Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Personal Trainer?


Jeff and I agree that I need/must get my body in better shape. When I fell over the weekend, and knocked my head into the bathtub, I was unable to get myself off the floor. This has become a problem because I now fall frequently. Gads I hate getting old. It has nothing to do with the number, but left alone, the body (mind) begins to deteriorate over time. So, for me, it doesn't seem fair to have physical issues, and you know the other - mental ones!

I have reached out to several personal trainers that will come to the house. I absolutely don't want to go to a gym, and watch the people pressing weights or cycling as if their life depends on it.

If, I don't get my body in better shape, than all my dreams of traveling to Hawaii, and/or taking a cruise will not be possible. A person can only dream so long. And, if I don't get my body in better working condition, the only place I'll be going is to my recliner! You all know, that's not healthy for anyone.

Gotta close, it's lunchtime, and I'm still not dressed. It would be extremely unhealthy to not shower and dress. You may be home, but you don't have to look like a hot mess!



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