Friday, May 17, 2019

Backyard Re-Do


Over time, and not a lot of knowledge about trees that do well in Maryland. When we first moved here 30+ years ago, one of the first things we wanted to do was to plant some kind of privacy.

While not a big thing, my very large kitchen window is directly opposite of the neighbor's. I guess, and perhaps coming from California, I/we wanted privacy. And we thought that Leland Cypress trees was the answer. It was, until it wasn't, which is now. We really didn't know that this tree should have the top cut off at some point in it's growing. The trees grow quite large, but they are shallow rooted. 

This year, we are cutting down most of the cypress trees, which are already dead or in the process of dying. When they die, they turn into some kind of orange color, and it's so not attractive.

Again, first timers here, we planted some of these trees on our property line, not realizing the height of this tree. And, like before, didn't ever thing about pruning! Many years later, it's time to cut these trees down. Enter landscaping company. 

Here's what I'm not doing when putting in new plants. Plant nothing, on the fence line. Ever.  How I long for the cement walls in California. That type of wall makes for very good neighbors.

Our HOA only allows 4 foot fences. And, while Daisy was a puppy, she managed to jump into the neighbor's yard nearly every day. Fast forward to today, and she is much bigger, and definitely weighs more. No more hopping over the fence. This is a good thing.

Okay, so once several of our cypress trees are cut down, then the next decision is what to put in their place. The fence at the far end of our property doesn't abut with anybody, and putting in plants on a fence line, is so not going to happen.

I have researched, of course I have, and found several trees (need to be pruned at some point) and/or bushes for the backyard. When the landscaper comes out, I want his feedback on some plants that I think will be nice in the yard. Another Burning Bush put in the yard. I have also found a Ginko tree, which has beautiful yellow flowers. Could be contenders. 

In the end, while we don't go out in the backyard very much, we do like and/or want some level of privacy. I guess it's the "California" in us.

I suppose, we could plant "fake" plants near one neighbor. Fake plants don't grow and only need to be "watered" once in awhile. But, frankly Scarlett, I don't really give a damn about just planting things for our neighbor's benefit.

This is a picture of a mature Ginko tree, and I think it's beautiful. Perhaps, next time I blog, I will have settled on things to put in the backyard.


Image result for picture of ginkgo tree


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