Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mother's Day


In case you're wondering, and you're probably not, I "passed" my memory tests yesterday. I'm supposed to get a Cat Scan of my brain, and that should be interesting. So, I guess while I'm old, most of my memory is in tact. Good news.

Here's a reminder, Mother's Day is this Sunday. I know, even without going, that the stores are filled with cards, candy, flowers and perhaps jewelry, as well as anything else that remotely lets your Mother how much you love her. I have already, and if nothing else, I'm timely, so have already sent cards to both Wendy and Stacey. Jeff believes, and he's right, that I'm not his mother. What would be nice though, is to go out and have steak, on any day besides Sunday! 


And, you know me, I have to research just about everything I blog about. Mother's Day is no different. So, here are some of the facts: The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the worship of mythological gods and paganism. People in ancient Greece would hold annual celebrations in the spring in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. As a part of the celebration, people would make offerings of honey-cakes, fine drinks, and flowers at dawn.

The Romans also had a mother of all gods that they worship. Her name was Magna Mater meaning “Great Mother”. They built a temple for her in Rome, and every March, there was a celebration in her honor called the Festival of Hilaria. Gifts were brought to the temple to please the powerful mother-goddess.

In the present, our day, Mother’s Day is one of the most profitable holidays in the world. (Really?). Flower shops, gift shops and other retailers generate billions and  of dollars every year from people who buy gifts for their mothers on Mother’s Day.

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), “the average person will spend about $140 for Mother’s Day, meaning the total spending will reach about $16 billion.” Even more, according to The History Channel, more phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. So the telecommunications industry is cashing in too!

People, who don't celebrate Mother's Day feel that why choose only one day of the year to make your Mom feel special. Why choose just one day of the year to call her?”They also ask, “Why celebrate a holiday that originated with the worship to mythological gods?” They even question why someone would support a holiday that really has nothing to do with one’s mom, but more to do with  wanting to cash in.

Jeff tells me each year, that I'm not his mother. What I think I'd like this Sunday (actually Saturday - less crowded) is to go out and enjoy a steak. We don't have steak at home, and having steak in a restaurant is my kind of heaven.

And, if you wait until Monday, for instance, everything Mother related will be on sale! Kind of like, after Christmas you can stock up on wrapping paper, cards and the like. I don't do this, because frankly I don't want to have to find a home for these things.


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