Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Just Stiff


It's not raining outside, which is a plus for all of us depressed folks. Since I can't always be outside, I use my "SAD" light every day. Apparently, my brain doesn't know the difference between real sunshine and fake sun.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see our doctor for our "well baby" office visits. We are absolutely super, duper happy with this doctor. She is calm, when we're (me) not. She was impressed with my weight loss, and encouraged me to continue doing what I've been doing. And, I intend to do so. 

Our complaints were typical: bones creaking and groaning, as well as suggesting some tweaks to our exercise (me - none) program as well as talking to me about some memory reminders. Over the weekend, Jeff wanted me to remind him that he needed to buy garlic and peas. While he was out shopping, I said these words over and over again. I sounded like a broken record, or parrot, saying garlic and peas, over and over again. However, several days later, I can still remember garlic and peas. Did we watch a particular tv show? I don't remember. Some times this can be good, but most of the time, it's a real pain in the a**. Unfortunately, for Jeff he has to live with someone with memory issues, and I hate, but do it anyway ask about all the things that are going on in our lives.

When you go to Hopkins in Baltimore, you almost need to pack a lunch. Just kidding - sort of. Jeff and I in particular, leave our doctor appointments exhausted. Don't exactly know why, but it just is. Of course, Bella was again a very well-behaved dog. To watch her in her working mode (vest on), she doesn't allow anything or anyone to bother her. She is laser focused on the job at hand. Because she is such a pretty job, on occasion, we have had to tell people they can't pet her. Once home and the vest is off, she becomes just a dog.

This week, I go back to the surgeon to have my stitches removed, and to see if I can stop wearing the sling. Hate the sling. It's darn tough to get dressed, using just one arm!

Running late, as usual. See you tomorrow.



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