Friday, May 31, 2019



First, a correction in yesterday's blog. It should have read "The Tree Men Gothe" (sp).

It's a beautiful day outside, definitely top down weather, but I don't think Jeff and I have any place to go. Bummer.

Mission for the day: clean up my closets (ugh). Put away the fall/winter clothes, and obviously, bring out the spring/summer things. My recent weight loss, will allow me to fit in clothes that I had considered donating. 

Women, including myself (obviously) can look in their closets, and with a straight face, tell your hubby, that you have nothing to wear! And, we women actually believe that to be true.

However, when you have made piles of clothes to put away for now, um it's kind of a large pile. (Don't tell Jeff)!! It's a daunting task, which is probably why I'm having so much trouble completing the job. Getting rid of most of my "go to work" clothes, is super easy. Since I'm home 99.9% of the time, I really only need one pair of "good" pants and a few tops. Even knowing this, I am still hesitant to give those work clothes the heave-ho (donate). It's not like I'm going to join the work force now, and the two volunteer jobs, were both a disaster. 

Apparently, in order to work in an office, you must be able to remember things, and I can't. My memory since 2013 has been in shreds, at least for the current things. I am going to have a brain scan to see if there's anything in there. Good or bad, I want the results.  Is my brain just old, or has it been damaged, probably due to the many ECT treatments I have had.

Jeff is a fairly patient man, but my inability to hang on to the simplest things, does try his patience. I know that I ask him the same question over and over again, and I do try to remember, but unfortunately most times I just can't. Both of us are affected: Jeff, because he has to constantly tell me things again and again; and me, for not having the ability to remember stuff. Trust me, I'm not on purpose trying to tick Jeff off just because that might be fun. Nope, my brain simply can't recall things. Television shows or movies that I've already seen, I believe I've never seen them before. In fact, I'm doing good just to remember the name of those movies and shows. Those kind of things just doesn't stick in my memory bank.

Without a calculator, I have trouble remembering how long Jeff and I have been married, as well as the ages of the boys, (sigh).

Since it's a beautiful day, my rollator and I, might go for a few loops around the circle. After "exercising", which most people would not think is really exercising, I park my rollator in the driveway, and just sit there, soaking up the sun.

Sorry to carry on so much. Sometimes, you just have to let stuff out. Since I can't see you, blogs such as this, tends to be cathartic for me. 

Before I leave, I will provide you with some more information about "holidays" occurring today. It's macaroon day (I love those cookies) as well as no tobacco day.

Have a good weekend.


Thursday, May 30, 2019

And The Three Men Goeth


I give yesterday, the tree men came and worked nearly 8 hours (approximately) here at the house. Of course the day that work is supposed to be started, was a very hot and humid day. Given the temperature, and how hot it was outside, we gave them several pitchers of ice water, as well as some peanut and butter crackers. I think, no I actually know, that the men appreciated the kindness Jeff and I, we gave to them.

Okay, the trees on one side of the yard, are all gone now. Now, there will be no question about our trees encroaching into their yard. But, now with the trees gone, there is sure a lot of empty space between the two houses now. 

We haven't made a decision yet about what to put in that empty space. But, here's what I know for sure, anything we plant will not be on the fence line. Not going to go through the nonsense of our trees are hanging into their yard. Sometimes, it's the little things that seem to blow up out of prohibition.  Ah, for the good old days in California, where 6 foot concrete walls, were the norm, and this created really good neighbors!

Today, the said trees are gone, flower beds weeding and mulched and boxwood in front of our porch have been trimmed.  All in all, a very good day, especially if you enjoy watching men work on your behalf. It seems to Jeff and I that they could have definitely used one more man to help with the work. But, that's just our opinion.

When tree saws, stump grinders and anything else that makes noise, but by the end of the day, your head is aching for quiet. The gates were open, so several times during the day, we allowed the girls to have a "walk about". They never go far, just behind a few houses and then back inside. Because it was hot yesterday, and the dogs were thirsty, meant that it was easy to get them inside - even Daisy.

A scheduled evaluation from a personal trainer, had to be cancelled due to car issues. Going to give it a try next week. 

In the meantime, there is another personal trainer that will give me an evaluation, so I think I will call him today, and try to get on his calendar. Here's what I know for sure - I'm in desperate need for some one-on-one training. If I don't get in better shape, then I can kiss my dreams of going to Hawaii for our anniversary in 5 or so years. And, I definitely want to go, so I need to get my butt in gears, and work toward that goal. So, I definitely have an incentive to work hard. I'm not, nor have I ever been, excited about exercise. The lack of exercise teamed with my inability to walk very far, has left me, for a better word, soft. I don't need, nor do I want to have a bodybuilders muscles. There nice to look at, but all I'm asking for, is a body that can get off the floor when she (me) falls down.

Here's a picture of a dead Leland Cypress. I don't believe (my opinion only), that looking at trees such as the one below, fills your heart with joy. Rather, your heart knows a true sign of a dying and/or already dead tree.



Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Tree Man Cometh!


Jeff arranged in April, with our landscaping company to take down dead trees.  Okay, it's nearly June and we have been the picture of patience (most of the time). Yesterday, Jeff was promised that the tree men would come to the house today.

I'm very excited because I have always enjoyed watching people do work around the house. I will make sure that I have a front row seat, as tree after tree is cut down. Pretty much everything in our yard is 30+ years old. And, eventually some of the bushes and trees that you planted so many years ago, have or are in the process of dying. When we planted many Leland Cypress trees in 1986, nobody told us that we should top them off at a certain height. As I write today, those trees are very, very tall and a few of them will necessarily, be cut down today. 

Okay fast forward to this afternoon. Tree are gone, stumps drilled out (at least I think they'll do that) and we'll be left with empty spaces. What we have learned over the years, is not to plant anything along the fence line. Reason? Because whatever you planted, will eventually find a way over or through the fence into your neighbor's yard. While this shouldn't, but does, irritate (and that may not be the correct word, but it's close enough) the neighbors. 

To be fair, we recognize the problem with the trees, and they'll come down today. Now, what to do with so much empty space?  I have researched (of course I have), and found several large plants and/or trees that will work well in the backyard. I've even given some thought to planting "fake" bamboo next to the fence. Real bamboo gets out of control really quick, and before you know it, you literally have to pull it up (and Jeff has done this once) by it's roots. Doing this, is an intimidating job, because root "x" is wound around root "y", and they have no desire to be taken out. So, just the mention of bamboo, still gives Jeff chills. 

As I finish up my blog, as promised, the tree guys are here. Let the supervising begin! I know that they will really appreciate my input!! (joke of course).

And to top it all off, Ada comes today to clean. She won't be able to clean in the sitting room, because I have piles of clothes on the floor. Some destined to be put away for the summer, while other pieces need to be put in use! Where is Marie Kondo when I need her? Marie, comes to your house, and you have to pull out all your clothes, books, etc. Her theory is that if a piece of clothing or a book no longer gives you joy, then it's time to donate them. I personally have never thought of any of my clothes bringing me joy, other than perhaps my wedding dress. There is no eartly reason to keep the dress, since I only have boys, but my mother made it for me and while simple in design, was a beautiful dress. Definitely not going into any donate pile, as long as I'm still breathing!


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Missed a Day - Apologies


Some days, like yesterday for instance, I just don't have too much to say. And, you can stop laughing! I can get pretty gabby, so it doesn't make much sense for me to have nothing to blog about.

We watched the Memorial Day Concert. Some of, scratch that, the people who sang, Jeff and I have never heard of. But, that's okay, we like living in the 60's!!!

But some of the people who told us about their life in the war, was very sobering. Most of them were in the Vietnam War. I lost a classmate who died in Vietnam. But, over time, I can't remember his full name - William something. While he was in Vietnam, we sent letters to each other regularly. After he died, Mom and Dad took me to his funeral. Other than some older relatives, this was the first time somebody of my age, passed away. I kept his letters tied with a ribbon, for sometime. And, then we moved, I got married and well you know the rest of the story. I don't have those letters anymore.

In the audience, were men who had served in World War II. That war was from 1939 to 1945. Even if you didn't watch the concert, I'm sure you can appreciate the sacrifices these men made. While the number of war survivors from World War II is slowly dwindling down. Those that were in the War, were in their uniforms and those that could, stood up. Very emotional to see these now very old men who are alive and I'm know they have a lot of memories locked away.

One of those survivors is:  

Richard Arvin Overton (May 11, 1906 – December 27, 2018) was an American super centenarian who at the age of 112 years, 230 days was the oldest verified surviving U.S. World War II veteran and oldest man in the United States. He served in the United States Army.

Let's be grateful for their service to this country.



Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Friday That Felt Like Saturday!


Yesterday, Bella and Jeff went down to meet one of his team members. (And, yes I know you're reading this Jeff, and I may not have stated it right). Okay, we got the disclaimer out of the way!

It was a top down kind of day for a road trip. Bella rides in the car beautifully and loves to look out the back of the car. When we stop at a stoplight, the people around us, stare at Bella. Not in a mean way, of course, but in a delighted to see a dog riding around in a convertible. And, let's make no mistake, in my opinion, as well as others, that she is a beautiful dog.

Yesterday, was the first time she went into a restaurant. Jeff says that she went into a down position almost immediately, and didn't move. Even with the smell of food all around her. And, we know that Bella likes food. And, we know this by her counter surfing at night. We know now that she doesn't like green peppers or grapes. But, any other food or paper product seems to be fair game for her.

I had the carpets cleaned again. It's a good thing that Daisy is such a loving dog. When we take her outside, she just won't go. But, the minute she comes back in the house, yep you get it, "x" marks her spot. She is particularly bad in the hallway upstairs. So, the carpet people were out again yesterday. While I haven't used the baby gates that we used to put up all over the house, I'm back to using them again! Three years old, and not much progress in house breaking. It's a bit on the difficult side for me to keep going up and down the stairs. For now, the carpet is clean once again, and a baby gate is at the top of the stairs to prevent her from being in the hallway. I have bought, and will start using today, an entire hallway length of a "pee" pad. I know, I know, this isn't the best solution, but it's the best thing I can think off at the moment.

Last night, for the first time in months, I closed the bedroom door to prevent a "walk about" in the hall. I truly wish I didn't have to do this, but sometimes you just gotta do, what you gotta do. And, this is something that will prevent me from going "insane", or more "mental" than I already am!

This weekend, I think it's time to put away the winter clothes, and get the spring/summer clothes out of their respective bags. I mean, who needs sweat pants this time of the year? It's not a particularly difficult task, just one I don't seem to ever want to get around to! I, as well as most people, can come up with a lot of reasons why I aren't attending to the "x" chore.

Yesterday, felt like Saturday, and, of course, that stands to reason, today feels like Sunday. I don't know what I'm going to do on Monday!

Enjoy your outings this weekend, and I hope those outings don't get rained out.



Friday, May 24, 2019

Worth Watching


After last night storms, today is a beautiful to take a drive, with top down. Jeff and Bella, have taken to the road, to meet up with a worker friend of his. The outing will be good for him, and Bella is always ready to go riding.

Show to watch: HBO is having a mini-series called Chernobyl. I urge you to watch, because every episode gives me a wake up call. When this happened in 1986, Jeff and I were in the throes of moving out of one house and one state, to another house in another state. I'm sure on some level, Jeff would have read the articles about this devastating news.

What the program shows is how much time the Russians took to try and solve the problem. Some officials were in denial, but I'm thinking that a large black smoke overhead, would make me think something has gone horribly wrong. And, it had.

The people can't agree, but they number of deaths between 31 or 54.  I don't think it matters how many people died, but what does matter, is that they died.

There any number of exceptions when counting the deaths and/or the people who were harmed and/or maimed. 

 In her 1988 poem, "They Did Not Register Us "Sirota addresses what she considers the failure of local and international authorities to recognize the disaster-related, long-latency disease deaths of Chernobyl Exclusion Zone evacuees and to reach consensus about how best to tally and study these deaths. She wrote: they did not register us, so our deaths were not linked to the accident. People were wrote off as suffering from lingering stress, and cunning genetic disorders. They did not register the people, and deaths were not linked to the accident. Thousands of 'competent' functionaries count our 'souls' in percentages." Basically, they wrote the survivors off. 

Will we ever really know how many people died, or maimed due to radiation and their deaths were not linked to the accident.

While some of the Russian people survived, it is reported that there were 4,000 premature deaths. And, I'm really positive that the number is small. Basically, however you crunch the numbers, we're talking about a lot of people, animals and crops affected by radiation.

There are 5 episodes of this mini-series, and I encourage everybody to watch this show. I promise it will be an eye opener for everyone. 




Thursday, May 23, 2019

Getting My Butt In Shape!


Yes, you heard, I mean read, that I'm going to try and get myself in shape. I don't mean a rock hard body building shape, just a person who can learn how to get off the floor when she (me) falls. And, unfortunately, this happens a lot. Growing old sucks.

For several years, I have lived with some kind of "itis" in my hip. There's no reason to label it, it just is. Hip pain can really slow an old lady down, and it has. Walking isn't much fun, so I do as little of that as I can! I know, not healthy.

I won't bore you will the many things that are, at this time, physically challenging me. Jeff and I decided that a personal trainer would be good for me. I don't want to go to a gym and watch lithe people exercise. Of course, not to mention that in order to see these people, you would actually have to go to the gym. Talk about procrastination! I have a ton of excuses why I don't go a gym. Im. lazy comes to mind.

Jeff and I have found a trainer, who comes to the house to work with me. Tonight is an evaluation of my body. This should be interesting, since I basically hurt everywhere. I have several goals I would like to achieve, one being, my ability to get inside the airplane, and other dreams of going on vacation, like Hawaii.

Since we're paying by the hour, I don't want to waste my time and money on not really trying to get physically better. I hope I don't get an "F" after tonight's evaluation. Keep your fingers crossed for me please.

So, core strength I'm coming after you. While my continuing diet has been, and still is, very successful, I'm still very unstable, and always just one step from falling down.


 Image result for cartoon picture of old woman exercising

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Informational Shows


I think recently that my DNA has somehow gotten mixed up with the DNA of a man! This is the only reason I can offer for my sudden interest in shows other than reality ones. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy all of those shows still.

Lately, I've been watching shows about abandoned buildings, large and dangerous fish, inside of Egypt's tombs, as well as investigation into now extinct people as well as their communities. I, have by nature, been interested in things I didn't understand. I love Google. Think how much easier it would have been when it was time to investigate something by going to the library!  Now, with the help of searching on the internet, you can find an answer to any question that might be of interest to you. I watch a show, and then I just have to go and investigate more thoroughly. And, in my searching, have found a lot of bits and pieces of this kind of show, that didn't actually become a part of the shows.

For instance, a long, long time ago, when a Pharaoh died, his servants were put in his tomb with him while still alive! Talk about creepy. So back in the day, it looks like didn't want to be a servant to a Pharaoh. 

Clearly, while I was eating breakfast today, found a show that was all about Egypt's past. I, would so like to go to Egypt, but the thought about going to the Middle East, scares me quite a bit. I suppose if you were on a guided tour, you probably would be safe. 

According to an article I read, the author believes that you are as safe in Egypt, as you would in most other countries. He suggests traveling solo, but I, am a fraidy cat, so venturing out by myself any where in Europe, makes my heart skip a beat! I, firmly believe, and I may be wrong, but there is safety in numbers.

Where would you like to go - anywhere in the world. The possibilities are endless.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Personal Trainer?


Jeff and I agree that I need/must get my body in better shape. When I fell over the weekend, and knocked my head into the bathtub, I was unable to get myself off the floor. This has become a problem because I now fall frequently. Gads I hate getting old. It has nothing to do with the number, but left alone, the body (mind) begins to deteriorate over time. So, for me, it doesn't seem fair to have physical issues, and you know the other - mental ones!

I have reached out to several personal trainers that will come to the house. I absolutely don't want to go to a gym, and watch the people pressing weights or cycling as if their life depends on it.

If, I don't get my body in better shape, than all my dreams of traveling to Hawaii, and/or taking a cruise will not be possible. A person can only dream so long. And, if I don't get my body in better working condition, the only place I'll be going is to my recliner! You all know, that's not healthy for anyone.

Gotta close, it's lunchtime, and I'm still not dressed. It would be extremely unhealthy to not shower and dress. You may be home, but you don't have to look like a hot mess!



Monday, May 20, 2019

Nothing New


Not much going on.  Life is hard when you have two "busted wings". Just stating the facts - not complaining. Besides, nobody wants to hear someone whine and carry on. Myself included.

It's a beautiful day outside. Actually, perfect weather for riding around with the top down! Be sure to bring a comb, otherwise you're not going to look good when you stop. And, you all know how much I want to look good.  (smiley face here).

Still waiting for the landscaper guys to come to the house to cut down some trees. Once the trees are down, there will be some big and empty spaces. I've done my research (of course I have), and I want a Ginko tree planted in the yard. It's a beautiful tree, and without pruning, can get quite tall. Lesson learned from the Cypress trees. Don't let them get too tall. The Ginko tree can have a height of 40 to 60 feet - hence the need for pruning. It also spreads 30 to 40 feet, making this a large but beautiful tree. I had a place in mind for this tree, but after thinking about the height and width, will plant this tree in a larger open area.

Time to sign off. Have to get ready to get my head "shrunk"!



Sunday, May 19, 2019

Short and Sweet


Folks, I'm sorry but this is going to be a short blog. Last night, I fell while in the bathroom. Unfortunately, my fall was on my "good" side (right arm), and I also hit the side of the tub with my head. No worries about my head, because I have a thick skull! At least, that's what people say - but hey what do they know.

Once Jeff got me to my feet, I staggered back downstairs and went to my favorite spot - the recliner. The recliner and I are beginning to be old friends!

Because it took so much effort last night, to get myself ready for bed, I've decided not to get dressed. Shocking I know.

At the moment, when I even think about doing simple things, like the dishes, makes me cringe. I know there is no real reason to get up and take on this chore. But, my OCD kicks in, and I feel I just can't relax, when I know that there's to be done. But, today I'll just have to let things like the dishes, stack up. Jeff, who is amazing, just in case I don't say that enough, rinsed off the dishes and brought some order to things.

I hope I feel better tomorrow, so not only can I blog, but perhaps have something worth writing about.

Later, from an old woman - at least that's what I feel like in the moment!



Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bit of This and Bit of That!


Catchy title isn't it? What it really means is that I don't have very much to say, about pretty much anything.

Disappointed that the yard folks didn't come this week to start working in the yard. I guess a call on Monday will probably be in order.

I've thought of some larger plants and trees to put in the backyard. Since the girls are no longer stripping off bark, any new plants should now be safe.

I would, but perhaps Jeff doesn't want, a free standing bit of fence to block off the neighbor from having to see into our yard. Their house sits higher than ours and I'm pretty sure that they don't want to look into ur backyard and/or "Jenny" (generator). Jenny is very large and I really don't know how you make a generator "pretty". What I know now, and didn't 32 years ago, that what you plant in your own ground, doesn't always please the neighbors. This is true, especially when said tree(s) are at the end of their life. Anyway, the trees are coming down. I now know that I don't want to plant anything on the fence line. Nope, if we put up a free standing privacy, for lack of a better word, would definitely be in our yard, hurting nobody. Oh, I long for concrete walls! But back here, that's just so not happening.

Moving on. We watched a Judge Judy show and she was sporting a new hairstyle. Thing of Judge Ruth Bader. Her hair is pulled back with a small ponytail at the back. I initially wondered if she was ill. Nope. After 22 years of having to have her hair messed with, she has decided that this hairdo suits her now. I understand all about hairdos that can be pulled (pun) together in record time. Now, when Jeff goes to the barber shop, I tag along. I could go to a beauty salon, and pay for doing so, or sit in a barber chair, and have my hair cut short. Basically, shampoo, comb and go. This works very well for me. Perhaps, I'm just lazy or not good with hair. Never have been, and likely never will be. Jeff, with his shaved head, has no such problems. When the top is down, my hair is swirling all around my hair, requiring a comb when we get to our destination. 

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I'm sling free. Yipee. Unless you've had the "privilege" of wearing a sling, you also know how hard it is to work with just one hand.

Still pondering what I would like planted in the backyard, after pretty much everything has been cut down. I'm writing down a few suggestions to give to Joel (landscaper) to consider. A large part of our fence, isn't really close to the other neighbor's yard. I/we could probably put off planting there, until we want to do so. See how easy it is to put off today, so that you can "do" the chore tomorrow or even the next day....  l know you get the idea.

Finishing for today. My cut-off time for blogging is noon, and I'm getting close to that time.


Friday, May 17, 2019

Backyard Re-Do


Over time, and not a lot of knowledge about trees that do well in Maryland. When we first moved here 30+ years ago, one of the first things we wanted to do was to plant some kind of privacy.

While not a big thing, my very large kitchen window is directly opposite of the neighbor's. I guess, and perhaps coming from California, I/we wanted privacy. And we thought that Leland Cypress trees was the answer. It was, until it wasn't, which is now. We really didn't know that this tree should have the top cut off at some point in it's growing. The trees grow quite large, but they are shallow rooted. 

This year, we are cutting down most of the cypress trees, which are already dead or in the process of dying. When they die, they turn into some kind of orange color, and it's so not attractive.

Again, first timers here, we planted some of these trees on our property line, not realizing the height of this tree. And, like before, didn't ever thing about pruning! Many years later, it's time to cut these trees down. Enter landscaping company. 

Here's what I'm not doing when putting in new plants. Plant nothing, on the fence line. Ever.  How I long for the cement walls in California. That type of wall makes for very good neighbors.

Our HOA only allows 4 foot fences. And, while Daisy was a puppy, she managed to jump into the neighbor's yard nearly every day. Fast forward to today, and she is much bigger, and definitely weighs more. No more hopping over the fence. This is a good thing.

Okay, so once several of our cypress trees are cut down, then the next decision is what to put in their place. The fence at the far end of our property doesn't abut with anybody, and putting in plants on a fence line, is so not going to happen.

I have researched, of course I have, and found several trees (need to be pruned at some point) and/or bushes for the backyard. When the landscaper comes out, I want his feedback on some plants that I think will be nice in the yard. Another Burning Bush put in the yard. I have also found a Ginko tree, which has beautiful yellow flowers. Could be contenders. 

In the end, while we don't go out in the backyard very much, we do like and/or want some level of privacy. I guess it's the "California" in us.

I suppose, we could plant "fake" plants near one neighbor. Fake plants don't grow and only need to be "watered" once in awhile. But, frankly Scarlett, I don't really give a damn about just planting things for our neighbor's benefit.

This is a picture of a mature Ginko tree, and I think it's beautiful. Perhaps, next time I blog, I will have settled on things to put in the backyard.


Image result for picture of ginkgo tree


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Expedition Unkown


To say that I have been interested in this television show, would be an understatement. While I intellectually know that the show, while based on facts, generally has no surprises for the viewer. Knowing all of this, doesn't take away my pleasure from watching the host, go off on adventure and adventure.

This morning, as I do each morning ("OCD"?) while eating my breakfast, the expedition went to South America to see if the location of the found Crystal Scull still had any undiscovered treasures.
Once inside the cave, a large jar of pottery was found. The jar was in immaculate condition, and once the authorities were told about the jar, they went out for themselves and it now rests in a museum somewhere.

The Crystal Skull was first found in many, many years ago. And, while it's been examined time and time again, none of the researches believe that the skull was made hundreds of years ago. Let's say between 1860-1880. Knowing this, hasn't deterred my opinion and thirst for more knowledge.

F. Mitchell Hedges found the skull in the jungles, and believed that it was 3600 years old. That's a long time by anybody's standards. Once the heir of Hedges, while dying, continued to believe in the authenticity of the skull.

Modern tests on the skull, which by the way is beautiful, concluded that the skull had to be made with precision tools, and absolutely wasn't as old as Hedges believed. Even knowing this, I am still intrigued with the story.

Hedges wrote two books, so I of course, went straight to Amazon. One book's price ranges from $45.00 to $98.00. A little rich for me. 

I guess the naming of the show Expedition Unknown, is accurately named such, because of all of the places that the host has been. Just wish I could go on one of his adventures! Wouldn't you wish that you had found this treasure? I know I would.


  Image result for picture of crystal skull


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Why Don't We Use this Stuff?


My house. and likely yours as well, is filled mostly (but not like a hoarder) with stuff. I find  pleasure in buying things, but letting go is difficult and almost impossible for Jeff. Just stating the facts!

We should, but don't empty out those "junk" drawers in the kitchen. The things inside those drawers would/could be useful, if we could find things that no longer matter, and likely never did. Otherwise, they wouldn't have ended up in the junk drawer. There are glasses, which are no longer useful. And, why do I hang onto those glasses? Do I really believe that I would ever use them? Nope, not a chance. At Costco, they will take your old glasses for charity. And, knowing all of this, still haven't actually pulled the trigger to do so. 

Coffee cups. Really, how many do you really need. Jeff has a cup that he uses everyday, and will not allow washing it. Something about taking away his soul! In one pull out drawer, I have a large number of cups, that I simply don't need. We don't get a lot of company, so there is no need for me to keep a dozen or so cups. My brain screams let them go. And, yet I don't. I don't even have a good reason to keep them.  I bought and love my double insulated coffee cups. Wish I had thought of them sooner!

Closets are an irritant some of the time, when you reach into your closet to get something, and that something doesn't fit! I'm certainly not talking about clothes that are too big, nope, it's clothes that are too small. My hope, as well as yours, that someday I'll be able to wear a smaller size. I've been dieting like mad, and can finally fit into some, not all of my clothes. What I should do, is to take clothes that either don't fit, or I simply don't like, and donate them. But, I simply do that. Is there a woman gene that keeps us filling up closets. For example, in my hope chest, is my wedding dress, that is 40 plus years old. It's not like anybody in my family (I only have sons) will ever wear this beautiful dress. I cling to it, because it recalls a lovely day in my past. Can I fit into it? Um, no. Will I ever be able to wear it? And, if I could, what venue would be appropriate to do so.

Lastly, there are pens. Why in the world, do we keep pens that are out of ink? Do we really believe that magically overnight, the pen will work again?
On my desk right now, I have four pens that simply don't work, and yet I haven't thrown them out. I have no reasonable or unreasonable excuse to do so.

When you have time, have a gander at your junk drawers, and expect to be really surprised what is inside.

 From this to that!

 Image result for picture of overflowing junk drawer
Image result for picture of overflowing junk drawer


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Just Stiff


It's not raining outside, which is a plus for all of us depressed folks. Since I can't always be outside, I use my "SAD" light every day. Apparently, my brain doesn't know the difference between real sunshine and fake sun.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see our doctor for our "well baby" office visits. We are absolutely super, duper happy with this doctor. She is calm, when we're (me) not. She was impressed with my weight loss, and encouraged me to continue doing what I've been doing. And, I intend to do so. 

Our complaints were typical: bones creaking and groaning, as well as suggesting some tweaks to our exercise (me - none) program as well as talking to me about some memory reminders. Over the weekend, Jeff wanted me to remind him that he needed to buy garlic and peas. While he was out shopping, I said these words over and over again. I sounded like a broken record, or parrot, saying garlic and peas, over and over again. However, several days later, I can still remember garlic and peas. Did we watch a particular tv show? I don't remember. Some times this can be good, but most of the time, it's a real pain in the a**. Unfortunately, for Jeff he has to live with someone with memory issues, and I hate, but do it anyway ask about all the things that are going on in our lives.

When you go to Hopkins in Baltimore, you almost need to pack a lunch. Just kidding - sort of. Jeff and I in particular, leave our doctor appointments exhausted. Don't exactly know why, but it just is. Of course, Bella was again a very well-behaved dog. To watch her in her working mode (vest on), she doesn't allow anything or anyone to bother her. She is laser focused on the job at hand. Because she is such a pretty job, on occasion, we have had to tell people they can't pet her. Once home and the vest is off, she becomes just a dog.

This week, I go back to the surgeon to have my stitches removed, and to see if I can stop wearing the sling. Hate the sling. It's darn tough to get dressed, using just one arm!

Running late, as usual. See you tomorrow.



Monday, May 13, 2019

Just Another Rainy Day In Paradise!


I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day, whatever you did. It seems as if Mother Nature won't even give us a break in the weather. Rain is good for the grass, but generally has a negative effect on people. Myself, comes to mind.

I have found a tv show (of course I did) called Abandoned Mysteries. The show brings the viewers into old and abandoned buildings. Going inside, these old places are filled with memories, mostly bad, and also very creepy. And, yet I sit and watch the shows. I have found all manner of new shows on the Discovery Channel, that have captivated my attention. Who doesn't want to see into abandoned Russian prisons, French bunkers, a highway in the jungle (more or less) that stretches out, holding I'm sure a promise, years ago of completing that bridge. For now, the bridge just ends before reaching the other side. Question would be, naturally, why was the road built and why was it abandoned? I think we'll never know the answer, but it does make you wonder. Okay, maybe not you, but it certainly does for me.

Speaking of creepy, years ago, the law firm I was working for, wanted to see about an extension, or larger work place, in one of the upper floors. We girls were very excited to look at the office, and that's when the creepy came in. The office was left with everything still in place. Coffee cups, papers, office machines and anything else you can think of, was in some kind of a time warp. You know me, I wondered what happened that people didn't pick up such things as coffee cups. Was it a mass exodus, or merely a lay off, time and time again? I'll never know, but it made me sad, knowing that actual people worked in that office. From the looks of it, I assume that everyone left all at the same time, which would account for everything left behind. We didn't take the space, but viewing another person's life, more or less, reminded me of walking over someone's grave. I know, terrible thought.

Going to Baltimore today for our annual "well baby" check-ups. The weather, at the moment, is not ideal for having the top down. But, somehow when the top is up, the car, at least to me, seems claustrophobic. Mind you, I never get that feeling when I'm in other cars. Maybe, it's because when I get in Jeff's car, I want the top down. It's so enjoyable to ride with the wind in your face. I, always bring a comb, because once you've reached your destination, your hair (not Jeff's, because he doesn't have any) is a mess! I may not be very vain, but I don't want to go anywhere with my hair all jumbled up.

I checked up on national holidays, and here's what you can celebrate, if you wish.

National Frog Jumping Day, National Fruit
Cocktail Day, as well as Crouton Day. See, you have many things you can celebrate today. Luckily for me, I do have fruit cocktail and croutons in the pantry!

 Happy Monday everyone.   

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day


The day is upon us. Women of all ages, whether they are moms, grand moms, or daughters, etc. know that this is their day. In theory, they are celebrated in many different ways: dinner out, jewelry, chocolate, flowers and more.

Since I don't want or need any of those things. I asked Jeff for a TV tray. People of a certain age will remember these trays as being made of tin or a similar material. Generally sold in packages of four and had a stand to hold all of the trays when not in use.  Jeff and I once had these trays. Where they went, is anybody's guess. Likely, at some point merely tossed out.

Yesterday, while Jeff and his sidekick Bella were out and about, I asked for a tv tray. The one that Jeff bought me bears no real resemblance to the trays of our younger days. If my memory serves me right, I think these trays were meant to hold "tv dinners". I actually can't remember why we had these trays, and what we used them for! Old age memory is such fun.
Image result for picture of vintage tv tray
 For this Mother's Day, and Jeff has always purported that I'm not his mother, I asked for only one thing - okay make that two things: a tv tray (just one) and I would like to have an ice cream cone from McDonald's this afternoon.  I have already sent Stacey and Wendy Mother Day cards, but I posted on Facebook this morning, happy wishes to both of them.

Some history, and I know you knew that this was coming. Mother's Day started in 1908 by Anna Jarvis, after she held a memorial service for her mother. It became a "holiday" in 1914. And, Hallmark started making these special cards in the 20's.  In the end, Anna Jarvis actually hated this special day, because of the commercialization. Boy, if she could see us know. Statistics show that people, on average, spend about $196.00 celebrating Mom. So, buying an ice cream cone, which is not very expensive, will be a luxury for me. Oh, and Bella likes the ice cream too, but she becomes a bit of a hog!

And, today, isn't filled with sunshine. We've got rain (again) and frankly Scarlett, I'm tired of it. Of course, before the rain comes, is a good time to throw some seed out.

Here's a wonderful picture of a bouquet.
Image result for picture of flowers 


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...