Friday, May 31, 2019



First, a correction in yesterday's blog. It should have read "The Tree Men Gothe" (sp).

It's a beautiful day outside, definitely top down weather, but I don't think Jeff and I have any place to go. Bummer.

Mission for the day: clean up my closets (ugh). Put away the fall/winter clothes, and obviously, bring out the spring/summer things. My recent weight loss, will allow me to fit in clothes that I had considered donating. 

Women, including myself (obviously) can look in their closets, and with a straight face, tell your hubby, that you have nothing to wear! And, we women actually believe that to be true.

However, when you have made piles of clothes to put away for now, um it's kind of a large pile. (Don't tell Jeff)!! It's a daunting task, which is probably why I'm having so much trouble completing the job. Getting rid of most of my "go to work" clothes, is super easy. Since I'm home 99.9% of the time, I really only need one pair of "good" pants and a few tops. Even knowing this, I am still hesitant to give those work clothes the heave-ho (donate). It's not like I'm going to join the work force now, and the two volunteer jobs, were both a disaster. 

Apparently, in order to work in an office, you must be able to remember things, and I can't. My memory since 2013 has been in shreds, at least for the current things. I am going to have a brain scan to see if there's anything in there. Good or bad, I want the results.  Is my brain just old, or has it been damaged, probably due to the many ECT treatments I have had.

Jeff is a fairly patient man, but my inability to hang on to the simplest things, does try his patience. I know that I ask him the same question over and over again, and I do try to remember, but unfortunately most times I just can't. Both of us are affected: Jeff, because he has to constantly tell me things again and again; and me, for not having the ability to remember stuff. Trust me, I'm not on purpose trying to tick Jeff off just because that might be fun. Nope, my brain simply can't recall things. Television shows or movies that I've already seen, I believe I've never seen them before. In fact, I'm doing good just to remember the name of those movies and shows. Those kind of things just doesn't stick in my memory bank.

Without a calculator, I have trouble remembering how long Jeff and I have been married, as well as the ages of the boys, (sigh).

Since it's a beautiful day, my rollator and I, might go for a few loops around the circle. After "exercising", which most people would not think is really exercising, I park my rollator in the driveway, and just sit there, soaking up the sun.

Sorry to carry on so much. Sometimes, you just have to let stuff out. Since I can't see you, blogs such as this, tends to be cathartic for me. 

Before I leave, I will provide you with some more information about "holidays" occurring today. It's macaroon day (I love those cookies) as well as no tobacco day.

Have a good weekend.


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