Thursday, May 23, 2019

Getting My Butt In Shape!


Yes, you heard, I mean read, that I'm going to try and get myself in shape. I don't mean a rock hard body building shape, just a person who can learn how to get off the floor when she (me) falls. And, unfortunately, this happens a lot. Growing old sucks.

For several years, I have lived with some kind of "itis" in my hip. There's no reason to label it, it just is. Hip pain can really slow an old lady down, and it has. Walking isn't much fun, so I do as little of that as I can! I know, not healthy.

I won't bore you will the many things that are, at this time, physically challenging me. Jeff and I decided that a personal trainer would be good for me. I don't want to go to a gym and watch lithe people exercise. Of course, not to mention that in order to see these people, you would actually have to go to the gym. Talk about procrastination! I have a ton of excuses why I don't go a gym. Im. lazy comes to mind.

Jeff and I have found a trainer, who comes to the house to work with me. Tonight is an evaluation of my body. This should be interesting, since I basically hurt everywhere. I have several goals I would like to achieve, one being, my ability to get inside the airplane, and other dreams of going on vacation, like Hawaii.

Since we're paying by the hour, I don't want to waste my time and money on not really trying to get physically better. I hope I don't get an "F" after tonight's evaluation. Keep your fingers crossed for me please.

So, core strength I'm coming after you. While my continuing diet has been, and still is, very successful, I'm still very unstable, and always just one step from falling down.


 Image result for cartoon picture of old woman exercising

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