Friday, May 3, 2019

Here I Am!!


Hey, everybody I'm back. I survived surgery (duh) and spent Wednesday when I got home, in my recliner falling in and out of sleep. Sleep is a good thing.

I know you all have had Novocain when you went to the dentist. Now, imagine having your entire arm numb. What a mess. I absolutely had no feelings in my hand, and if taken out of the sling, since my entire arm was numb, my arm just flopped around by my side. Very frustrating. 

The nerve block lasted both Wednesday and Thursday. Ever tried to "attempt" to button or snap a dress, with only one hand? The left hand was useless. Since my fingers were numb, I couldn't trust those fingers to do anything. And, sense my expectations were low, I wasn't disappointed.

But, it's a new day - Friday. Had physical therapy last night, with the trainer doing basically all of the work for me. I'm to take the sling off today, so I can do pendulum swings and other exercises with my left arm. I'm so happy that my fingers are mostly "back". While it's just one step into recovery, but everybody has to start somewhere.

The staff at the surgery center told me that eventually the nerve block in my arm, is going to stop working. Hence, the pills that the doctor has ordered. They warned me to keep ahead of the pain. And, I will likely do that, when and if I have pain. I think it's unlikely that I will never have any pain in the arm in my immediate future. 

If you had told me last year, before I fell, that these many months later, I'm still "futzing" with this stupid shoulder. 

Today, I feel more "normal", which is a word that almost never applies to me! Now, if I could just shower and wash my hair, my world would be complete. I don't know how you men feel about showering and washing your hair, but I do know that women consider these two things as right up there at the top. I know I do.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend.



1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing so well! Even able to blog! Take care, love, Ruthie


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