you're glad you have an elastic waist on your jeans!!

Today, is sort of a quiet day. After breakfast, the "boys" headed up to Jeff's office to do and talk about all things computer (at least I think that's what their talking about.

We're heading out to Andrew's house this afternoon. Benjamin will want to show off his chickens, and Jeff and I are interested in seeing the building progress for the remodeling of the basement. Actually, it's not exactly remodeling, since the basement didn't have walls, etc. The end result, however, will be beautiful, I'm sure. Can't wait to go into the "theater" and sit in comfy, do everything for you, except get you coke and popcorn, and watch a movie!

The girls always enjoy going out to Andrew's house, because they have a gigantic backyard, and they can really stretch their legs. That is, until they want to come back inside. And, like children, once their inside, they want to go back outside .......

I did spend sometime ordering the 4A Christmas cards. I paid for a designer to make up the design for the magnets. Still, I had to decide the front of the card, inside message, and a little something on the back of the card. You have to choose what kind of paper you want. Do you want envelopes? Stuff like that. This year, I opted to have 4A's address put on the envelopes. Just one less step in getting the cards ready to be mailed.

It's cold here today, and socks are definitely warranted. Time to dig out sweaters and coats, and turn on the fireplace.

Enjoy your Saturday.



Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday Thoughts!


With the help of Stacey (best daughter-in-law ever,  Benjamin on decorating and Ada's cleaning, I think I'm ready for Jeff's half-brother to comeand stay with us for a few days.

I am confident that your spare bedrooms, are well, spare, and not used for a dumping area, for things (practically all), that you/I don't want to deal with now - or never. You can avoid a lot of things if said things are behind a closed door! At least I can, until the moment of truth, in the form of company, gets my rear in gear.  This morning so far, has not shown any evidence in getting much of anything in gear!

My email box is currently filled with my gift orders and their status on shipping. I wonder if they have an equivalent of AAA, for people who like to shop. Interestingly, I'm not talking so much about buying for me. But oh boy, do I look forward to the "hunt" for the perfect gift(s) for my family. Wrapping those gifts - not so much! My biggest problem (and I know it's not the only one I have), is that once the gifts arrive, I want to give them to the recipient NOW. Maybe, if I shopped like a normal person, starting only in December, some of the things I intend to buy might NOT be available. My whole family knows that I am absolutely UNABLE to wait until December.

And, to make things easier on family buying for me, I give out a list of things I would like, the appropriate size, and where to get those items. I guess I've reached the age where I no longer expect surprises. Love surprises? Absolutely. Who doesn't? Looking at the whole picture, if I was to admit the truth, then the truth would be that I don't really NEED much of anything. Want things? You bet. I am, after all, a woman, and women like things and/or stuff. I have no desire to own a new vacuum cleaner for instance. 

So, when I THINK that I'm through shopping (mostly), I make a list of what I'v bought and whether I have received that item. In my list, I put down the prices, so I can tally up the costs. Then, I take that number and divide it by the number of people (7), to see how much I actually spent on gifts. Getting that particular number somehow allows me to rationalize, if only in my mind, the estimated cost for each person.

Except for Christmas, other than some new clothes that I NEED (not really, just want), my buying habit mostly runs on idle. I only buy birthday presents for Benjamin and Elly. The adult children in our lives, not so much.

Speaking of rears, it's time for me to move mine! And, no I don't buy that many gifts, but I could be a contender for second place!

Image result for picture of mountain Christmas gifts

Happy Thursday everyone.



Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Not a Crummy Day!


After the horrific (in my mind anyway) weather yesterday, today we have blue skies, and little or no wind. This kind of weather I could get used to.

Last night, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house to help me "ready" my spare bathroom and bedroom. Jeff's half-brother is coming tomorrow, and with the exception of Benjamin, nobody sleeps in that bedroom. 

And, let's just say that the spare bathroom hasn't been used in a very long time. Stacey picked up the "treasures" (not really) from off the floors, and cleaned up the bathroom, which already looks 100 times better!

I think - no scratch that - I know that once David leaves, I should work hardier to keep these two rooms habitable. Just saying.

When Ada comes today, she can do a deep cleaning of both rooms. I've washed all the bedding, and will put out fresh towels. You see, I do try to be a good hostess.

While Benjamin was here, he took the Amazon toy guide, and marked up the pages with things that he wants. Unfortunately, He appears to have moved on from Legos. This is a shame because when Toys-R-Us was going out of business, I was able to buy more than a several Lego kits. Apparently, he has moved on to Minecraft. I guess I'll have to change horses mid-stream now. As for the boxes of Legos, I can either keep them for the next generation, sell them, or keep them for Benjamin to play with here.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. It's a really good thing that I start and generally finish my Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving! Of course, as soon as said gifts arrive, I have to fight off my tendency to want to give the gifts immediately!

I hope the sun is out wherever you are.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Crummy Day


Mother Nature has "blessed" us with another perfectly awful day. Thank goodness for my "SAD" light, which I turn on anytime I'm in my "office"! And, I'm in my office a lot, which means that other than browsing and/or shopping, I don't get much done around the house. This wouldn't actually be a real problem for me, except that Jeff's half-brother is coming to stay with us later this week. That means, the spare bedroom, has to be "picked" up. I've washed all the bedding, and will have Ada make the bed tomorrow. 

I'll have to tidy up in the spare bathroom as well. When it's just the two of us (99.9%) of the time, I just toss the case of toilet paper inside. Now, I'm going to have to pick up the "toiletries" in the bathroom, and find them a home in the closet! At least since Ada comes tomorrow, she'll be able to clean up those two rooms for me. I give many thanks to Ada each week, as well as to Jeff. I don't need or generally want every room in the house cleaned. I don't have Ada clean the living room, because the dog gate is up, and nobody ever goes in there.

To make things easier, I think that we'll take David out to dinner the three days that he's here, my thoughts here are dinners out on Thursday and Friday. Saturday after Jeff and David come back from sightseeing, we'll head out to Andrew's house. By then, in order for David to see the chickens, he'll need a flashlight! And, as a bonus for Jeff and I, we can see the work that's been done so far, on the basement.

My nail polish is now dry, and yes I really can do two things at the same time. Heading upstairs now to "really" start my day.

Happy Tuesday.



Monday, November 5, 2018

Shopping, Shopping!


As you all know, Christmas doesn't sneak up on me. Nope, I've hunted, shopped and bought a number of things for the family. Truthfully, I absolutely love the hunt. For sure, I could pick out some standard gifts - socks, slippers, as well as some futsy (sp) things for Stacey and Wendy. But, I think, nope I know, that I can come up with better gifts. Some of the gifts are practical, while other gifts are simply because I think they'll like them.

Stacey and Benjamin came over yesterday, and she was planning on helping me with the matting and framing of a few pictures. Also, since the spare room is a "dump it room", it now needs help. A lot of help. Unfortunately, my left shoulder is still causing me pain, and it didn't help that I fell a few days ago, and slammed my left knee and left arm on the floor. I really need to be steadier on my feet - it's just that simple.

Not to be biased, but it's definitely easier for me, to buy for Wendy, Stacey and Elly. My brain, and it's been this way for years, just can't seem to come up with gifts for the boys. So, I pretty much leave the gift buying to Jeff.

As for me, I really don't need anything. But, want stuff, absolutely. I always need (actually only want) new slippers. There is something so satisfying about new slippers. My Mother always got new slippers as a gift for Christmas. Trouble was, she only wanted Daniel Green leather slippers. Give her a new slipper to try, and it was not well received, and she made damn sure that you knew she didn't like the slippers. 

People say that I'm hard to buy for. I disagree. I'm no longer wanting someone to buy me clothes, because that never works out. I like, and Jeff considers, a waste of money. I have a tendency to simply buy things for myself, wrap them and ooh and aah when I open them!

I wanted Elvis' movies, so I bought myself a few. I've enjoyed watching them, and like to see thin and handsome Elvis, rather than when he got older and became more of a fat Elvis. There was just some thing about seeing older Elvis, still trying to "rock" the white leather outfits, that made me sad, even this many years later.

The weather outside can be summed up in one word: crappy. My neighbor says, and I agree, that it's actually easier to pick up wet leaves, because they don't blow away. 

Running along.



Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nothing To Say!


If you know me well, and I think most of you do, then you know I've always got something to say. Of course, these days, some it not all, are a "bit" of a jumble inside my head.

I have to give Jeff huge kudos for listening to me asking or telling the same thing over and over again. Problem is, that I really don't remember most conversations.  Turns out, that's a really big problem. A problem that has been with me for 5 years, and if my brain isn't "right" by now, it seems unlikely that my short term memory will improve.  This is sad and I know it's hard on the people who have to deal with me on a regular basis. Apologies to everyone.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house this afternoon.  Once again, I have had to ask for Stacey's help. On the "to do" list today, is help me with the spare bedroom that Jeff's half-brother will use later this week. It's quite easy, if a room isn't used by anyone other than Benjamin. to just toss stuff in there! Okay, today, Stacey and I are going to find a different "home" for the suitcases, CPAP machine bags, and other stuff like that. I'm thinking of this as a type of spring cleaning. Or, the kind of cleaning you do, when your mother-in-law is coming for a visit! 

The clock change has me all screwed up. Twice a year, you (meaning Jeff) has to run all around the house, setting actual clocks, the clock on the oven, watches, and perhaps even the clocks in the cars. I actually don't know if you have to reset the clock in your car. 

When I got up this morning, I literally had to ask Alexa what time it was! That's how confused I was. Someone should invent a device that twice a year, will automatically change the clocks for you! Alas, no such device exists. Pity.

I'm signing off now, because I have a kitchen to clean up, and all the bedding from the spare room. See, I'll be super busy today.

Enjoy your day.



Friday, November 2, 2018

Getting Ready!


A look at the calendar and I see that there are only 52 days until Christmas! I know this won't send shock waves to most of you, but for yours truly, it means that I need to look at my lists. Yes, I said lists. I have some items that I will probably buy on Amazon, but I don't want to order them too early. If the recipient does not like what I bought, I want them to be able to send the gift back. What a thoughtful "hunter" I am!  Patting myself on the back (figuratively) for being so efficient!

Back to getting ready. Jeff's half-brother is coming to D.C. on the 8th and will spend a few days with us. Argh. Perhaps if you have a spare room, and I do, then you "might" use it as a dumping ground. One of our spare bedrooms has become just that. Benjamin is the only one that uses this bedroom, so picking up and putting away things doesn't matter to him.

I have asked Stacey (best daughter-in-law) if she would come out early next week and help me get this room ready for company. And, because it's not enough for me to ask for help, I'm also asking if we can have a dinner at her house. The boys, as well as David, haven't seen each other for 32 years! When we left California the boys were young, and look at them now - all grown up - and men to boot!

And, more getting ready, yesterday I paid a designer from Vista Print, to help me design the magnetic 2019 calendars. The price of help was small, and the design when done, l thought looked great. But, that's just my opinion, for what it's worth.

Last getting ready item: getting dressed and prepare to start my day.

Don't forget about the clocks on Saturday night!


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Thursday, November 1, 2018



Golly, the calendar has been flipped over, and the clocks are changing this weekend. The girls will have to get used to their schedule change. Getting darker earlier in the day, is not a good thing for me, so my SAD light will definitely be my good friend.

They don't call me Grace for nothing. Yesterday, when I was bringing down some things to wash, I missed a step, luckily the last one, and ended up sprawled on the floor like a broken rag doll. I banged my left knee on the floor (wonderful) and my left arm also hit the floor (double wonderful). Jeff came down, and I managed to drag my body over to the stairs. Once I had something secure to hang on to, I was up, but definitely not raring to go. 

Took some kind of generic pain relieving pill, grabbed an ice packet and headed to my chair. You know how in some companies they have a sign on the wall that states how long they have been accident free? Well, our sign would read zero at this point.

I wasn't always so clumsy, but I definitely am now. So adding new aches and pains to my already in pain body, makes me angry. I'm supposed to start physical therapy for balance and coordination, and boy do I need to work on those two things.

Beautiful sunny day outside. Ada is coming to clean this afternoon, and perhaps I'll take my rollator out into the sunshine and soak up some "real" sun.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...