Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Why Don't We Use this Stuff?


My house. and likely yours as well, is filled mostly (but not like a hoarder) with stuff. I find  pleasure in buying things, but letting go is difficult and almost impossible for Jeff. Just stating the facts!

We should, but don't empty out those "junk" drawers in the kitchen. The things inside those drawers would/could be useful, if we could find things that no longer matter, and likely never did. Otherwise, they wouldn't have ended up in the junk drawer. There are glasses, which are no longer useful. And, why do I hang onto those glasses? Do I really believe that I would ever use them? Nope, not a chance. At Costco, they will take your old glasses for charity. And, knowing all of this, still haven't actually pulled the trigger to do so. 

Coffee cups. Really, how many do you really need. Jeff has a cup that he uses everyday, and will not allow washing it. Something about taking away his soul! In one pull out drawer, I have a large number of cups, that I simply don't need. We don't get a lot of company, so there is no need for me to keep a dozen or so cups. My brain screams let them go. And, yet I don't. I don't even have a good reason to keep them.  I bought and love my double insulated coffee cups. Wish I had thought of them sooner!

Closets are an irritant some of the time, when you reach into your closet to get something, and that something doesn't fit! I'm certainly not talking about clothes that are too big, nope, it's clothes that are too small. My hope, as well as yours, that someday I'll be able to wear a smaller size. I've been dieting like mad, and can finally fit into some, not all of my clothes. What I should do, is to take clothes that either don't fit, or I simply don't like, and donate them. But, I simply do that. Is there a woman gene that keeps us filling up closets. For example, in my hope chest, is my wedding dress, that is 40 plus years old. It's not like anybody in my family (I only have sons) will ever wear this beautiful dress. I cling to it, because it recalls a lovely day in my past. Can I fit into it? Um, no. Will I ever be able to wear it? And, if I could, what venue would be appropriate to do so.

Lastly, there are pens. Why in the world, do we keep pens that are out of ink? Do we really believe that magically overnight, the pen will work again?
On my desk right now, I have four pens that simply don't work, and yet I haven't thrown them out. I have no reasonable or unreasonable excuse to do so.

When you have time, have a gander at your junk drawers, and expect to be really surprised what is inside.

 From this to that!

 Image result for picture of overflowing junk drawer
Image result for picture of overflowing junk drawer


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