Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Tree Man Cometh!


Jeff arranged in April, with our landscaping company to take down dead trees.  Okay, it's nearly June and we have been the picture of patience (most of the time). Yesterday, Jeff was promised that the tree men would come to the house today.

I'm very excited because I have always enjoyed watching people do work around the house. I will make sure that I have a front row seat, as tree after tree is cut down. Pretty much everything in our yard is 30+ years old. And, eventually some of the bushes and trees that you planted so many years ago, have or are in the process of dying. When we planted many Leland Cypress trees in 1986, nobody told us that we should top them off at a certain height. As I write today, those trees are very, very tall and a few of them will necessarily, be cut down today. 

Okay fast forward to this afternoon. Tree are gone, stumps drilled out (at least I think they'll do that) and we'll be left with empty spaces. What we have learned over the years, is not to plant anything along the fence line. Reason? Because whatever you planted, will eventually find a way over or through the fence into your neighbor's yard. While this shouldn't, but does, irritate (and that may not be the correct word, but it's close enough) the neighbors. 

To be fair, we recognize the problem with the trees, and they'll come down today. Now, what to do with so much empty space?  I have researched (of course I have), and found several large plants and/or trees that will work well in the backyard. I've even given some thought to planting "fake" bamboo next to the fence. Real bamboo gets out of control really quick, and before you know it, you literally have to pull it up (and Jeff has done this once) by it's roots. Doing this, is an intimidating job, because root "x" is wound around root "y", and they have no desire to be taken out. So, just the mention of bamboo, still gives Jeff chills. 

As I finish up my blog, as promised, the tree guys are here. Let the supervising begin! I know that they will really appreciate my input!! (joke of course).

And to top it all off, Ada comes today to clean. She won't be able to clean in the sitting room, because I have piles of clothes on the floor. Some destined to be put away for the summer, while other pieces need to be put in use! Where is Marie Kondo when I need her? Marie, comes to your house, and you have to pull out all your clothes, books, etc. Her theory is that if a piece of clothing or a book no longer gives you joy, then it's time to donate them. I personally have never thought of any of my clothes bringing me joy, other than perhaps my wedding dress. There is no eartly reason to keep the dress, since I only have boys, but my mother made it for me and while simple in design, was a beautiful dress. Definitely not going into any donate pile, as long as I'm still breathing!


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