Monday, May 6, 2019

Activity for today


The really big activity for today, will be taking care of Benjamin overnight. Luckily, I'm feeling pretty good today, and that maybe in part by sleeping in the bed last night. The recliner is only good for so many days, and by last night, felt I had reached my personal maximum time. 

Benjamin will stay the night, and Stacey will pick him up tomorrow. Since my ability to do physical things is somewhat limited (and, of course, this is nothing new), perhaps Benjamin and I can play a card game. Or, watch children's movies. I have a high tolerance for "pain" (watching these movies) and an infinite amount of patience.

Oh, and the news today. Megan Markle has finally had her baby - a boy. And, yes, he could be the heir to the throne, but that's truly a long shot. 

Other news that caught my attention was the Kentucky Derby. I don't follow horse racing, and never did. But, amid the controversy about which horse was the actual winner, has gotten my attention. Did the right horse win? Or, was there some kind of foul play on the racetrack. Obviously, if you're the owner of a horse, you want your horse to win. Who wouldn't. But, even if your horse is not a winner, not all is lost. A horse called Tapit has a stud fee of $300,000 and has bred up to 125 horses.  That's a lot of money to the horse owner, so let's not feel too bad about horses that lose. 

After doing some research, gotta love the Internet, the average age of a race horse is between 6 and 7.  Horses can live from 25 to 30 years. We would all like to think that the horse who can no longer compete, finish out his days in a field of grass. But, to my surprise, that is generally not the case. Approximately 80,000 horses are trucked over borders to be slaughtered for human consumption. This means that the horses are not treated in a humane way. And, I would not knowingly eat horse meat. 

One of the fastest and most humane way to kill a horse, is to be shot in the brain. Doing it this way, means that all pain stops immediately for the horse. I strongly believe that if you have to put a horse down, at least do it quickly and with as little pain as possible.

For now, I'll get off my soap box, and begin being productive - okay, I'll try to be productive!


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